Shengji Tan

Shengji Tan

South Pasadena, CA, US


Guizhou Huaxi University City

This is a college town layout whose design I participated in 10 years ago. My role in it was as a major participant. The project is situated in Guiyang, a hilly area. The conventional strategy of campus planning tends to start from function division and campus space structure. Its advantage is to get a campus with a reasonable and integral distribution of space. However, in our design, we tried to innovate from two aspects: first, we gave priority to the environment. Through slope and plantation analysis of the site, we retained the majority of the hilly areas, especially places where large trees were grown. The buildings on the campus surrounded these spots, making the hills a part of the campus. Second, the college town and the two major street roads linked to the city center from two strips of business chains. Thus, the commercial atmosphere of the downtown can be passed on to the college town, which is beneficial to the integration and mutual promotion of the city and colleges.

This is a conceptual design in which I participated as the main brain power in 2006 when I started working. By re-arranging and optimizing the existing water systems of the site and combining architectural elements, I re-made it into a campus with features of the ancient water towns in the southern Yangtze River.

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Status: Built
Location: Guizhou, CN
My Role: Designer
Additional Credits: Work with Ming Zhu, Jianhong Deng