
men thread

vado retro
Jul 26, 07 6:05 pm  · 

I stink in a manly way... (my wife seems to like it thought)

Jul 26, 07 6:30 pm  · 

Apu's Bathroom:

1 bar soap (i don't know the name, it sure ain't oil of olay)
1 bottle shampoo (Head and Shoulders 2-in-1)
1 toothbrush
1 floss dealy/stick
1 toothpaste (aquafresh)
1 manual razor
1 shaving gel
1 stick anti-persperant (old spice)

Jul 26, 07 10:38 pm  · 

tumbles - you are too sweet (single?)

I was told I smelt good tonight - i was wearing Very Irresistible by Givenchy - chocolately yet with a brush of musk

Jul 26, 07 11:19 pm  · 

Okay to be honest I have

0 manual razors
1 shaving gel (don't ask)
2 floss
2 electric razors
7 colognes <- i either smell sweet or like a French hooker as a coworker exclaimed to me

Jul 26, 07 11:24 pm  · 

I used to have a rather extensive cologne collection, but I've got it narrowed down to 3 now.

Armani Mania
Lacoste Red
Versace Dreamer

I'm thinking of buying some more Issey Miyake. My wife says she misses it.

Jul 26, 07 11:39 pm  · 

I never understood cologne. Put on a nice-smelling antiperspirant.

When I shave, my gf takes it to mean that I'm looking to get some. Otherwise, I've always got a two-day-old shadow goin' on.

That's the extent of my grooming.

Oh, except that I cut my fingernails and clean my ears daily. Sometimes twice. There's almost nothing I can stand less than long fingernails (on myself).

Jul 26, 07 11:44 pm  · 

my bathroom:

1 bar dove soap (for sensitive skin)
3 moon rocks ("authentic")
1 live rattlesnake (typ. riled up)

Jul 27, 07 8:35 am  · 

i love cologne, and my collection proves it:

-armani aqua di gio
-davidoff cool water
-burberry london
-john varvatos
-perry ellis M
-perry ellis white
-polo blue
-ezra fitch

i recommend any of those, my girlfriend loves armani and burberry the best though

as for hair products, i usually rock the fo-hawk or just make it messy with some crew pomade

and i do tend to get shit from the lady if i don't shave at least every two days.

Jul 27, 07 9:02 am  · 

Did even women use many products before, say, 1920? The whole product debate seems to me to be a fabrication of modern advertising culture.

I was taught that the ability to dress one's self is a mark of manhood. Do not the "clothes make the man"?

Men are engendered to be more likely to suffer a mental illness or commit a violent crime.

Only women can ever be hysterical.

I often feel like Kafka's bug or Travis Bickle or the schizo from fight club--I get urban male angst.

Much of the Ethos of Pollack's Drip paintings would be lost if they were to be executed by a woman.

I've picked a bar fight because some guy stole my girlfriend's drink.

The feminine power is that of the witch and the masculine is that of the tyrant.

I've met women that can out-drink me. My aunt can beat anyone in my family at "mercy". Pink used to be a man's color. Superman, the man of steel cross-dresses up like the virgin mary, the ur-woman. Peacocks are the pretty ones.

Anatomy does not alone "man" make. I want to be one of those self-made men.

Jul 27, 07 12:06 pm  · 

Anyone want to share dessert recipes?

Jul 27, 07 12:12 pm  · 

vanilla ice cream
jagermeister from the freezer drizzled over the top
warm-from-the-oven slice-n-bake chocolate chip cookie as garnish

Jul 27, 07 12:14 pm  · 

You are an evil person SW!

Jul 27, 07 12:18 pm  · 

come on! that's a perfect bachelor recipe, good for all occasions!

Jul 27, 07 12:20 pm  · 


Jul 27, 07 12:25 pm  · 

a friend of mine wanted to know how a man should go about holding a revolving door for a woman.

Jul 27, 07 3:05 pm  · 

they don't - just make sure not to enter the compartment with her - wait until she goes through

Jul 27, 07 7:15 pm  · 

don't forget these guys, guys!

Jul 27, 07 7:22 pm  · 

haha, no need beta...see my 'live rattlesnake' comment above!

Jul 27, 07 7:59 pm  · 

how come they don't make small sized condoms? then i.. err.. other people wouldn't have to worry about it falling off. just a question...

