
A Great Adventure


[bragging] we've flown from louisville to maui twice, once when our oldest was only a few months old and again when she was about 1 1/2. both times she was the point that people came up and told us after the flight.[/bragging]

Jul 19, 07 10:36 pm  · 

when i was a kid i could never remember my parents EVER taking me or my sibs to a toy store. we always waited with baited breath the glowing Sears christmas catalog. so image my anger when you go shopping and parents drag their kids up and down the toy aisle in order to bribe their kids with the promise of the g.i. joe or barbie in order to be good....

grow a pair, and set some rules.

your kid doesn't ever need to drink soda, know what a mcD's is or needs to go to toys r yourself and the world...

Jul 20, 07 8:18 am  · 

Steven, you may be gratified to know that when you first posted a comment about going to that concert--I think it was in TC--and mentioned that you had missed the action due to being out in the lobby with the baby, I read your comment off to my boyfriend to prove that some parents today DO know which are appropriate venues for children and which aren't! We used you as a good example, haha.

Jul 20, 07 11:42 am  · 

beta- I think that's the sort of place my anger with those parents comes from as well. As a kid my parents had a policy that if I could not behave myself in public, then I didn't get to go anywhere. And they enforced it. So I become perplexed when I hear a mom threaten her kid "Do you want to go home? We don't have to be here. I could take you home right now!" yet never follow through on the threat.

Jul 20, 07 11:45 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

So I feel like crap this morning. I want some effen orange juice, but we dont get a lunch break today since we get off at 2. And I want a milk shake, and orange milkshake. Not sherbert, but a simple frozen cream with chunks of oranges in it. Where the hell am I going to find that?! This blows. How did my mom go through this 4 times?

Jul 20, 07 11:49 am  · 

Orange creamsicle, anybody?

Sarah, if the rest of your coworkers don't know you're pregnant already, they'd figure it out pretty quick as soon as things like plain vanilla shakes with chunks of orange in them made it into the office fridge.

Jul 20, 07 12:16 pm  · 

this may help ease the pain....

Jul 20, 07 12:37 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Its not so much as craving right now, its what do I think I could keep down. I feel sick, and food is what makes me feel unsick, but some foods just sound gross.

Jul 20, 07 12:48 pm  · 
Travis Woodward

another ignorant question.

why do you feel sick?

Jul 20, 07 10:48 pm  · 
vado retro

try this take some frozen berries and banana, a scoop of plain yogurt, some soy milk and some protein whey powder and blend it into a delisio smoothie. have em for breakfast, snacks etc. filling and nutrition and tasty.

Jul 20, 07 11:13 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Um...Travis, have you been following the thread? I'm pregnant, and apparently, as part of the cruel joke on Nature's part, you get to feel really crummy for the first three months. Must be so you will be so excited to carry on the human race in the future.

Vado, thanks for the "recipe." I ended up getting a rootbeer float at a local pub, which I got carded for, go figure, and then on sunday got an orange smoothie from a smoothie stand. yumm.

So things I've learned, that they really should print in the silly pregnancy books.

DON'T GO GROCERY SHOPPING ALONE WHILE PREGNANT, or at least without a list. I racked up 60 bucks in frozen pastas, toaster strudels, smoothies, waffles, milk, orange juice, and a mirriad of other frozen foods. It all looked tasty and terrible at the same time.

To explain why this is so strange, I love to cook. It is my only creative outlet, and a huge stress reliever. I havent cooked in two months. I bought perogies and pasta stuffed with mushrooms. I only like Porcini mushrooms because they taste beefy. I haven't had much meat in the past two months, and I'M FROM TEXAS, I LOVE MEAT. I can't wait till this is behind me.

Jul 23, 07 8:36 am  · 

in contrast, my normally not-so-much-meat-eating wife had a fairly regular need of hamburgers and steaks while she was pregnant. and she actually started grocery shopping while pregnant (i usu did it before) because she couldn't wait for some things. she also started doing all of the cooking of dinner (never did before) because she wanted it ON the table when i got home and couldn't wait any longer than that. weirdness.

hope you're nearing the end of this phase.

Jul 23, 07 11:27 am  · 
liberty bell

I craved peanut butter, both while pregnant and for the first several months after birth.

