
lost endings


Barnabas uses the I Ching wands to try and find out who killed Quentin. Barnabas and Magda find the portrait of Quentin as the werewolf and deduct it has cured Quentin. Petofi tells Edward where he can find and Barnabas, and gives him a gun with silver bullets. Barnabas enters the I Ching trance.

...and that's just one of 1245 episodes.

May 17, 07 9:57 pm  · 

tk, "sayid" was also in one of my favorite movies, the english patient. he had SUPER long hair back then. i saw something really disturbing online today... i saw an iraqi girl being stoned to death. it really made me think about what is going on there. i was supposed to take part in a conference this summer on rebuilding iraq. but i declined at the last minute... iraq is such a complex place and iraqis are such a complex people- who am i to say what should happen there... and not to mention, i dont think i know anyone who is iraqi. so anyways, yes, it is good to see ...

May 17, 07 10:03 pm  · 

did anyone watch the commentary from the producers tonight? they say, "naomi's boat is 80 km offshore, but if they get rescued there couldnt be a show anymore"... i have a feeling they do get rescued next episode. they also were quoted as saying after the season finale people are going to wonder how the show will/can continue.... hmmmm

May 18, 07 1:37 am  · 

theyll find a way to continue. they have to.

i think the two guys who were commenting on everything and "explaining" it all were just setting it up... they had to dumb it down a little for the people who dont watch the show and try to grab em. but i think those people wont get it anyways unless they watch it from the beginning.

i mean, there's THREE more seasons left. and i really dont want to see some sappy "everyone gets rescued and then gets married/has babies/whatever" type sh*t.

May 18, 07 8:03 am  · 

although... now that i think about it... this is ABC we're talking about. land of walt. grrr

May 18, 07 8:04 am  · 

the producers didn't say or explain anything- it was just a lost 102 to prep people to watch the season finale. they did the same last year... it is rather cheap programing to produce and abc seemed to have that time slot open. ABC only became part of walt's empire in 1985.

May 18, 07 9:49 am  · 

maybe the whole world is a simulation within a simulatin within a simulation, etc. like the matrix...

including us out here watching the simulation...

May 18, 07 10:42 am  · 

Certainly not the whole world, but the man-made world harbors a lot of reenactment. Let's not forget that LOST is a TV show.

"Space-time continuum" is one phrase from last night that I think is key. Plus, the "release of the island's electro-magnetic force" appears to have opened up the portal between the island and the rest of the planet.

Personally, I like the notion of it all being inside Hurley's imagination. I've never been committed to a psyche ward, but I've visited them often enough--if ever there were black holes on this planet...

May 18, 07 10:56 am  · 
work for idle hands

yeah they had 45 mins of programming to fill....i should've watched the bulls lose. but if you read between the lines they had to focus on certain things from the shows past to talk about, either becuase they're crucial to the next episode and/or the rest of the series. for instance they're was a LOT about locke discussed... and also his conflict with ben. ..i just hope the season finale doesn't have some lame locke rises like a superhero to save the day and usurp ben's authority scenario... they can do better.

is they're a global warming/waterworld/the island is all that's left of civilization theory out there yet?

May 18, 07 11:10 am  · 

ooh... almost like a 28 days later... where maybe theyre the last civilization?

May 18, 07 11:17 am  · 

well of course locke's coming back. he HEALS, remember? can't believe ben wasn't smart enough to figure that out...

May 18, 07 11:19 am  · 
work for idle hands

i know he aint gonna die... i'm just saying i hope his comeback isn't too cliched.

they writers have been... let's say "called out" for borrowing ideas from certain popular culture figures (stephen king, for instance. someone commented how ironic/appropriate it was that the 'others' were discussing a stephen king book at their club. theres a lot about the show that's familiar from stephen king stories, though a lot of his stories i guess are familiar from other writers as well..its all a theme chain of sorts). the apocolyptic theme would fit in there, but i have a feeling that they're always struggling to be as inventive and original as possible, not that the show isnt very original mind you, but stranded on a deserted island in itself isn't at all new.

but i think the one comment that they're building up to at least an 'appearance' of a rescue at the end of the finale is appropriate... it would be an interesting twist.

May 18, 07 11:30 am  · 
vado retro

everything in this show is borrowed.

May 18, 07 11:43 am  · 

Judith stops Quentin from harassing Edith. Edward Collins returns to Collinsport with a new governess, Rachel Drummond, for the children. Barnabas meets with Edith Collins; she is shocked and declares that he is the secret. Edward tries to get Edith to tell him the secret.

