
A Great Adventure

Sarah Hamilton

So in the Months since the Great Discovery, I have been sharing every now and then some of my thoughts. After much thought, I have decided to do a blog like thing here, on Archinect, so that those who wish can be entertained, can comment, and just laugh at my crazy life.

Plus, I don’t much see the point of creating a real blog in the blogosphere for a “short” nine months.

Jul 11, 07 8:50 pm
Sarah Hamilton

So far in this experiment, I have learned that if I eat, even though I am not hungry, I am less nauseous. So, since learning this, I have changed from eating hardly ever to eating every half hour to an hour. Now, even though I FEEL like a pig, since I am eating very small amounts at each feeding, I am actually not gaining weight, and my over all intake is probably about the same as before. I suppose that I should not be worried about such things, but It’s MY body, and I want it back when this kid is finished with it. The good news is that I feel sick less often, and I have a feeling of control, even if its just in my head.

The down side of this adventure is that I seem to have extremely low blood pressure which causes me to feel dizzy and drunk. I suppose this could be seen as a positive being that I can no longer get that drunk and dizzy feeling from alcohol. But, it also makes it difficult to drive, like that point after you’ve past ‘fun’ drunk and soared straight into ‘just about to pass out’ and ‘listless’ drunk. Guess it makes for a great excuse if I get pulled over, but it’s probably more dangerous than good excuse.

So, my Second Dr.’s appointment is tomorrow, and the thing I am scared about most is that when he uses that special mic to hear the baby’s heart beat, that the whole room will instead be filled with the gastro-intestinal rumblings of my insides.

I will let you know what happens, and just how loud they are.

Jul 11, 07 8:53 pm  · 
vado retro

It might be fun to have a kid that I could kick around
a little me to fill up with my thoughts
A little me or he or she to fill up with my dreams
a way of saying life is not a loss

I'd keep the tyke away from school and tutor him myself
keep him from the poison of the crowd
But then again pristine isolation might not be the best idea
it's not good trying to immortalize yourself

Beginning of a great adventure
Beginning of a great adventure

Why stop at one, I might have ten, a regular TV brood
I'd breed a little liberal army in the wood
Just like these redneck lunatics I see at the local bar
with their tribe of mutant inbred piglets with cloven hooves

I'd teach 'em how to plant a bomb, start a fire, play guitar
and if they catch a hunter, shoot him in the nuts
I'd try to be as progressive as I could possibly be
as long as I don't have to try too much

Beginning of a great adventure
Beginning of a great adventure

Susie, Jesus, Bogart, Sam, Leslie, Jill and Jeff
Rita, Winny, Andy, Fran and Jet
Boris, Bono, Lucy, Ethel, Bunny, Reg and Tom
that's a lot of names to try not to forget

Carrie, Marlon, Mo and Steve, La Rue and Jerry Lee
Eggplant, Rufus, Dummy, Star and The Glob
I'd need a damn computer to keep track of all these names
I hope this baby thing don't go too far

I hope it's true what my wife said to me
I hope it's true what my wife said to me, hey
I hope it's true what my wife said to me

She says, "Baby, it's the beginning of a great adventure"
"Babe, beginning of a great adventure"
take a look

It might be fun to have a kid that I could kick around
create in my own image like a god
I'd raise my own pallbearers to carry me to my grave
and keep me company when I'm a wizened toothless clod

Some gibbering old fool sitting all alone drooling on his shirt
some senile old fart playing in the dirt
It might be fun to have a kid I could pass something on to
something better than rage, pain, anger and hurt

I hope it's true what my wife said to me
I hope it's true what my wife said to me
I hope it's true what my wife said to me
She says, "Lou, it's the beginning of a great adventure"
"Lou, Lou, Lou, beginning of a great adventure"
She says, "babe, how you call your lover boy"
"Sylvia, quite you call your lover man"

Jul 11, 07 8:58 pm  · 

this'll be fun!