Peanut butter is discouraged, because of potential allergies in the child. But I ate it anyway - loads of it. So far, no problems.

I also ate vanilla ice cram with wheat germ on it, that was a favorite.

And go for the whole fat milk and yogurt - your body needs that fat.

Jul 23, 07 11:34 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I only drink whole milk. I think it tastes better, but thats just me. OHHH is it LUNCH TIME YET?!

Jul 23, 07 12:12 pm  · 

I've been told that I was incubated primarily on hamburgers (had to be Wendy's, none other would suit) and strawberries.

Jul 23, 07 12:38 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Letter to my fetus;

Why are you so mean to me? What gives you the right to say what I can and cannot eat, how I can and cannot sit, what I can and cannot wear? Why do you make me sick, tired, and hungry, all while denying me sleep and food. This is unjust, and I am here to tell you that I will not accept this behavior from any creation of mine. Thats right, I am your creator and its time you listened up. This is MY body, and I intend to eat what I want, relax in any position I want, and wear what I want. Don't think you can take my favour items of clothing from me, I will wear them JUST to spite you. I am the adult, and as such, I get to make the desicions. Get over it. I have been making desicions for 24 years, and I don't intend to let you stop me. So sit back and enjoy your free ride buster, cause once you come out, I'm getting you back.

Jul 23, 07 4:02 pm  · 
I'm getting you back

..sure you are...

Jul 23, 07 4:30 pm  · 
liberty bell

Yeah...Why do you make me sick, tired, and hungry, all while denying me sleep and food

After the kid is born, s/he will also be denying you material goods, adult conversation, free time, and travel, all the while making you constantly question your parenting abilities and very existence as a human.

In other words, enjoy childfree life now!

Jul 23, 07 4:33 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton


Jul 23, 07 4:37 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

So The letter I wrote to my fetus seemed to have worked, a little. I have been less queezey, but.... I have been starving about every 3 hours or so, and I'm getting tired of eating.

To fix this, Husband and I have decided I should try a protien shake before bed so I won't wake up at 1 am with my stomach feasting on itself. This seems like a decent idea, and since I started this little adventure, my protein intake has been staggeringly low; meat in general has been strangley unappealing. Does anyone know if I SHOULDN'T do this, or if it is indeed a good idea, what shakes I should try? I don't want weight gain, just some sort of snack that will fill me up, but I won't have to eat.

Jul 26, 07 10:00 am  · 
liberty bell

Some doctors advise against protein bars and the like as they can deliver a MASSIVE dose of protein all at once that may not be good for the developing fetus - yet may be totally fine. I ate Luna bars during pregnancy, as they aren't actually protein bars, but were a quick convenient shot of what felt like decent-enough nutrition.

My late-night snacks before bed - and yes, I regularly ate a snack right before bed when I was pregnant - were Triscuits with cream cheese and orange marmalade, ice cream or yogurt with wheat germ, and cheese sticks, those mozzarella string cheese sticks they make for kids. And bananas.

Glad you are feeling less queasy - maybe you're coming out of the bad time!

Jul 26, 07 10:14 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I don't know, it probably has more to do with the mass amounts of hormones being pumped into the body, and the doubling of the blood supply, but I know that I do feel less sick if I eat lots of little meals. But then I get sick of eating, and it becomes cyclical.

Jul 26, 07 5:01 pm  · 

where's sarah?

sa-rah! sa-rah! everything ok?

the last couple of days have sucked. my head is spinning. so i came here to tell her how great it is to have something awesome to go home to.

last night we made muffins:

[img] width=418[/url]

it was nice.

Aug 1, 07 5:42 pm  · 

damn. yep, that's my day today.

Aug 1, 07 5:42 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Well everything was ok, nothing had changed, and then WHAM!

Apparently, the First trimester is similar to what they say about March up north; you know, that whole "In like a lion out like a lamb" saying? Well, since I hadn't been 'sick,' but just uncomfortable during the beginning, I am now sick sick as I finish off the 11th week. Please be done soon, please.

