
times new roman

Jan 4, 10 7:58 am
Cherith Cutestory

There are worse things than Times New Roman.

Jan 4, 10 10:20 am  · 

such as ? by the way ur welcome to make ur own :)

Jan 4, 10 10:34 am  · 

such as using Papyrus, or County Blueprint :)

Jan 4, 10 10:48 am  · 
liberty bell

County Blueprint is an abomination. Any architect who uses it should lose their license.

Of course, I've veered back to liking Palatino since I started using it in the Pomo late 80s. So maybe I'm guilty too.

Jan 4, 10 10:57 am  · 

nothing says professionalism like using comic sans in all of your e-mail correspondence.

bank gothic reeks of undergrad student work.

IMO - times is actually a nice classic font - although I think it looks odd on drawings... but it's good for blocks of text with a more conversational tone...

Jan 4, 10 11:30 am  · 

serif fonts feel more human - sans serif is like a robot is talking.

Jan 4, 10 11:31 am  · 
Cherith Cutestory

isocteur falls in the same category as bank gothic. used to guilty of using that one myself.

I'm also generally annoyed how most architects will shun anything serif and demand sans serif fonts only.

Jan 4, 10 12:51 pm  · 
le bossman

hey, am i the only one who likes the fake hand draw fonts in autocad?

Jan 4, 10 12:55 pm  · 

.._. .._ _._. _._ what font do u use?

Jan 4, 10 1:32 pm  · 
Cherith Cutestory

right now I have been favoring Bodoni Poster Italic for titles with Avant Garde Gothic for my body text. I know that Avant Garde Gothic plays into the architectural cliche, however I think Bodoni makes enough of a statement on it's own. I currently have my cover letter, CV, and work samples all set with it and have been redoing my portfolio to match. It's very 70's fashion magazine, but I am totally ok with that.

Bodoni Poster Italic (I only use the lower case)

Avant Garde Gothic

Jan 4, 10 1:47 pm  · 


Jan 4, 10 3:44 pm  · 
Cherith Cutestory

Din Pro is nice. I use that one quite a lot. My previous application package used Clarendon for titles and Din Pro for body font. What can I say... I am a sucker for ball terminals!


Jan 4, 10 4:01 pm  · 

ball terminals?

Jan 4, 10 4:41 pm  · 

I'm ok with TNR.

Jan 5, 10 9:45 am  · 

I'm switching to Helvetica to avoid the hazing (and the architect gang knee-groin fetish.)

Jan 5, 10 10:40 am  · 

ff din light looks good light on dark backgrounds... I believe it was designed for an airport in the 90s...

Jan 5, 10 10:56 am  · 

Bank Gothic...ah, the memories :-)

Jan 5, 10 11:55 am  · 

Everyone seems to be looking for that silver-bullet font they can use with everything and everywhere. Once we moved past dot matrix printers, TNR was a good default font for word-processors since a lot of typeset books used it or something similar since it is easy on the eyes for long blocks of text. Of course, since it was the default font, this led to its overuse and subsequent backlash against it. Creative types rebelled against serif fonts altogether, although they still weren't willing to think too hard about which font they used, simply substituting default serif fonts with a default sans-serif font. Back when I started Arch school, it was Arial. Now Arial is loathed.

For a while, the true believers wouldn't touch anything serif. Now, people seem to be willing to give serif fonts a try, but putting it in your portfolio is still a risk as you may alienate hiring managers who are dogmatic about sans-serif fonts...

If you can pull it off, a mix of Serif and Sans-Serif fonts can look good. Using sans-serif for titles and short blocks of text and Serif for longer blocks of text and paragraphs. This can easily backfire though, if the fonts are not compatible. Or if one of those 'No mixing fonts' nazis comes along.

If all else fails....BANK GOTHIC!

Jan 5, 10 1:41 pm  · 

Lucida Sans..It is sexy!

Jan 5, 10 3:12 pm  · 

every now and then I like to send a word document to my colleagues in Wingdings just for a little bit of the WTF factor...

Jan 5, 10 4:24 pm  · 

electronic copy of course

Jan 5, 10 4:25 pm  · 

akkurat. nuff' said.

Jan 5, 10 5:12 pm  · 
Distant Unicorn

I stick to bell gothic and century gothic. CALL ME OLD FASHIONED.

Jan 5, 10 5:26 pm  · 
Distant Unicorn


I meant century 725bt. century gothic sucks.

Jan 5, 10 5:26 pm  · 

tagalong - for real fun set one of your colleagues Windows system fonts to wingdings. I did that before. The guy ended up calling our IT person thinking he had a virus.

Jan 5, 10 5:28 pm  · 

I once had to sit through a 2 hour lecture on why helvetica is the font of the gods including an excruciatingly in depth analysis of how each letter - Caps and lower case - was drawn...well at least I assume the lecturer did every letter, I glazed over after e.

IMO, if it's not city blueprint or any other font that is supposed to look like handwriting I couldn't care less.

Wait, I take that back. I once saw a cv submitted to my old firm done entirely in one of those twirly fonts that look like cursive writing. It provided a good 1/2 hour of entertainment trying to figure out what the darn thing said! So for pure comic relief, I support all fonts!

