
lost endings


hmmm... not to overthink every little detail of the show like the whackos on the official Lost message boards on ABC (yes, I've looked at them briefly), but I doubt that it was Juliette in the coffin. That was a pretty shady neighborhood that the funeral parlor was in. I doubt that someone like Juliette would have a funeral in a place like that. Besides, she has family - her sister and nephew. Surely they would've attended right? I don't know who was in the coffin, but obviously it was somebody that would make Jack throw himself off a bridge - maybe it's a character that hasn't been introduced yet...

At the end of the show, did you notice that Kate was driving a Volvo? You know who drives Volvos? Moms, wives, and pregnant ladies that's who... I'm guessing the person she "had to get back" to was either Sawyer or her parole officer.

All in all, I was kinda disappointed - where was the big black cloud?

May 24, 07 2:06 pm  · 

Maybe Kate's married to the big black cloud. Or the Polar Bear.

May 24, 07 2:08 pm  · 
work for idle hands

the coffin was full of bricks and represented the dozens of people murdered in cold blood so far on that freakin island.

"funeral services will be held for those unfortunate enough to have crash landed onto and/or already occupied an island that has come to be known as murderworld and were either shot/knifed/blown up/beaten to death/strangled/drowned/gassed etc. etc. by the nutbar crazy cult of inhabitants and/or the sick, deviant, depressed, insecure, wrought with issues, frightened whack job losers and criminals that happened to crash land there"

May 24, 07 2:50 pm  · 

Aren't they going to have some new shows on that show what the people were doing long before they go there?, damn it, that's heros. Wow, I feel lame!

May 24, 07 7:51 pm  · 

I don't think Jack's dad is actually referred to as being alive - except when Jack is trying to use his name to get a prescription refilled, which was a bluff and he gave up and stormed off as soon as the pharmacist said she was going to call Jack's father's office to check.

Maybe the person Kate has to get back to is her son. There was a hint that she might be pregnant. If they were to get rescued then she wouldn't be on the island when the child is born, so she and the baby might survive the curse of pregnant women on the island.

My guess is that it was Ben who was in the coffin, but that does seem a little obvious.

May 24, 07 10:15 pm  · 

the news clipping Jack has and freaks about shows that someone died whose name starts with a J and is from New York??

May 24, 07 10:26 pm  · 

Well "J" could be James (Sawyer), John Locke, Jin (unlikely), or also... Jacob (the name of that mysterious ghost character) Juliette? Jack (which would be kindof twilight zone-y)...

May 25, 07 12:48 am  · 

where was juliette from?

does anyone remember?

May 25, 07 2:33 am  · 

so, has anybody been watching?

i mean, wtf!? they keep adding more questions! i want answers dammit!!!

Feb 8, 08 12:15 pm  · 
FOG Lite

Oh but I love the questions!

The return has been good and I'm enjoying having something decent on TV once again.

Feb 8, 08 3:41 pm  · 

yeah so far its been pretty good, these 1st 2 episodes

i hope this mini season gives us something more than who the Oceanic 6 are though

Feb 8, 08 4:47 pm  · 

I just watched the season opener, and it was like: "Oh great, I can look forward to getting jerked around every week once again."

Another episode where they don't tell you jack (ha!). All they did was run around in the jungle and jabber into the stupid satellite phone! And that chick Naomi, she's died, what, three times already?!

The only thing cool was when Lieutenant Daniels from The Wire showed up and tried to get Hurley to join the Major Crimes unit.

They've gotta give something up soon or I'm gonna go and read that spoiler blog posted at the top.

Feb 8, 08 5:47 pm  · 

did anybody see last night's episode!? i thought it was really good.

Feb 29, 08 1:17 pm  · 

of course, the whole time i was thinking, "billy pilgrim".

Feb 29, 08 1:20 pm  · 

Last nights was crazy-

Feb 29, 08 1:27 pm  · 


like the fore and aft of Finnegan's Wake or the role of Sepulchrum Mariae Honorij Imp. Uxoris, Stiliconis filiae within [/i]Il Campo Marzio[/i].

Jan 29, 09 11:18 am  · 

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