I was home sick yesterday, and learned that not only is it possible to actually sleep for 15 hours, and then still sleep at night, but also that there is something worse than the dreaded "dry-heaving." Its the "heave/cough/burp/yak combo." Similar in sound to what a dog sounds like when he is sick. Oh, and its terribly painful. Apparently, there is stuff left in your stomach after you've emptied it, and I'm not talking the typical bile. Oh, its gross.

And on top of all this, my ability to eat comes and goes, as does my taste in foods. I haven't been able to actually kiss my husband in months because his insides smell. Even if he brushes his teeth, doesn't matter, breathes exclusively through his nose, doesn't matter, his lungs must just have a foul oder. I feel bad about it.

Also, since I was home yesterday, I happened across some birthing shows of Disc. Health. Not those "super-graphic-terrifying" ones, but nicer ones. The women didn't really scream or anything, they all handled it pretty well, but it got me scared that I won't be able to do that. Obviously I can't carry a kid around forever, I'm not a kangaroo, but can't it just miraculously appear? Whatever happened to the Stork? Can he quick his pickle selling job, and deliver my kid?

Steven, your daughter is really cute, and I hope that I will have photos like that in the future. I just hope I have a boy. It HAS to be a boy, girls scare me, and I don't play well with them. Oh there are so many things to be fearful of, I'm having a hard time remembering whats to look forward to.

Aug 2, 07 1:52 pm  · 
liberty bell

Sarah, sorry it's gone from bad to worse. Those birthing programs showing women screaming and clawing at their husbands are just overplayed drama. Most likely you'll be so focused on getting the job done that you won't have time or energy to scream. Grunt like a moose, yes, but not scream.

I had forgotten the fact that your volume of blood doubles during pregnancy - yeah!! That is some serious physical work your body is going through, making a new human!!! No wonder you're sleeping for 15 hours straight!!! Don't push yourself - seriously, your body is working so hard, you need to let it rest.

Steven, I love the dress coordinated with the paint!

Aug 3, 07 8:57 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

So...Interesting weekend....

My irrational reasoning to wait and tell family at five months was veto'd by my husband and other much more rational people, and we told. The cat is out of the bag, and everybody now knows I have sex, and I can no longer pretend people don't know.

I didn't want to tell so soon because.....

My step-sister-in-law just had a baby, and she wasn't suppose to have kids, and her and my mother-in-law have a rough relationship, and she is a bit jealous of me, and I wanted to give as much time as possible for mom-in-law to bond with her baby before I announced I was having one. Also, I didn't want her to feel I was stealing her spotlight.

Husband told me that I was silly, and that I shouldn't live my life based on them. I brushed him off because he doesn't like Step-Sister. But, every one we knew in Dallas knew about our Situation, and felt it was unfair to not tell our family, especially since we were past the three-month-possible-miscarriage point. So, we made a suprise trip to Palestine (the home-town) pronounced with and 'een, not an 'Ine, and told my dad, and asked for his advice. He of course said the same thing that Husband said, almost word for word, but without the bias, so I did what I was told.

Dad - Happy, but not suprised, God told him in August, but he thought it was my Sister, and not me, who was pregnant. Told the Church sunday night, and they all knew too; God has a BIG MOUTH.

In-laws - MIL thought we were lying just to be mean, except that I just stared nervously at the floor and didn't say anything. She then whooped, and jumped, and may have clapped, and hugged us. FIL shook Husbands hand (guys are weird) and hugged me. Both are on cloud nine.

Mom - Laughed, and said she was happy if I was, then I lost her signal. I'm sure there will be much emailing today.

Sister-in-law - Said she was happy, and that she would give us stuff (yippy.) and that she would be there for advice.

My Sister - Excited, said "awwwww" (shes like that) and mentioned how she wants one, but knows she and husband can't afford it, and she has to finish college.

Husband's other Mom (woman raised him after school and during summers) - Shocked, happy, and understanding of my feelings on the situation.

So thats that. Everyone knows, and I don't have to worry. I DIDNT get to make my cards, but ohwell. Seems I never get to make what I design, must be an Architecture thing.

Aug 6, 07 8:59 am  · 

you probably didn't mention that all the online people you've never met knew first? well, or second, anyway...

; )

Aug 6, 07 9:06 am  · 
vado retro

it wasn't immaculately conceived? how normal of you.