Jan 5, 10 5:34 pm  · 

which font[s] do you guys use for presentation boards/ portfolio ?

Jan 5, 10 6:15 pm  · 

I 2nd that Lucida Sans is sexy. Hopefully all who review my portfolio agree!

Jan 5, 10 6:47 pm  · 

i'm stuck between using verdana and trebuchet thanks to moodle. If I want impact, I can always use courier.

Jan 5, 10 9:50 pm  · 

In the law profession, Times New Roman is the only thing that looks right. Anything else looks unprofessional and shabby.

In the architecture profession, Times New Roman may be okay in some areas, but there are probably sleeker, sexier, more stylish substitutes that would possibly be a better choice.

Jan 5, 10 10:05 pm  · 

the past several places I've worked we've just used arial (or variations on arial) for presentation boards. it's a microsoft rip-off of helvetica - looks close enough - especially if your office is cheap and only uses default windows fonts.

lucida sans was my typeface of choice in undergrad back when we did ink on mylar and printed text on stickyback... back then I think everyone used Impact for titles... still works, but feels very 90s...

I'd go strictly gill sans - everything centered - and with generic 1950s clip art.

Jan 5, 10 10:10 pm  · 

Microsoft Sans Serif looks perfectly fine to me. In fact it's one of the better fonts in my book. I'm not sure what's up with some of you guys who despise it.

Jan 5, 10 10:12 pm  · 

I like times new roman. Its classic. Maybe its the legal thing? It has this air of standardization, mass production, but still that tinge of pop trashiness.

I'll never give away my secret beauty font though. The love that can only sing from a cage,

Jan 5, 10 10:38 pm  · 
liberty bell

oe, isn't there a font called Tweety? Or am I being too obvious?

Jan 6, 10 12:17 am  · 

So while googling for tweetyfont this popped up:

and now I'll never sleep again.

Jan 6, 10 12:52 am  · 

Well I'm not working like you guys so what do I know -- but I was going to say that there must be lovelier and more subtle serif fonts (we used to call them "faces" -- font referred to the point size or style -- italic, UC, LC -- how times change. . .) than Times -- which (echoing oe) looks like a machine designed it rather than a designer. Maybe that's the charm ? Anybody remember when Corbu's stencil font was the thing ? Oh wait, that was the 'forties, for gods sake. Heh-heh. See old Ralph Rapson Case Study boards.

Everything is cyclical, like clothing or food. In one year, out another.

I'm so behind, I just saw the Helvetica movie like two months ago. Note how many of the examples (signage, logos) were in H Light. Back in the day it was H Medium or nothing.

Jan 6, 10 12:59 am  · 

Oh crap -- talk about stepping on a joke. Sorry oe. Who IS that -- Tiger ?

Jan 6, 10 1:01 am  · 

"You know why!"

Jan 6, 10 3:15 am  · 

Seriously? There are threads on here about fonts? I hope you folks are all studied up for your LEED exams before you start ranting about fonts!

Jan 6, 10 3:17 am  · 
Cherith Cutestory

I bet LEED uses Times New Roman.

Jan 6, 10 3:25 am  · 

I use times OLD roman. I have a fetish for hairy granny fonts.

Jan 6, 10 5:18 am  · 

.._. .._ _._. _._
I bet LEED uses Times New Roman.

werd ;P

Jan 6, 10 10:39 am  · 

i've managed to switch our office to verdana, primarily because i liked it and began to use it and everybody just started using my memo and letter templates. just realized when i got my new laptop (which rendered fonts more accurately than the old?!) that archinect uses verdana, so that's reinforcement of my good taste, right?

...not that i'm stuck on the no-serif fonts: before verdana i was pretty fond of book antiqua.

Jan 6, 10 10:58 am  · 

I'll play Pollyanna: Isn't it a great world, where we have as many choices in typefaces as the landscaper has in plant materials ? Man imitates nature ?

Jan 6, 10 1:19 pm  · 

Our firm uses Optim, which I'd never heard of before I came here. It looks like crap on the screen, but prints quite nicely.

Jan 6, 10 2:04 pm  · 
Distant Unicorn

It's not about type face. It's about composition. If you can't make times look good, you're a jackoff.

Jan 6, 10 3:13 pm  · 

Uh oh, is Palatino '80s? I just sent entire portfolios of Palatino off to various dream schools...

-Throw off the shackles of Helvetica
-Add some conservative family values
-Mitigate the inexperience and arrogance that my images and writing style ooze


Jan 6, 10 3:39 pm  · 
liberty bell

I think it's a graceful font, middleAmerica - elegant but not prissy.

Jan 6, 10 3:44 pm  · 

believe it or not, my firm has our own font. it is like a slight variation on arial. i dont even know the history of it, but when sharing files with consultants, its hugely annoying b/c of course they dont HAVE our font.....

Jan 6, 10 4:48 pm  · 

we had that problem in my old office, atsama. not only did our consultants not have the firm font, not ALL of us had it. we just used an alternate/similar font and didn't say much about it.

that's what you get for having a famous graphic designer 'brand' your firm, i guess.

Jan 6, 10 5:09 pm  · 

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