Joshua and Nathan investigate Suki's murder, they find Josette at the Old House. Millicent finds out that Suki was Nathan's wife. Bite marks are found on Josette's neck, and it is feared that Josette will die as written in the family history book.

Roger picks Victoria up to drive her home. She tells him about finding out that Burke's pen was missing and that it was the same pen that she found on the beach where Bill Malloy died. Roger doesn't want her to mention the pen again even though this could be used against Burke, Victoria is puzzled. Roger finds the road cut off by water from the storm, he is unable to start the car back up. Victoria and Roger find a small shack to get out of the storm. They then talk about the pen again, Victoria wants to go to the police, Roger gets very angry with her. Victoria is now really confused. The sheriff finds Roger and Victoria and helps them get home.

Barnabas plans the costume party. Victoria is very excited about the party, but Elizabeth still has some reservations. Victoria helps Barnabas pick the clothing that everyone will wear. One of the pieces of clothing is a little girl's dress which belonged to Sarah Collins. Later Sarah appears and finds her dress.

Ben figures out they're waiting for a helicopter, so he asks the island for a helicopter. Ben's helicopter comes to the rescue, and "our group" happily get on board. Surprise! Surprise!

May 18, 07 11:53 am  · 

work for idle hands & vado - can you guys point me to anything online that lists the influences/borrowings in the show?

'everything in this show is borrowed'

I have a feeling that you're right, vado, but I've gotta ask for a footnote on that.

Especially since it seems like many of the borrowings are deliberate shoutouts not sneaky thefts. They're always throwing in stuff like that King book to make it explicit.

May 18, 07 12:11 pm  · 

im sorry but if this has any kind of ending that even comes CLOSE to a stephen king book, i will be completely pissed off. king has good build-ups but the worst endings.

May 18, 07 12:21 pm  · 
work for idle hands

i was reading the last three books of the 'dark tower' series by stephen king right around the first two seasons of the show (i had read the first books many many years ago in high school and felt like i had to finish it). it was astonishing to my how elements such as 'the others are coming' and the discovery of abandoned transit and industry and experimental stations while i was reading/watching the show was by pure accident matching up. that's the most blatant example i found. i don't know what's online cause other than the few posts here i don't really go out of my way to research this show. i just watch it and hear about it in passing.

i also though that the 'smokey' thing with a mind of its own was vaguely familiar to the nano-particle entity in the novel 'prey' by crichton. the idea of a living entitiy that may or may not be human being at the center of a place/space/location and exherting absolute control over it is in just about every stephen king book out there (it, shining, that one story about the rats, etc, etc...)...also a lot of other horror and sci-fi writers (lovecraft??..)

i don't think saying everything on the show is borrowed is a criticism at all. its just the nature of storytelling, remember there are no new themes out there, and there is so much more to specific occurances in a storyline that make a show/story/movie/play whatever entertaining. i don't think a lot of people realize how hugely important the cast of lost alone is to its popularity. when i first heard there was another new show coming out about people stranded on a desert island my first thought was 'good lord how unoriginal'

May 18, 07 12:28 pm  · 

oh and that smokey thing was also kinda similar to the Langoliers... as well as the "electromagnetic force field" where everyone is stuck in the airport and they see all the wires coming down, etc. god that had a horrible ending.

this idea isnt new... and if you want to relate- is anything purely original? my opinion is no. everything is borrowed and built upon. i dont think it's bad if they borrow some successful things, as long as the evolve the concept.

May 18, 07 12:33 pm  · 
work for idle hands

i don't know, i kindof liked the langoliers. it was the one where the plane back in time or something accidentally and the langoliers where the things that destroyed the elements of the past in the time space continuoum and almost ate the people stuck there. but your right, king isn't that good at ending stories. i think he kind of knows this, actually. his last novel about the cell phones had no ending. my favorite of his works are his short stories and novellas.. i really think that's his forte.

May 18, 07 12:39 pm  · 
vado retro

well the whole idea is a combination/hybridization of mysterious island/lord of the flies/gilligan's island/twilight zone/gulliver's travels...

May 18, 07 1:02 pm  · 

Don't forget Sawyer's been reading Catcher in the Rye, which plays an integral 'role' within the imaginative strategems of Six Degrees of Separation--"what we really fear is [facing] our own face" (paraphrase). In Lost we see the "degrees of separation" becoming less and less, and ultimately there is no separation at all because it's all just one person--Hurley! (and that's why Hurley is such a big person; his large body represent everyone).

