
It's Sarcastic Wednesday!


i love this time of the year!

Dec 19, 07 2:00 pm  · 

no you go, I'll be here when you come back (As he slams the door shut)

Dec 19, 07 3:47 pm  · 

ah... me loves waking up at 6am to do 3d-smacks

Apr 16, 08 6:41 am  · 

hey Wash U faculty. It is so great that you don't show up for college lectures. Shows your incredible support for the student body. you win for awesomeness.

Apr 16, 08 8:02 am  · 

i am so sad about today being my last day at my current mid-size arch. office

Apr 16, 08 11:52 am  · 

oh, and i am not nervous at all to be moving to a corporate giant, being led by my ambition and a design void they want me to fill...

Apr 16, 08 11:53 am  · 

this fast track stuff is awesome...

electrical team, thank you for requesting additional electrical space after we've issued a foundation package for construction. when we sat down 3 months ago and agreed to everything, i was certain that you'd come back to fuck me in the end. thank you for making my job easy.

mechanical team, good news, you've decided to add more shafts. why not? everyone loves shafts!

construction team, i think its great that even though our drawings stated "not for construction" you've decided to place a steel order without our knowledge. so instead of revising the foundations, our structural team gets to review shops that aren't even close to whats on paper now.

designer, i think the golden section is great. i'm glad this has influenced your parking lot design. really, i think it swell that you continuously refuse to abide by life safety and accessibility issues. you rock.

IT, thank you for blocking all streaming content. it was really distracting. it used to cover up the streaming content from the restroom that i'm so wonderfully located adjacent to.

Cameron, your comment about Wash U faculty was entirely uncalled for. I think a students education should be the least of the faculty's priorities. After all, it's not like the students are shelling out thousands of dollars and putting food on their plate. By the way Cameron, why don't you think of someone else for a change!

Apr 16, 08 2:25 pm  · 
liberty bell

Losing a day's work because you've been up all night vomiting = woohoo!

postal, I thoroughly enjoyed reading your post. I hope things on the job get better soon.
<back to sarcasm>

Not getting to see vado this morning because you were too sick to go to the AIA meeting = totally rocks!

Apr 16, 08 5:11 pm  · 

I am so utterly shocked that architecture is currently the least creative and inspiring of my 3 jobs, school never prepared me for this...

Apr 16, 08 5:23 pm  · 
drums please, Fab?

obama/clinton debate starts in 20 minutes! so excited!

Apr 16, 08 7:40 pm  · 

There is nothing more enjoyable than wading thru the Wood Frame Construction Manual and working with the Wood Frame Construction Manual Workbook in analyzing a two story residential structure which they call a three story structure cause it has an 8 and 12 Roof Pitch, all of this because the winds are currently blowing at 120 mph on the eastern seaboard which is most likely going to change in the next ten years so some engineer will have to go back and retrofit for 140 mph winds...

Apr 16, 08 10:34 pm  · 

Real winner since it is Thursday

Apr 16, 08 10:55 pm  · 

not here -- yet

I really love that no one speaks or writes english any more. 8 in 12, bitch. . .

Apr 17, 08 1:58 am  · 

I'll lose a friend over that -- like I give a shit. [wow --this sarcasm stuff is da bomb !]

Apr 17, 08 2:00 am  · 

da bomb? the bomb....damn I hate English Majors without an original thoubght.

Apr 17, 08 8:12 am  · 

heh heh -- old expression last parodied by D Letterman, circa 2002 (?). I see it doesn't improve my street cred !

See ya next Wed

Apr 17, 08 10:10 am  · 

I love coming to work to find that the drunk homeless guy has left all of his possesions (including his bottle of Popov and Fanta) on my doorstep

Apr 30, 08 12:09 pm  · 
Living in Gin

The Reverend Jeremiah Wright is the most important issue in America today.

Apr 30, 08 12:28 pm  · 

I discovered one of my projects has the town line running diagonally thru the building and site. More important I have to go to both towns
for building permits. This should be alot of fun!

Apr 30, 08 1:11 pm  · 

I love getting a call from the client at 5:30pm on a Friday asking for something that involves coordination with consultants who have already left for the weekend and me trying to find production staff who have also left for the weekend, to be done by Monday morning - and I really appreciate the fact that they knew this for 2 weeks and waited until the very last minute to let me know. Oh, and they are right to tell me I am being difficult (and all of those other wonderfully colorful terms) when I calmly explain why this is an unreasonable request.

Apr 30, 08 1:56 pm  · 
drums please, Fab?

i'm so glad michelle malkin got those dunkin' donuts rachael ray ads pulled! we can't let islamic extremism take hold in the usa!

way to go, michelle!