Jul 11, 07 9:23 pm  · 

This will be a learning experience for many of us....thanks, Sarah ;o)

Jul 11, 07 9:36 pm  · 
some person

Good idea, Sarah. I hope that you'll focus on what it's like to be an expecting architect.

Whenever a woman at any firm I've worked at has been pregnant, it was understood that all other female eyes were on her to observe how she would respond to the situation, and especially if she was able to return to work and a typical work schedule.

I've only seen one return-to-work success story, which gives me a little bit of hope.

Jul 11, 07 9:58 pm  · 
vado retro

you know who would be a great daddy?

me. thazz who...

Jul 11, 07 10:05 pm  · 
some person

Are those lb's and Steven Ward's kids?

Jul 11, 07 10:13 pm  · 
vado retro

thats payton and layla and me havin hot chocolate!

Jul 11, 07 10:19 pm  · 
liberty bell

vado really would be an excellent father.

Graphic pregnancy girl talk below, beware the squeamish!!


Sarah, you're describing pretty much exactly how I felt. Low blood sugar, and I ate saltines, bagels, and other dry bready things, a few bites about every half hour, to keep the nausea down. (my sister craved Chips Ahoy and ate exclusively them and wasabi cucumber rolls (no raw fish) during her third pregnancy - go with whatever sounds good to you, it is important that you get SOME calories in, no matter what form they might take. Even eating pringles is better than eating nothing!) Also, lots and lots of fizzy water (which I drink all the time anyway).

Get over right now any fear about bodily activity in your doctor's presence. They are used to it and it is totally uncontrollable. (And get really good at peeing into a cup as you will do it at every single doctor visit!) Wait til labor, you won't give a flying f*ck about what your body is doing and believe me it will be doing all kinds of embarassing things! You need to just laugh at them and know they will be over and your body will be your "own" again, mostly, pretty soon - or at least eventually.

OK, graphic stuff over.

As for being a pregnant architect: I always have dressed professionally, and I have never felt more powerful than I did dressed in a suit and visibly pregnant, especially walking on a job site!

Hearing that heartbeat is going to make your universe expand. It's awesome.

Jul 11, 07 10:50 pm  · 


I am completely mesmorized by pregnancy so I am looking forward to this thread.

Have you made the announcement to your family and in-laws? I'm sorry if that info was posted earlier and I missed it. I tried to find that thread and haven't had any luck in my half-ass attempt.

Jul 11, 07 11:32 pm  · 

we need a due date so we can synchronize our calendars!!!

my wife got totally pissed when strangers thought they could touch her just because she was pregnant. and she let them know it.

Jul 12, 07 7:15 am  · 
vado retro

yeah, sorry about that mrs. steven. won't happen again.

Jul 12, 07 7:33 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Ok, in reverse order....

We're looking like the end of February early March, sometime around then. Funny because when we were setting a wedding date, I felt like February 22 was important, but He didn't want to wait another 7 months after waiting the 5 years I was away in school, so I settled with July 22. Maybe my instincts were telling me February was important for this reason.

No we haven't told ANYONE save for you guys, feel special, and one coworker each. My coworker because I asked his wife if she was pissed when she found out, she was about my age, and in architecture school, I thankfully finished that. His coworker because he was away at a race, and in the van to the hotel with him when I called crying histerically about the news. This guy had kids and could just tell.

We are waiting till five months to tell family, and work, mostly because I don't want to deal with their annoying excitement, and because his sister just had her first, and only kid at 31, and she wasn't suppose to have kids, and I didn't want to take away from her, its a very complicated situation, suffice it to say shes CRAZY!!

What I am going to do when we tell them, is send a home made card, all done out in illustrator, with mug shots of my many moods, and then a full shot of my shape, whatever it may be. My fingers are crossed that its NOT fat and dumpy. THen on the front the sonogram. Figure that shold say enough, and I will send it by mail!