The first (1984) collaboration between horror/fantasy writers King and Straub, this book has been reissued in multiple formats to coincide with the publication of its sequel, Black House. In The Talisman, 12-year-old Jack Sawyer takes on a quest in this and a parallel world, the "Territories," to acquire a mystical talisman that will save the life of his dying mother and her "twinner," the Queen of the Territories. Jack "flips" back and forth between worlds during his journey, finding his way through and past representatives of good and evil in both.

May 18, 07 1:52 pm  · 

Barnabas explains the strange things he saw in the east wing of Collinwood. Julia explains Stokes' theory of Parallel Time. Barnabas and Julia find Megan and offer to try to cure her, but she refuses. Megan bites Roger. Julia and Barnabas plan to have Willie drive a stake through Megan's heart. Barnabas again sees parallel time in the east wing; Elizabeth tries to remove a portrait of Angelique however Julia stops her.

Roger tells Barnabas what he saw in parallel time. Julia tells Barnabas that she has given him the last treatment that she can safely give him. Sabrina asks Chris to marry her, he refuses. Roger tells Elizabeth about what he has seen in the east wing. Barnabas is unable to control himself and bites Sabrina. Later Chris discovers the bite marks on Sabrina's neck.

Sky tries to kill Carolyn, Jeb stops him; Sky pushes Jeb off of Widow's Hill. Barnabas considers entering parallel time in order to escape hurting anyone else. Barnabas forces Sky to shoot himself. Carolyn has a dream in which Jeb tells her that he loves her and they will meet again. Barnabas enters the room in the east wing and finds himself in parallel time; Carolyn asks him who he is.

In parallel time Barnabas bites Carolyn. Quentin had previously been married to Angelique who has apparently died. Julia is a servant who is still loyal to Angelique. Quentin has married Maggie Evans and they have returned from their honeymoon. Maggie gets a note telling her that she is not wanted at Collinwood, it is signed by Angelique.

Gosh, they just don't make television like they used to.

May 18, 07 2:03 pm  · 
work for idle hands

remember that short lived remake of dark shadows in the early nineties on primetime tv?? i thought it was alright.. surprised it only lasted half a season (of course i was an adolescent at the time so maybe it just seemed cool as a kid).

they were able to incorporate a lot more bloodshed in that than in the original daytime version from the sixties. it was actually all in all a lot more horrorshow than the soap.

May 18, 07 2:09 pm  · 

i hope it's like some kind of government experimentation in genocide. like theyre trying to find out how to get women to be unable to reproduce quietly. which would seem to be the opposite of what they "appear" to be doing- trying to reproduce. but maybe they have to work backwards?

May 18, 07 2:35 pm  · 

I do remember the Dark Shadows remake. It followed the same exact storyline as the original. What was good about the original, however, was how convoluted the storyline got over time; ultimately an occult encyclopedia of sorts. The low production value of the original show also had its charm.

What I see in LOST is the same type of convoluted (complicated; intricately involved) storyline filled with clandestine, sort of encyclopedic clues. What seems somewhat unique to LOST though is its way of character development via real time portrayal and flashback. This operation manifests (at least) a double theater, which is a very fecund, indeed baroque, story-telling vehicle that is not often used.

May 18, 07 2:57 pm  · 

For anybody who wants a recap of season three to prep for watching the finale tonight (no spoilers here, as long as you're caught up):



"And then Hurley was all like "SAWYER STOP BEING A DICK" and Sawyer was like I DON'T WANNA and Hurley was like DUDE!? And Sawyer was like DUDE. And Hurley was like Duuude?? And Sawyer was like OH ALRIGHT and he started talking about wrinkly babies and we all were like ';salkf;asldk"

May 23, 07 11:25 am  · 

i hope peter petrelli lands on the island tonight.

May 23, 07 11:29 am  · 

oh, shit, it's the season finale tonight!!!

two hours of lost!!! =D

May 23, 07 12:26 pm  · 

ok everyone, so what did you think?

my 2 pennies... i loved the attack on the "others"... sayed + the old dude was great how he blew him up! (seriously did the other guy really think he was going to hit the dyno with a handgun???) the whole "underwater" station stuff was kinda dumb. i got the whole ending was really in the future- that was genius...

May 24, 07 8:42 am  · 

I like what Jack is becoming, filled with rage and murder on his mind, then an alcoholic like his dad. It was a good call to have all of the characters be screwed up somehow, long be for they got to the island.