May 28, 08 6:50 pm  · 

I'm currently working on a project where the Town Line runs diagonally thru the existing building. So you have it it falls in two towns. So guess what....Every aspect of the project has to be given the blessing of two towns. Which means a ton of wasted paper and
time just because people have gone into the protection mode for their jobs....I fricking hate slow downs. The latest was one town needing to assign an address to the site when we already have an address from the other how does that suck....we most
likely will have to put up two address which don't correspond at all...
but you know you have to do it for fire safety....ya Wednesday's do Suck! Crazy thing is I did this project 3 years ago...and there wasn't even a second glance at the fact it fell in two townships. Same place different people three years later.....WTF? Now I feel better....ARGH!

May 28, 08 9:48 pm  · 
Living in Gin

I just love working with a condescending, obsessive-compulsive, micro-managing Project Manager who never ceases to remind me how much work we still have to do and how busy he is with on other projects.... And yet insists that we spend half of each workday in project team meetings that go around in circles and accomplish absolutely nothing.

Jun 11, 08 6:55 pm  · 

I heart the GC working on my project. I thought it was great when he told us the finish schedule did not coincide with the floorplan . despite the fact we worked on it all yesterday morning. I thought he was so smart when he emailed us the floorplan and schedule to show our mistake... which proved to me... that he is still looking at last week's floor plan BEFORE we made the new revisions. GOD I LOVE IDIOTS!!!!!

Jun 11, 08 8:31 pm  · 

working on a pro-bono project and it is that sucks..
and you know the meeting you have tomorrow with the govermental agency doesn't give a shit!

Jun 11, 08 10:31 pm  · 
drums please, Fab?

i'm so glad some drunk guy keeps throwing mini cuervo gold bottles in my side yard! thanks dude i'll keep picking 'em up and recycling them!

Aug 20, 08 2:04 pm  · 

i am so sad i brought this thread back to life!!!

Apr 28, 10 5:13 pm  · 

looking back at the prior posts before, makes me realize how things are so much better now...we just didn't realize how rough things were back then...

Apr 28, 10 5:15 pm  · 

subway sandwiches are delicious. I love eating there for lunch everyday because there's nothing else affordable around and I'm took lazy to pack lunch in the morning. Also, love corporate office parks.

Apr 28, 10 5:42 pm  · 

I love when our clients change the scope of our work, after the CDs are already complete, twice in as many days. Template roll-out work is awesome and not at all mind numbingly tedious. My job rocks!!!

Aug 18, 10 3:51 pm  · 
prairie school drop out

i know it's thursday, but damn! i'm so thrilled that i got asked to fill this dude's stapler, i absolutely couldn't wait until next week to share. yeah, i know he's 86 and has probably filled plenty of staplers. i'm just glad i had the opportunity to build my skillset. stapler filling. going on my resume. i'm sure that is what's preventing me from getting the job of my dreams.

Aug 19, 10 3:41 pm  · 

It motivates me like crazy when someone posts sad pictures of animals on Archinect!

Sep 14, 10 2:05 pm  · 

given that it's only Tuesday, are you we're allowed to post on this thread?

Sep 14, 10 2:50 pm  · 

I not only love trying to refinance my house, but I love sitting around at the office all day long with absolutely nothing to do day in and day out. It doesn't affect my outlook on life at all. I'm not beginning to feel jaded or hopeless in every aspect of my life... no sir-y Bob. Life is great.

Sep 15, 10 1:27 pm  · 

Reading Housing Authority specs is FAR more entertaining than sitting out in the breeze watching my chickens!

Sep 15, 10 3:32 pm  · 

dear GC - thank you for putting in a change order for items we originally spec'd because I rejected your cheap-ass substitutions. Of course it's my fault you underbid and I will </i>definitely</i> approve your request.

Sep 15, 10 9:22 pm  · 

List of Acceptable Storefront Materials:

stone tile

quarry & ceramic tile

stainless steel


List of Unacceptable Storefront Materials:

rubber or vinyl base


pre-finished metals other than stainless steel


plastic laminates


But please feel free to be as creativee as you want.  Gee... thanks,

signed the interior designer designing a SW scheme

Apr 20, 11 4:20 pm  · 

ya it is sarcastic Wednesday....and were rounding the corner to "Good Friday"...

Apr 20, 11 4:40 pm  · 

I frickin' love it that the economy is getting better...soooo much better!

Apr 20, 11 5:30 pm  · 

yes you are right dear.I  love my projects of web hosting in Pakistan



Apr 20, 11 5:42 pm  · 
vado retro

i missed this thread soooooooooooooooooooooooooo much.


Apr 20, 11 5:44 pm  · 

as well 4-20!

Apr 20, 11 9:14 pm  · 

Sure I can have that complete new concept to you by Friday morning (1.5 days).  Figuring out a new layout with completely new finishes is easy.  Who cares that it took me a week and a half to do the first one.  Thanks for letting me know all this now and not last week when I was climbing the walls with nothing to do. 

There are indeed  three 8 hour days in 24 hours. I hadn't thought of that before.  That might become my new mantra

Sep 7, 11 2:55 pm  · 
drums please, Fab?


Sep 7, 11 3:02 pm  · 

There are indeed  three 8 hour days in 24 hours. I hadn't thought of that before.   Classic!


Sep 7, 11 3:06 pm  · 

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