Jul 27, 07 8:03 pm  · 

They'd be a marketing disaster. No man would buy them, as they'd be too self-concious. Just the opposite of the many women who squeeze into a size ten when they really shouldn't, just because they can't admit to themselves or the store clerk that they are really a twelve.

Jul 27, 07 8:05 pm  · 
liberty bell

hahaha mr. attitude is, if a guy can joke about being, um, not a magnum, that's a sure sign that he's got nothing to worry about.

Jul 27, 07 8:54 pm  · 

I've always found it entertaining about the graphics used for magnum from the background colour to the BOLD print used for emphasis

Jul 28, 07 3:22 pm  · 

Anderson windows come in a "Magnum". I wonder if they feel inadequate?

Jul 29, 07 10:31 pm  · 
vado retro

if condoms were Wine bottles, the magnum is teenytiny.

Bottle(Penis) Equivalent Bordeaux Bottle(Penis) Size Burgundy/Champagne Bottle(Penis) Size









Jul 29, 07 11:08 pm  · 

it never ceases to amaze me the knowledge riding around in vado's head. Brilliant!

Jul 29, 07 11:22 pm  · 

So definition of mascufemininnyness is down to # of cosmetic products owned and ability to change a tire? Hmmph.

My chromosomal makeup and corporeal entity sex me as female; that is the box I check as far as medical examinations (I wish I didn't have to check that box anywhere else.) Some [most] days I feel primarily feminine, even girly! But every so often I wake up and I'm most certainly a man - this happened last Friday actually - so I will wear normatively masculine clothing, use the men's restroom, my posture changes, etc. It feels absolutely right to shift between gender expressions from time to time and thankfully I don't feel bound to any one as a concrete identiy. I've been the feminine and masculine role in various relationships, sometimes switching between both roles with the same person. There is no consistent correspondence with the gender expression (or lack thereof) of the other person.

[[saw a few women. I decided that I would only date women with short fingernails.]]
- Me too, for different reasons. Long nails are no fun -

Jul 30, 07 12:01 am  · 

love the last comment namby.

But seriously we are actually drilling holes in the media myth that men and manliness are defined by any of those material and social codifers, rather that it has to do with something more.

And another thing, look I don't believe that restrooms should be seperated by gender - it evades reason, but in many many countries throughout the world it is the norm and well sometimes illegal

Jul 30, 07 12:08 am  · 
liberty bell

Just read this article last night, on the cover of a recent Time Magazine: The Myth About Boys.

My favorite part of the article was the emphasis on "structured freedom" as a means for boys to learn, in other words, send them out to play on their own and learn from it: climbing trees, picking up bugs, getting dirty, etc. Reminds me of something I read about wrestling: that via roughhousing with their dads, boys learn what are acceptable levels of force in play are, so wrestling for fun is good and healthy. (Aside: Girls typically never learn this, and thus emergency medical technicians have learned that women under duress can be surprisingly violent - they never learned to "hold back".)

My house is a block from the White River. I sincerely hope when he's a bit older that my son can go on his own down to play by the river.

Aug 10, 07 9:38 am  · 
vado retro

i saw a documentary about girls who were on their school wrestling teams. some of these girls were very good wrestlers and were kicking ass. this,of course, was great for the girls, however, many of the boys who lost to the girls quit their teams.

Aug 10, 07 10:14 am  · 

i wrestled in high school and some other guys would be like "that's gay, why do you do it?". say that shit to a wrestler's face and you'd be dropped.

Aug 10, 07 10:17 am  · 

I used to practice Jiu Jitsu. It's grappling. Basically wrestling, only fight's not over until something breaks, some things about to break, or you pass out.

Anyway, in my class of 20, we had 5 girls who were all on par with the other 15 of us. It was always a toss up when you would fight them. You'd never know what would happen. Very humbling experience, having to fight, and possibly get your ass kicked by, girls 4-5 times a week for 3 years.

Aug 10, 07 10:31 am  · 

how did you like jiu jitsu? i'm looking into it this fall when i head to ohio state, they have a club there.

i've only done one martial art and that was tae kwon do back in the day. didn't like it.

Aug 10, 07 10:37 am  · 

loved it. I would suggest it to anyone. I haven't trained since I got married 2 years ago, but as soon as I can afford to go back, I will. It also afforded me lots of great opportunities...sort of. My instructor was the first American to ever earn his Black Belt from a Gracie, so he is friends with lots of the Family. He would bring them in to do weekend seminars. I even got my ass kicked by Royce Gracie himself. Worst ass beating of my life, but how many people have you met that can say they got beat up by Royce Gracie?