Aug 6, 07 9:12 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Well, I did just send out an information email consisting of things that I like, baby stuff wise, so that WHEN they go on silly shopping sprees, they won't load up on crap I hate, and I kindly included the link to this thread so they could catch up on whats happened the last 3 months.

Aug 6, 07 9:24 am  · 

ok everybody be nice now.


Aug 6, 07 9:38 am  · 

I had the pregnant dream last night, which was super-freaky because it coincided with one of those terrible days where you've magically gained 4 pounds in 24 hours. But the bright spot was that Sarah was there.

Aug 7, 07 11:37 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

So everything was going fine yesterday, I think the switch was starting to click on my maternal instincts/love for this kid. And then...

I found out I only get 6 weeks off of work, and only whatever vacation/sick days I have will cover it. They only hold my job for six weeks, and the firm is too small to fall under the family medical leave act. What the EFFF! My kid won't even be two months old when I will have to leave him with a sitter/daycare so that I can keep my job. I thought we had disability, but I apparently read the handbook incorrectly, and its only long term. And I thought I'd get three months, but no dice. I think I cried all night. I just don't want to be a bad mom, and abandoning your child after less than two months, seems like bad mothering to me. Is the kid going to grow horns? Is he going to hate me? Will I have to ween him after 6 weeks? What am I going to do?

We also looked at the money situation last night. Up in smoke went my dreams of a beautifully designed room, with beautiful, clean line furniture. They have been replaced with nightmares of garage-sale items. I won't lie, I'm crushed, though strangly I am more upset about the six weeks thing. How productive could I possibly be after only six weeks. The kid probably isn't sleeping through the night, and I will have to pump every 4 hours, I read that takes 20 minutes. So I take 40 minutes out of my work day to pump, plus whatever time I spend napping at my computer (on accindent of course), sounds like I'd be screwing up the budgeted hours for a project. This sucks. And we looked it up, infant care is 700 a month, probably more next year.

Ok, so anybody want to give me a pep talk? Maybe I'm just hormonal.

Aug 8, 07 8:50 am  · 
liberty bell

Fogey's right. Stop worrying about the nursery being ideal, my son's first year was lived in my walk-in closet (it had a window) with his crib tucked in between shelves. That stuff doesn't matter, and if you can ge it free/cheap, all the better.

Six weeks, on the other hand, is tough. If you can possibly swing longer, I would recommend you do so.

Aside: Now if you can't, don't worry that the kid won't bond with you/will hate you when s/he's older. You will be primary in this child's life, even if you are not with him/her 24 hours a day. S/he is already completely bonded with you and when s/he comes out of the womb s/he will look right at you with an expression that says "Oh, there you are."

The reason I recommend more time off work is that once babies hit about 3 months old they actually start to be fun! They interact, they can grab things and show you things and giggle...and three months is right when I went back to work and felt like I was missing it all. Not that I really did miss anything, it just felt that way. In an ideal world, I think 5-6 months off would be perfect. Can you beg a living expenses "investment" from your parents/friends/crazy wealthy aunt, with promises of photographs and art projects and mementos of the time you are spending with your kid being sent to your "investors" once a week?

Again, if not, don't beat yourself up over it - you and your child will bond even if you have to go back to work right away. I will warn you that the first several months back at work I was only working at about 70% efficiency, in part because I was pumping (2x/day at 15-20 mins/per - and if you can, try not to do it in the bathroom - the materials library room was perfect for me and never caused problems with fellow employees needing to get in), and in part, maybe, because I was 36 when I gave birth - you will probably have a lot more energy than I did, even though you won't be sleeping through the night for awhile.

Fogey's idea of flexible work time would be good to follow up. Can you cut back to 30 hours per week and keep your benefits, etc.? Or work 7-3, while your husband works 11-7, so you minimize the hours you need to pay a babysitter? These are all things to consider, and don't be shy about telling your family you can use any help with this they can offer! may decide that working full time while paying so much for child care doesn't make economic sense, and take some time off from work altogether to focus on being a mom. Nothing wrong with that, and it's not a decision made in stone once you make it - you can always return to the work force, maybe to a different job that has better flexibility for parents. My old firm offered that plan - cafeteria plan? - whereby we took our daycare money tax-free out of my paycheck and got reimbursed for that expense every month - it made a HUGE difference, maybe look into whether you firm offers that.