Charlie's death was a little weak, imho. Why'd he shut the hatch door? Couldn't the water have filled the place up and they both swam to to the surface?

New Episode: after Jan. 1, 2008

May 24, 07 8:47 am  · 

omg... JAN 1 '08???!!! what is with the ridiculous hiatus these days??!?

May 24, 07 9:32 am  · 

As usual more questions then answers...

Who was in the coffin? Ben, Locke, Juliet?

Why did Jack refer to his dad as if he was still alive?

Do you think Ben was being truthful when he said that the boat was there to kill everyone?

May 24, 07 9:33 am  · 

Yeah, it's going to be really tough to keep interest up until 2008. Maybe they're hoping all the noobs will go out ang buy the DVD sets before then.

Did you catch the thing with the razr? Jack's prominently talking on one during all the flashbacks. I turned to my sister and was like 'that's blatant product placement, cause this is supposed to be like 2002 and razrs weren't made yet.' Turns out it was a clue! Whutt!!?

May 24, 07 10:51 am  · 

It's funny too, that the one spoiler site above was totally nuked after the episode ran as thousands of people checked it to see if it was right. (it was)

May 24, 07 10:52 am  · 

Okay wait, I just glanced at those links. The first one is just a synopsis of the finale episode that just aired, so that's safe if you've seen it.

But the second one has some other shit on it, and I closed the window as soon as I realized. Beware.

May 24, 07 10:57 am  · 

i thought they were "flash forwards" not flashbacks.

May 24, 07 11:40 am  · 

Jack as Jim Morrison was awesome! The old skool Nirvana playing in his old Bronco threw me too...

May 24, 07 11:46 am  · 

lol yeah that was an old ass song that rarely got played. i thought the coffin was the lady from the bridge accident. but now you all think it could be other ppl. so now idk. but i will probably forget all of this by next january.

May 24, 07 11:50 am  · 

+i, yeah they were flash forwards to when after they were rescued. i guess jack's life went to shit after being taken off the island. i guess the island gave them some purpose.

who do you think was in the coffin? i say it was sawyer. it had to be someone from the island.

ahahahaha! yeah, i totally made the jim morrison connection too!

May 24, 07 11:53 am  · 

i bet they placed microchips in their brains or something- to track them.

i'm gonna be pissed if it was sawyer. i actually like sawyer too. i wonder if it was juliette? hmm... down with that b*tch.

so they got Lost. they get Found. and now they want to be Lost again.

May 24, 07 11:55 am  · 

trace, i too thought that charlie's death was pretty weak. with all of desmond's flashes i was expecting his death to be at least a little bit more dramatic.

May 24, 07 12:03 pm  · 

ha ha ha, microchips in their brains!

May 24, 07 12:03 pm  · 

What's up with Mikhail (the eye patch dude)? He won't die. He's been "killed" like 4 times... Same with Locke...

May 24, 07 12:24 pm  · 

dude, i know!!!

what is he, the terminator or something!?

May 24, 07 12:25 pm  · 

thought that kate was shacking up with sawyer in the future... and what's up with jacks dad being alive?

so will next season be a prequel about what the island is or what happens to the island after it's defenses are breached?

May 24, 07 12:43 pm  · 

yeah, i've been emailing my cousin re: lost. he's a much more devoted fan than i am (i've only started watching this season, having only seen the clip shows on the first two seasons).

yeah, maybe it's not sawyer, but it's definitely someone who was on the island. locke? ben?

May 24, 07 12:56 pm  · 

The coffin looked too small for Locke or Sawyer. Could be Ben.

Since they're setting it up to look like Kate's with Sawyer, I'll bet that means she isn't. They'll flip it up and she'll be married to Hurley or something.

May 24, 07 1:17 pm  · 

maybe the coffin is empty?

May 24, 07 1:17 pm  · 

It has to be Juliet now I think more about it. Why would Jack be willing to kill himself over it and Kate had no interest in going?

Someone proposed the idea that this is merley one possible future and that they are somehow stuck in some rift in the space-time continuum (the name of the episode was through the looking glass). Jack's dad died before the crash but now you find out he is alive again?

May 24, 07 1:17 pm  · 

jg, my cousin mentioned the exact same thing!

that it's a possible future because desmond's vision didn't mention anything about the boat not being penny's, etc.

damn, i don't know what to think!

May 24, 07 1:20 pm  · 

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