Iryna Olson

Iryna Olson

Tucson, AZ, US

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I am currently pursuing a Bachelors in Architecture at the University of Arizona in Tucson, Arizona. I am currently hold a Bachelors in Accounting and a Masters in Economics, and has over six years experience as a small business owner in Ukraine providing accounting consulting services across Ukraine and Russia. I am trilingual, fluent in English, Ukrainian and Russian and can provide corporate cultural consulting for business with international project opportunities in Eastern Europe.

A proven leader in both Europe and the United States, I not only won the 2016 design award from the College of Architecture, but currently serve as the 2018 team leader for the multi-disciplined national competition team, representing the University of Arizona. I have the unique ability to integrate creative design skills with proven business acumen. I am an excellent communicator, able to clearly present complex concepts with both elegance and ease. As a global citizen, I plan to specialize in city planning and international corporate opportunities around the world. I am always looking for ways to integrate my creativity with technical and business skills to support growing businesses.


Eglin+Bresler Architects, P.C., Tucson, AZ, US, architect intern

Current responsibilities:
- small project construction documentation,
- rendering and post-production,
- marketing material preparation (representational boards, marketing boards,
architectural proposals, etc),
- remote 3D modeling,
- site visits (object and space measuring).

Aug 2016 - current

A-Solution LLC, Kiev, UA, business owner

Owned and managed small business accounting and tax preparation service in Kiev Ukraine. Clients ranged in annual revenues from $10,000 to $150,000 and were geographically diverse across Central Ukraine region. Employed and supervised up to five people in two office locations. Main responsibilities: daily organization of business processes, prepare and revise tax reports, representation of client’s interests to IRS,financial planning, budgeting, marketing, business development and client relations.

May 2006 - Dec 2013


University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, US, BArch, Architecture

Jan 2015 - current

Areas of Specialization 