Aug 10, 07 10:43 am  · 

wow rfuller, that sounds insane. yeah you have something really different to tell people. i'd be proud to say i had my ass kicked by Gracie too.

Aug 10, 07 11:29 am  · 

who the hell is royce gracie and why would i want my ass kicked by anyone?

[i've never been in any sort of physical fight. ever.]

Aug 10, 07 11:39 am  · 
Aug 10, 07 11:50 am  · 

last time i was in a fight was the 7th grade. he started it by punching me in the face. i beat the crap out of the kid so bad it scared me into never getting into a physical fight again.

Aug 10, 07 12:25 pm  · 

its been a while since I've been in a fight - I am a pacifist after all. LB I think being able to play in the outdoors as a child builds character - granted i have much scars to prove it and I wonder if society would forgive me a generation later if I let my daughters do that. Steven you have two girls? What are your thoughts on letting them rumble and tumble as kids?

Aug 10, 07 3:18 pm  · 

ha. My one and only fight ended about like e's did, except that me being female and the person who's ass I kicked being male, it caused a bit of a stir. His big sister kept talking smack about how she was going to pay me back for that, but somehow never actually got around to doing so.

Aug 10, 07 3:28 pm  · 

we already send the two year old out to play "on their own" (with us 50 feet away, anyway). she's not climbing trees yet, but she's pretty good at steps, she loves picking up bugs and blowing ants across the sidewalk, getting dirty, etc. we also wrestle pretty often. she holds her own.

Aug 10, 07 3:43 pm  · 

Real me don't complain about the heat!!!

Aug 11, 07 12:32 pm  · 

ah fuck its hot!

On another note...its raining men (300 style)

Aug 11, 07 12:46 pm  · 

fuller, you took on gracie? d00d you are nutz! i would love to do jiu jitsu...did a little judo, but jiu jitsu is ass kicking with a major A! although the point of that art is to keep from kicking the crap out of people, and let them know in no uncertain terms they will meet a horrible end if they did decide to try....a friend took jiu jitsu, and he told me that he tried to avoid fights altogether...arm breaking and sternum shots are not fun.

Aug 11, 07 12:49 pm  · 

It's been a looong time since i retired my fighting career. I got into about 4 or 5 in school over the years. I pretty much retired when i was finally suspended for it and moved back to the U.S. After that I ratted the last kid I beefed with to the school admin out of fear for his well being (he was calling my friend a nigger and he meant it, we were going to beat his ass in but I figured we would take it too far)

Bitches were disrespectin'!

Aug 11, 07 12:51 pm  · 
vado retro

today i went up to my bro's place and spent the day with my niece's kids. payton is five and really smart, his friend josh was there too. i am layla's favorite guy. anyway, we did much bug hunting which included some cicada shell collecting etc. also, i took them down to the ice cream place and after some messy ice cream indulgence, we all went over and messed around by a fountain and experimented with some tree climbing.

also, we made up a game where the trees were giant alien cyclops' who had invaded our kingdom. i was the king. layla was the princess, payton and josh were knights who swore to fight to the death to save the kingdom. i gave a stirring speech which was lifted from henry the fifth. after the knights drove off the first invasion, we regrouped at our outpost and payton declared " we will kill them, skin them and wear their bones for a hat!" i don't know if this was made up or he heard it somewheres. but i was funny and a bit scary.

Aug 12, 07 12:24 am  · 
saw two women at the gas station changing a flat tire, and having difficulty with it to the point where they asked the clerk inside for help

if they really needed help, and you could help, then you could help while thinking of them as 90+ yo's. what 90 yo would think you're a creep?

Aug 12, 07 4:39 am  · 

no one's ever thought i was gay, because i'm very un-macho.

shampoo, soap, pit-deodorant. that's it.

sometimes i shave my chin area, but i try to keep facial hair short, else it's a nuisance.

i try to wear clothing that fits (rare!) and has pockets.

Aug 12, 07 4:51 am  · 
Pink used to be a man's color.

and the suspenders. the 80's, ugh.

(but i knew what you meant.)

Aug 12, 07 4:58 am  · 
vado retro

i also showed them how to open a locked door with a credit card. none of them had credit cards however.

Aug 12, 07 11:22 am  · 

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