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500 Square Feet and Falling

How mini is micro? A diagram detailing different square footages of the My Micro NY (via nARCHITECTS). A nighttime visualization of My Micro NY (via nARCHITECTS). The micro-apartments being assembled before delivery to the construction site, where they are stacked by crane (photo via nARCHITECTS). SMARTSPACE in San Francisco designed by Lowney Architecture, with average unit sizes of 295 square feet (image courtesy of PATRICK KENNEDY, PANORAMIC INTERESTS)

The micro-apartments being assembled before delivery to the construction site, where they are stacked by crane (photo via nARCHITECTS).

The micro-apartments being assembled before delivery to the construction site, where they are stacked by crane (photo via nARCHITECTS).