I know it is stressful, but you will make it all work, I am confident you will, and your child will be fine. They are so amazingly resilient.

Aug 8, 07 11:59 am  · 
liberty bell

Also, re: crying all night: that night for me came at about month 5 when I realized exactly how much daycare was going to cost combined with exactly how much it would cost to put the little Junebug on our health insurance - yowza. I cried from the office financial manager's office all the way out to my desk and straight home to my bed that night....but we managed, eventually.

Aug 8, 07 12:03 pm  · 
vado retro

cute kid pic of the day featuring a pretty ballerina...

Aug 8, 07 12:03 pm  · 

a guy in my office and his wife worked it out so that
he works 4 10 hour days and has monday off,
she works 4 10 hour days and has friday off,
their boy stays with grandparents on tuesdays,
and on wednesday and thursday he's at a daycare.

this actually seems ideal in a lot of ways: bonding with both dad and mom - and grandparents! - and their boy is also getting socialized with other small children at daycare (which our daughter, staying home with my wife, is not getting as much).

Aug 8, 07 12:15 pm  · 
vado retro

until the time i was six we lived next door to my mom's parents. my grandfather's parents lived next door to them. my grandmother's father lived in the next house after that. so my grandparents and great grand parents watched me cuz my mom worked full time. eventually my aunt and her husband moved in with my grandparents and they expanded the house and raised their kids there. my other aunt and her husband bought the house that my other greatgrandfather lived in and raised their kids there. one of their kids built a house up the road. extended families are great and are coming back into fashion.

Aug 8, 07 12:38 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Caution, this may be a long post (even for me) since there is soo much that has happened since I last posted.

Friday: I took the day off because I had another doctors appointment. They had called me on Thursday to tell me they were to test my glucose levels, to make sure I wasn't suddenly diabetic. Ok, so what does that mean? I look in my books, says I can't eat anything. WHAT! That can't be true. I will be so sick! So I wait, and call them Friday early. Nope, can't eat. Crap. So I sneak in a glass of ice tea around 8:30, and hope that they don't notice when they test at 11:15. The book, and my mother, also tell me that the drink they make you drink tastes terrible, resembling extra syrupy, flat coke. Yumm. So we get to the doctor's, prepaired for the worst, and the nurse gives me The Drink. Its fruit punch, not soo bad, not good, but not nearly as bad as I expected. The taste resembled those funny juices you'd get after T-ball in the 80s in the plastic jugs with the foil tops; stings the top of your throat a bit. So now I'm suppose to wait an hour until they draw blood and do the test. The doctor has to go to a delivery, but should be back soon. Ok, I'll wait. They go ahead and weigh me, then do the blood pressure thing, ask questions, and THEN....the nurse realizes I'm only at TWELVE weeks; they can't do the glucose test till 27 weeks. What! You mean I've been starving myself for no reason?! And I have to drink that stuff again?!

Ok, well it wasn't that bad. I wasn't feeling sick, and the drink wasn't soo terrible. I won't mind doing it again.

So Husband and I go grab lunch, then come back just as the doctor is finishing up with another patient. What timing! So he comes in, asks how I'm doing, then pulls out the dreaded stomach mic, and slides it around on my belly. All we can hear are the sounds of my bowels; he can't find the baby's heart beat. I'm not concerned, it doesn't accur to be that I should be, but Husband is. I had a dream that morning that I had a miscarriage; a messy one. But since the factors in my dream didn't add up, I just took it as a sign that I really am ok with this baby thing. I was crying, and devestated that I could lose it, and that was strangly comforting. So Husband is concerned that there is no heartbeat, and thats that. Doctor takes us to the sonogram to find the kid, and get his heart beat. No wonder he couldn't find it, that kid won't sit still long enough. He was all over the place. I thought it was funny, still do actually, but he looked like those silly water toys where you push the button, and it sends jets of water up, which you use to manuver rings, or some other plastic object into a strategic spot. Maybe you don't know what I'm talking about. But he was all over the place. The doctor was suprised I couldn't feel it, but he's not soo big. He did, however, quadruple in just one month. He was HUGE compared to last time, when he was just a blinking spec in a black bubble.