Jul 12, 07 7:42 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

After driving into work, and pondering the previous post further, I felt I should mention that I am using the sonogram more as a graphic thing, than a 'look at my kid' thing. Actually, I don't even care right now if its my sonogram or someone elses I steal from the net. Guess the parents would care though, so I shouldn't say anything. I like the idea of a sonogram telegram sort of thing, but figured I should do more than just write on the back like a post card. They're probably going to be mad at me anyway for keeping this from them for so long.

Jul 12, 07 8:52 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Actually, I think some people suspect already. Like a guy at work who has 4 young kids, he looks at me wth a funny smile, but maybe I am just paranoid. And I think my dad knows, but is giving me space to tell him. We are a "family of faith" and he talks to God a lot, so I think maybe He let the cat out of the bag. But lucky for me, I don't have to see any family or close friends often since they all live at least 2.5 hours away.

But the constant crackling of the saltine wrapper is bound to give it away at work. I will just tell them I'm a nervous eater.

Jul 12, 07 10:20 am  · 
liberty bell

Yeah, Sarah, anyone at work who has been pregnant or been married to a pregnant person will probably know, just by your snacking and moodiness. If they are smart and decent, they will let you have your space to tell them when you are ready.

I vividly remember feeling that first kick while sitting at my desk CAD-monkeying, around month 5. Also my sister and I both gained a good 45 pounds and lost it all. (Though now that I'm not a pedestrian commuter anymore I have gained about 10 pounds that I need to lose, it has nothing to do with having birthed a child.)

No stranger ever touched my tummy. I must have looked too threatening, or maybe people just don't touch each other much in downtown Philly.

Jul 12, 07 10:35 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I haven't been too moody actually. I was at first cause I was annoyed anc angry that it happened in the first place, but once I got over that I was better. With the exception of a guy at work that I HATE, and thats a strong word, but its true. Every little thing he does, says, ect. gets on my nerves, and I spew flames and acid at him constantly, if only in my mind. But I was like that BEFORE the Discovery, it had only gotten strangly worse about a week before I took The Test.

And I did wake up in a seriously venomous mood one day for no reason, oh wait, Husband was breathing loudly, but then he got up, dressed, made the bed, and his breakfast and lunch all before I got out of the shower, and that made me madder/sad and I cried. I had been plotting to really scowl at him when I got out of the shower and he was still in bed, but I couldn't cause he wasn't there. Oh, I make him breakfast, and his lunch every morning, just so you see there was something amiss.

Jul 12, 07 11:12 am  · 
le bossman

the most difficult thing for me when i was pregnant was the baby kicking and screaming all the time. everyone in the studio could hear the echos and it nearly cost me my job. it got to a point where i began keeping a wire coat hanger in my desk just in case.

incidentally, everyone wanted to sign my bloated abdomen. it took for ever to get all that sharpie ink out of my stretch marks. it was hard getting that 25lb conjoined fetus through the birth canal.

well, back to work to save money for rocky/delilia's college

Jul 12, 07 11:14 am  · 

hey sarah, do you think that the whole pregnancy and hormones thing has anything to do with you not liking my new boots???


Jul 12, 07 1:01 pm  · 

oh... and February 22nd is my birthday!!!

Jul 12, 07 1:01 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Um...sure phil, if it makes you feel better. I am just REALLY picky about shoes.

Jul 12, 07 1:06 pm  · 


You should look into some pre-natal yoga classes if possibe. Where are you located again??? I could ask some of my yoga teachers if they know of any good teachers in your area

Jul 12, 07 1:20 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I'm in Dallas. I'm sure there are tons near where I work. In fact, the "Cosmic Cafe" is supose to be the BEST veggitarian food in the state, and Owen Wilson is said to eat there when in town, and its directly infront of my back of the building window. Their chanting can get loud. But the food was good, I tried it as an adventure once.

