


Cris, we are neighbors! I am totally going to t.p. your house when you are in town.

Ok, kidding. I'm a nice person. I swear.

May 8, 07 8:27 am  · 
May 8, 07 9:15 am  · 


don't quote me on this, but its been my understanding that bicycle helmets are meant to break upon impact. they absorb the force that the skull would normally take and slow down the movement of the head so that the brain doesn't bounce around in the skull too much (which results in a concussion). because of the high speeds that scooters/motorcycles move at being designed to break wouldn't be much of a help, so its rigid to act as a second skull.

May 8, 07 2:19 pm  · 

anybody ride a Jamis?

May 8, 07 2:33 pm  · 

n_ ha ha ha ha, that's funny! tp my house will you!!?? =P

and dubk, thanks for bringing up helmets! i know they are shaped that way for function/venting, etc., but they look so dorky!!!

can anyone recommend a good helmet that doesn't looks so dorky?

i was going to get a bmx type helmet, but i went with a standard helmet because i realized that although the bmx helmet looks "cool" it wouldn't be cool @ all since it lacks vents!

and i'm not even going to think about riding in traffic without one. skull fractures are never cool.

May 8, 07 2:39 pm  · 

THAT's what the ones I liked were! I couldn't figure it out- I'd seen some at a local bike shop and thought they looked soooo much better than the typical bike helmet (anyone else think they look like some sort of alien seed/pod?), but had trouble finding them online. I just needed to include 'bmx' in my search. WonderK, as promised, the nicer looking ones:

May 8, 07 2:45 pm  · 

Sweet cargo, Per.

May 8, 07 2:50 pm  · 

I'll agree on the weirdness of a road helmet, but they're a helluva lot cooler in the warm weather than a skate/BMX helmet. with road helmets you have to try a lot on that fit your head properly so you don't look like too much of a doofus - I imported mine from England because the brand wasn't available in the US.

May 8, 07 2:53 pm  · 

custom ANT cargo bikes are used by a local BBQ shop for their deliveries.

May 8, 07 2:54 pm  · 

yeah, pixelwhore, that's the same advice dave @ my local bike shop gave me. he saw me reaching for a bmx helmet and he goes "ehhh, are you sure you want that one?" he then explained that the venting is important, especially on warm days.

so, for now, i will continue to look like a doofus riding down the street!

May 8, 07 3:04 pm  · 

ANT's are sweet. Must... not... order... bike.

My pal designed his own cargo. Being built by David Wilson.

May 8, 07 3:05 pm  · 

Thanks Pixel, Cris, and rationalist.....the search continues. I'm not keen on looking like an alien. The real question is, will I look like a total toolbox if I wore a scooter helmet whilst riding my bike:

Those kind of remind me of equestrian helmets, too.

That's a pretty sweet bbq bike!

May 8, 07 3:06 pm  · 

Sweet tourer with even sweeter name (Trans Am).

May 8, 07 3:07 pm  · 

I got the Raleigh Passage this morning!!! Yay! I love it. I was never a stellar bike rider, and much may be attributed to the fact that my previous attempt was on a 20" mans frame (me= 5'-6" woman) that had not been adjusted in any way for fit. Now I've got a little 16" women's frame, and it's a whole world of difference. I get steadier every time I get on.

May 12, 07 5:27 pm  · 

Used to push one of these around Venice Beach, now it's back in Baltimore. Just got back this afternoon from riding it around the harbor.

May 12, 07 6:00 pm  · 

i'm sure you bike riders know about critical mass.

May 12, 07 6:03 pm  · 

BTW, anyone got good recommendations for panniers or rear baskets? I had intended to get a front basket, but it would interfere with my suspension so it was a no go. I've got a back rack and bungee cords right now, but would gladly pick up something to mount to that rack for times when I need to carry stuff. My spinach got squished the other day by the bungee cords, and I don't want to find out what they'd do if a mango got in their way.

May 14, 07 5:35 pm  · 

A friend of mine had some made locally by the same guy that made my messenger bag. Ballistic nylon with the big HD zippers. Each side big enough to hold a 12 pack of PBR, but minimal when empty. They have survived MANY harsh winters. If you can't find somebody local to you to make them, I could hook you up with this guy.