So we leave pretty excited, and awed. husband drops me off at home, and goes to work. Life of a racecar widow I suppose. I call my mom, and she notices that I am much more excited than before. I have noticed that pictures of babies don't creep me out, unless the baby has two lower front teath, or tons of hair. Those look like monsters to me. Like those eals with the two lower teath. Oh well.

So today, I am telling the whole office. I plan to tell the two owners in person, and everyone else by comedic email. Wish me luck!

Aug 13, 07 9:09 am  · 
liberty bell

Haha, my best girlfriend went through the exact same thing - couldn't hear the heartbeat, got worried, then saw that the little bugger was just flipflopping around too much!

One of the best opening paragraphs to a novel ever, from The River Why by David James Duncan:

Having harbored two sons in the waters of her womb, my mother considers herself something of an authority on human foetuses. The normal foetus, she says, is no swimmer; it is not fish-, seal-, eel-, or even turtlelike: it is an awkward alien in the liquid environment - a groping land creature confused by its immersion and anxious to escape. My brother, she says, was such a foestus. I was not. My swimming style was no humanoid butterfly-, crawl-, back-, or breaststroking: mine were the sure, swift dartings of a deformed but hefty trout at home with the water, finning and hovering in its warm black pool.

I totally understand the feeling of comfort from feeling like you would be devastated at the loss of it, by the way - this is perfectly emblematic of the conflicted feelings a pregnancy brings on.

Sounds like maybe your queasiness is down and you're feeling good about it all!

Aug 13, 07 11:17 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Well, a couple of things have happened since I last posted, on what, Monday? Anyway...

I have started to revert back to my old self, and Husband let it be known that he much preffered old-Sarah to Pregnant-Sarah, to which I replied with "Its all YOUR fault anyway."

Also, I mentioned to him the other night that I was getting bigger. I had only noticed it in my lowest abdomen, but he says "Yeah, I noticed from the back." We're in different rooms, so he can't see that I am ONLY reffering to my front side, and I walk in and say "Huh?! REALLY?!" He then proceeds to say "Well, yeah, like in your hips and waist; I'm not being mean." Gee, thanks, I was blissfully unaware that I had developed a Ghetto-booty. Thanks for raining on THAT parade.

And then, he conveniently escaped to Canada. Lucky bastard.

Aug 16, 07 8:46 am  · 

wow, he's got some quick learning to do over the next couple of days...

Aug 16, 07 8:56 am  · 

I am a little late to the game here, but I wanted to congratulate you.

My wife and I have just recently found out the she is pregnant with our first. The other day I read your thread with great interest. I appreciate your candor, which is educational for us on the other side of the street.

Aug 16, 07 9:02 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Well, I did tell him NOT to tell me how big I was towards the end, for sure; he agreed.

And cln,

If I can reccomend anything, its DON'T buy the "Week by Week, Your Pregnancy" book with the yellow shirted woman, and purple spine, UNLESS your wife is Thrilled and Super Excited about all of this. I do reccomend reading "Belly Laughs" by Jenny McCarthy, "The Girlfriends Guide to Pregnancy" by Vicky Iovine, and "From the Hips" by two ladies, Rebecca I think, and someone else. "Girlfriends" was most helpful I think, and "From the Hips" goes past pregnancy and into early Parenting, plus the graphics are 'hip' compaired to most books; its deffinately for the more design conscience reader, oh and the pages are thick, slick, and luxurious, just in case you or your wife obsess about papers like I do.

If you have questions, just ask, if I can guide one poor soul, then maybe this will be worth something, other than the obvious child-parent thing, but I can't connect with that yet, since I've never experienced it from the parent end.

I did realize this morning that I, or Husband and I, get to pick out a name that some one will go by for the REST of their life. Its a bit of a power trip, I feel like Adam naming th animals. I could pick out something horrid, like Justin Case, as some do, or name him after my favourite liquor, or just a random word I find pleasant to the ears, but I will be nice. We're naming him Abram Bradley, and other than the obvious Abe, haven't found any other way to make fun of him. Although, my dad pointed out that he will be named after a Tank, turns out Two Tanks, and so Husband wants to nickname him Tank. If we can keep his family from finding out, then Tank will NEVER be a nickname of ANY of my offspring.