Jul 12, 07 1:29 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Well thats helpful. It doesnt taste like campari does it, that stuff is terrible.

Jul 12, 07 1:30 pm  · 


you should start putting bitter's in Mies's cure her farts and all

Jul 12, 07 1:32 pm  · 
liberty bell

I second the bitters. And a SIP of beer now and then (not a gulp, and not every day) won't hurt you either, and does settle nausea, plus give you this harmless sense of being bad, which many pregnant women need to feel every now and then.

Also, tea brewed from fennel seeds. Yum. I actually used this after giving birth, for breastfeeding.

Jul 12, 07 1:38 pm  · 

mmmmm, fennel!


If you do try yoga, see if you can find an Anusara studio

whatever you do, DONT DO BIKRAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It is dangerous to begin with and am sure not too good for pregnant women

Jul 12, 07 1:41 pm  · 
le bossman

compari is amazing. you guys are retarded. i downed that stuff by the gallon when i was pregnant.

Jul 12, 07 1:42 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Your offspring was also conjoined and 25lbs.

Is that the one done in high heat?

And I plan to drink wine. Having a glass on our anniversary in a week or so that we brought back from our Roman honeymoon. I can't believe we didn't even make it a year kidless.

Jul 12, 07 1:49 pm  · 
liberty bell

Hahaha perfect response, Sarah! bossman you crack me up, too.

Jul 12, 07 1:52 pm  · 


yes, Bikram is done in heated room. Basically it heats your body up more that it should be, making you more flexible than you really are. People end up getting hurt because they push their bodies farther than they should and end up pulling muscles etc...

Also, they are very militaristic and dont let you drink water in class (which is STUPID)

In the yoga world, Bikram isnt taken too seriously

Jul 12, 07 1:55 pm  · 
liberty bell

Bikram sounds stupid.

Overheating is NOT good for pregnant women.

Jul 12, 07 2:05 pm  · 

Birkram is stupid...I'm sorry to be bashing it, but it is not good for you. For anyone out there thinking about doing it, dont

Jul 12, 07 2:07 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

From what I've heard, overheating isn't even an option as that you get soo Uncomfortable that you remove yourself before damage is done.

I can't even stand to be outside right now with our 99% humidity and 98 degree temps.

Jul 12, 07 2:08 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Ok, so I leave for my appointment in half an hour, and I can't decide if I'm nauseous, gassy, or just nervous. I know I have issues, but part of me is afraid that I'm going to get there, and hes going to be all "You're not pregnant, why are you here?" Even though I've been before, and both the stick and blood tests were positive, I'm still afraid I'm going to look like an idiot and not be. Its completely crazy and illogical, I know, but Its the Thought I'm entertaining most.

Jul 12, 07 3:51 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Ok, so I went to the doctor and I am possitively pregnant, although I will probably have the same crazy notion that I am not, but its some cruel joke before the next appointment.

I asked the doc lots of questions, and I gained 2 lbs since I was last in, but I was wearing healed boots today where as last time I was wearing my Puma driving shoes, so I will attribute it to that. The doctor did a sonogram, and printed it out. I am creating a white blob inside of a black blob, woohoo! Turns out theres a yoke sack, and other membranes not unlike a actual chicken egg, which is pretty remarkable I think. Still not sure why he printed out the image, but ok, just something to file I suppose. Oh and they took lots of blood, which I hate cause I hate needles, and it is VERY painful for me. Not in the "Oh you're just a whimp" sense, but apparently I was made with my tendons too close to my veins for comfort, and I guess tendons have nerve fields or something to make them HURT! SO yeah, like 6 viles of blood got pumped out of me. It was redder than I imagined it would be. They say they are testing for HIV, rubella, hepatitus, other serious diseases, and blood type. I think it will be cool to know the blood type, I think its either O+ or O-, guess that makes me special, and I should really give blood to people, but then theres that whole pain thing.