May 14, 07 6:06 pm  · 

critical mass rocks... it's fun to even watch from the streets as all the bikes stop traffic here in chicago...

anyway, just got my bike last weekend... now i can commute 10 mi by bike!

Jamis Coda Comp

May 14, 07 6:17 pm  · 

Nice Jamis!

May 14, 07 6:31 pm  · 

yeah... it rocks so hard...

i rode a bunch of bikes... and honestly the looks tipped the scale hard in it's favor... i was riding a cannondale 400/500 and the frame was just huge and clunky... i've been riding single track on an old schwinn S20 since HS and was upset that I could never use I live in the city now without easy access to trails... so this is basically the first road bike (flat bar or otherwise) i've ever had... so the cannondale rode pretty good... but the jamis was so light and quick, and looked so damn sexy... i had to order it. (didn't have my size in stock, actually test drove a smaller model and a jamis satellite)

anyway, happy riding everyone... and now i'll be critical massing(?) in style...(used to ride a daimond back sorrento that i had gotten way back in middle school? to school everyday and beat the shit out of it on the trails and all during the chicago winter on the way to school)

btw, you should all drop your membership to the millenium park bike lockerroom so i can get a spot!

May 14, 07 7:01 pm  · 

I may... gulp... drop the drops and put flats on my Trek 620. That will make 3 flat bar bikes in one teeny apartment.

May 14, 07 7:20 pm  · 

I may... gulp... drop the drops and put flats on my Trek 620. That will make 3 flat bar bikes in one teeny apartment.

May 14, 07 7:20 pm  · 

I've long suspected that most of the non-bike-dork helmets sold in NYC do not provide adequate protection for bike accidents, and after doing some research it appears that most helmets in general aren't up to snuff, though some are better than others. Check it:

I guess the bottom line is, any helmet is better than no helmet, but in the future, I'm going to look for CPSC certification...

May 15, 07 12:58 am  · 

Pixelwhore is correct, basically all cycle helmets are junked after a 'serious' impact. The need to keep weight to a minimum while allowing max ventilation means they cannot withstand repeated impacts.

Also be careful where you leave them because UV and heat can degarde the poly and make it brittle. But then, those of you in the northern hemisphere still have an ozone layer!

I remember the first Piranha that Specialized did with tiny fangs and tail fin. I wanted it sooooooo badly....had to keep wearing my stack-hat instead...

May 15, 07 8:40 am  · 

hmm, yeah, I don't feel the need for anything custom. I just thought that you guys might know of some good products out there. If not, oh well.

My bike just got permission to live in our server/materials room when I bike to work. Woot! That takes one of the biggest obstacles out of my way, because I was honestly concerned that I'd get out of work one evening to find an empty bike rack outside.

May 15, 07 4:38 pm  · 

oh, and JohnProlly, on helmets... I'm considering the Bell City or the Giro Makai, both of which I believe are CPSC certified. I'm certain the Citi is, at least. And they're a little less dorky than the average alien-pod.

May 15, 07 4:49 pm  · 

paniers and messenger bags. They are totally waterproof and German.

May 15, 07 5:05 pm  · 

Hip-pouch for summertime. Sweaty backs SUCK!

May 15, 07 5:54 pm  · 

you mean hip-ster pouch!

May 16, 07 10:02 am  · 

Truck runs over biker's head - helmet has tire tracks to prove it.

The guy's OK, by the way.

May 16, 07 10:47 am  · 

well, apparently, even the waiting list is even closed for the millenium park cycle center (mcdonald's cycle center)... (i figured i wouldn't be getting in anytime soon) which seriously prevents me from commuting via my new jamis...

anybody else in chicago have a different alternative? a local gym perhaps?

also, there should be more bike lockerrooms! can't you get leed pernts for that!

May 17, 07 3:33 pm  · 
May 17, 07 4:24 pm  · 

^ anyone else ride hybids/ mountainbikes in the city? ^

Baltimore is just too rugged for skinny tires, I know some people who ride road and even racing bikes here, but I like the ability to keep it rugged when I need to. Fat tires saved me just yesterday when I had to ride over a wide grate to avoid a truck.