Aug 16, 07 9:26 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

So Friday was a first.... I bought my First Nursing/Maternity bra. Wow, what an experience. The woman in the store was very friendly, and helpful, but I was still nervous. To my astonishment/dismay, I am now a 36 D, my gosh, are they really going to get bigger?

Pros of the maternity bra?

() Wide back and shoulder straps makes it very comfortable.
() New, larger cup size means I'm not spilling out all sloppy like.
() Larger band size makes it more comfortable
() Its lace so at least it maintanes some semblence of feminity
() Easy access flaps?

Cons of the maternity bra?

() Wide back and shoulder straps make it UGLY
() Larger cup size also means MUCH MORE coverage than even a typical full coverage bra, and some of my shirts are now out of the question because the bra shows above the neckline.
() Its peachish in colour, good not to show, but ugly when the tops off.
() No padding, so I now get the priveledge of being a walking thermometer.

Ok, so thats all I can think of at this point on The Bra.

Another first occured at 11:45 Friday night. I was laying in my bed, sleeping, minding my own business, when WHAM! the entire rigth side of my back goes into a spasm. Not just a charlie horse kind of cramp, but a contracting, relaxing, contracting, on again, off again, sort of spasm. It was undoubtedly the worst pain I can remember experiecing, which till now was a 2nd degree chemical burn on my belly. I writhed in pain for 5 mintues trying to stretch it out, but no luck, I'm actually calling out in pain, and decide to get up and try to walk it out. After seven minutes of pacing up and down the hall, in tears, it FINALLY goes away. Husband, of course, was in canada, so he was of no help. I was terrified to lay back down in case it came back, but it didnt, it hasnt, and I managed some sleep. I have since started stretching in hopes that will prevent another occurence. I thought my kidney was going to explode.

Also a first, I can no longer sleep on my stomach. That sucks, because its a preference of mine, but now the kid gets in the way. Damn.

Aug 20, 07 9:00 am  · 
liberty bell

Hahaha love the bra post, Sarah! Yes, they'll get bigger, but until your milk comes in believe me you ain't seen nothing yet! Do get several pairs of nursing pads and start using them even now - you never know when leakage will happen, and most likely it will be five minutes before you head in to a big meeting while wearing a thin white dress shirt.

Sorry about your back, especially since i is scary to be in that much pain ad your husband wasn't there, just making it scarier - I hope stretching does help!

Aug 20, 07 9:31 am  · 
liberty bell

Oh, and use pillows for sleeping: one between your legs, one propped behind your back, one under your head. I think Girlfriend's Guide talks about building a "pillow fortress" around yourself, not to keep your husband out, but to support your body sufficiently to enable yourself to sleep! Several of my girlfriends got body-length pillows and swore by them. Near the end of her pregnancy, one of them actually slept sitting on a big yoga ball and leaning forward onto the bed with her upper body - sleeping does get harder and harder to accomplish the later on you get. I really missed just laying flat on my back, which you're not supposed to do in the later months, and was so happy after birth to do it.

You see all we go through, guys? Makes unexpected boners in high school look like nothing.

Aug 20, 07 9:35 am  · 
el jeffe

"but now the kid gets in the way"

get used to thinking/saying THAT line!

sorry about the back spasm.

i'm not gonna touch lb's comment about high school with a 10' pole. heh.

Aug 20, 07 11:57 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton


I caught a side view of myself in the mirror. Tip to all who are in the market to get a maternity bra... PUT YOUR SHIRT BACK ON TO SEE HOW THE BRA LOOKS UNDER CLOTHING.

Oh my God! I have funny pointy, 1950s boobs suddenly, and look like those blobby pregnant ladies. UGH! I am going to some store to purchase a soft, comfortable, full coverage REGULAR bra tonight. I can't wear this thing in public, I look like a freak.

Aug 20, 07 1:35 pm  · 


pointy boobs rock!!!!!!!!!!

Aug 20, 07 2:44 pm  · 

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