So, the craziest part of the visit is that he posted a "due" date, an official one, and it was .....dunh duh duh DUNH!!!! February 22. Crazy right? I know you aren't suppose to hold those dates fast, but the fact that I mentioned it BEFORE, and then thats what he comes up with, well thats just crazy.

So any questions?

Jul 12, 07 7:31 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

oh goodness, really? wow, I'm honored to be the impetus for a betting pool.

Jul 12, 07 8:04 pm  · 
vado retro

when i think babies, i think ChEr!

Jul 12, 07 8:22 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Vado thats funny. I had that song stuck in my head for weeks after the Discovery. Husband and I argue about whether its country (female/non cher version) or southern rock (male version).

I want and KNOW I'm having a boy, so that was the realisation I was coming to "think I'm gonna have a son" and being an Architect - uralintern, I definately don't have money. I always likd that song though. I wish I had been that happy about this whole thing, maybe a switch will flip at some point and I will be happy/euphoric like the women on the covers of the books.

Jul 12, 07 8:29 pm  · 

Sarah the way you write "Architect - uralintern" confuses the hell out of me. Every time I see it I do a double take, and I'm like, "what's a 'uralintern'" and then I figure it out. I do appreciate the distinction though. You should print that on a card :o)

Jul 12, 07 8:54 pm  · 
some person

damnit. I almost Googled uralintern.

...I'm such a flake sometimes.

Jul 12, 07 9:21 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

So there has been a new developement in the last half hour. I have what feels like a butt cramp, but it also feels like when you pop something out of socket. Its painful. My only guess is that my hips are starting to spread, yippy. So I guess I will no longer have my youthful boyish figure. I saw in a book once how the hips spread, and its like a book. Imagine a piano hinge in the back center of the hip bone, and open. Wow, I just used "piano hinge" to reference anatomy, bet you can't guess my proffession.

Jul 13, 07 12:46 pm  · 
liberty bell

A new day, a new pain...that's pregnancy. Usually in a part of your body you have never even considered before.

"Butt cramp" cracked me up. Yes, your hip sockets are pushing outwards. Soon the child will start to use your stomach, liver, and (best of all) bladder as punching bags. And your intestines will start crushing up into your ribcage - oh my god, I loved being pregnant!!!

There was an amazing animation online during my pregnancy...let me see if I can find it....

Jul 13, 07 1:34 pm  · 


sit on the ground and place the soles of your feet together..try to bring your knees to the ground while slowly brining your feet closer to your body

this will open your hips

Jul 13, 07 1:43 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

While I'm not sure how long my pants and inner thigh joints can take this, it does take the pressure off the tail bone region. Thanks Mdler!

People are going to wonder why Im sitting like this in my chair.

Jul 13, 07 1:46 pm  · 
liberty bell

I'm pretty sure it's the animation shown here, on the left, but I can't make it work on my machine, I think because I'm using Firefox and Shockwave doesn't want to install with Firefox? So I'm not sure if that's the one, but the mini version I linked to appears to be the one I loved during my pregnancy.

My best friend - who both conceived and gave birth one week ahead of me - did yoga right up to labor, and she managed it great. no drugs for her during labor, either. I think yoga is wonderful for pregnant bodies, thanks for being so helpful with it mdler!

Jul 13, 07 2:07 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

LB, I will check it out when I get home. I still haven't told people I work with, and I have the most unfortunate position in the firm where my screen faces EVERYBODY.

Jul 13, 07 2:13 pm  · 

open thighs got you into this in the first place....

Jul 13, 07 2:23 pm  · 
liberty bell

mdler...always lovable, yet always frustrating.

Jul 13, 07 2:40 pm  · 

the funny thing about hips is that this is the area where we store most of our emotions (I know it sounds weird, but it is true). In yoga, when you do hip opening exercises, many people have strong emotions arise

Jul 13, 07 5:23 pm  · 

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