May 17, 07 4:27 pm  · 

I ride a hybrid in Los Angeles. It's got road wheels but some plumpish semi-slick tires. Those help with the potholes and seismic shifts...

May 17, 07 4:42 pm  · 

Yup i rode this thing to work down Lincoln Blvd. everyday last summer.

LA's pretty rough to.

May 17, 07 4:47 pm  · 


May 17, 07 4:47 pm  · 

The bike helmet thing is an anomoly. I believe bike helmets are not up to drive-over-head standards.

Though if in a drive-over-head situation came up, I'd prefer a helmet to nothing.

May 17, 07 5:11 pm  · 

hate it when that happens, oh well, link works anyway.

May 19, 07 7:44 pm  · 


I tried the route to work and back this morning, and it totally kicked my ass with it's hilly toughness. Unfortunately, that's just the way it is between home and work, and that's by FAR the best route in terms of traffic, stoplights, and the crossing of freeways and other major roads. So I think I'm going to try doing it once or twice a week, and just walk the portions I have to until I get in better shape and am able to do all of it.

May 19, 07 8:21 pm  · 

My bike is supposed to come next week!!! I hope it gets here so I have time to ride it around NYC a bit before I move. I love going around Manhattan. And I am so out of shape due to practically never exercising. I walk around a lot but no cardio or anything strenuous with weights.

Look Cutest basket ever! I wish this were metal instead of polypropylene because I imagine the plastic won't have the longevity of a metal basket.

Dorky helmets don't bother me. I have black hair, so if I wear a black helmet, the shape of it gives me the profile of the Alien. Trust me to consider this a good thing... but I like it!

May 20, 07 1:44 am  · 

yeah, i ordered my bike at the beginning of april, but the local bike shop said that bianchi would not have more of them until the beginning of's now may 20th and after serveral phone calls, i still have no bike. put down a $300 deposit on it too, but the shop says that they can't find out when it will be here...i'm going down tomorrow to have a word with them, i want my freakin bike!!!!!!!!!!!!

May 20, 07 11:58 am  · 

that blows, sloring.

Your mention of deposit reminds me though: after seeing how much fun I've been having on my bike, and dragging him to shops to look at helmets and bags and such with me, my boyfriend decided that he wanted one too! He put a 24" BMX on layaway yesterday, and we think he'll get to bring it home in a couple of weeks. I have NO CLUE where we're going to put it. My bike already lives on our balcony, locked to the railing. It takes up pretty much the whole space to get that thing out there and lock it up.

What's really funny though, is that he was giving me a lot of shit about how much I spent on my bike, saying he would think of getting a used one or something. I brought him into the big bike shop a few streets down, he saw everything about the warranty and service and all the stuff there, and suddenly he was convinced in the value of buying new from a bike shop. And he ended up spending more money than I did.

May 20, 07 12:42 pm  · 

sevensixfive, just because the roads are shitty doesn't mean you can't ride 700c x 23c

Shop Gentei's a shop on Morton St that carries throwback track frames and they all ride dope ass bikes.

You just have to watch what you're doing...

Sloring: did you go for the Pista?

Pixel: Hip-ster pouches aren't as bad as those fucking cycling hats. Kids who don't even ride started wearin them around here...

[img] width=300[/url]

Rainy day on saturday. Note the mix-matched Oury grips. HAHA

May 20, 07 10:55 pm  · 


May 20, 07 10:55 pm  · 


Gentei's Bikes

May 20, 07 10:56 pm  · 

so you're saying try a custom build: track frame with fat tires?

interesting ...

May 20, 07 11:04 pm  · 

no. I'm saying you can ride 700c x 23c tires in a city.

I've yet to ride in Bmore, but honestly, it can't be any worse than Brooklyn.

Although I have seen some track frames with knobbed winter tires. Mostly the Aluminum Jamie Roy IRO frame.

Cyclecross and MTBs always seem to cumbersome to be effective city bikes. Too much shit to break and too heavy to lug around. Just my opinion.

May 20, 07 11:22 pm  · 

taking the lead in a break away for a 5 lap race to categorize racers. I was overtaken in the last lap because I broke too early and tired myself out.

May 24, 07 9:28 am  · 

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