There There

There There Diversity Badge

Female owned

Los Angeles, CA



An endless variety of orchids flourish throughout the world—the diversity of these flowers being the result of long processes of evolution and adaptation to context. These highly adaptive species are commonly epiphytic plants that grow on rocks, with aerial roots, and on other plants. This allows them to live in poor environments and acclimatize to diverse conditions by establishing entanglements with other beings: an ecosystem of coexistence and interdependence, that can be described as sympoiesis.

Orcheorama catalyzes a new sympoietic system within Casa Wabi’s landscape: the new structure establishes a relation of interdependence with the territory that hosts it and its current inhabitants, enhancing a microclimate that allows multiple orchid varieties to flourish.

The new structure—a sequence of arches and rings conformed of reinforcing steel rod—hosts the new orchid species. From its centers, endemic vegetation grows, climbing the structure to generate a vegetation dome that provides shade and natural ventilation, and conserves humidity. Humidity is further increased by the new water body. The existing vegetation acts as a protective layer. The orchids with dense leathery leaves and robust cuticle conform a second layer that is more exposed to sun, while those with an inflorescence with long stems remain in shaded areas.

 These entangled elements act as a natural greenhouse, creating the necessary conditions for multiple orchid varieties to flourish among the ecosystem of Casa Wabi.

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Status: Competition Entry
Location: Puerto Escondido, MX
Firm Role: Architect
Additional Credits: Monica Lamela, Gabriela Alvarez, Sofia Betancur