Mallol Arquitectos

Mallol Arquitectos

Panama City, PA


Banco Mercantil

The Banco Mercantil Universal was born over a hundred years ago and since its early days its had close ties with Nordic-European banking. The time of its establishment gives it a sort of institutional atemporality; a guaranteed backing in its trade, a strength that’s ever-present in its many years of service. 

A bank in itself is a place unlike any other, one that’s brought to life by its everyday visitors. Through this continued alliance a relationship of trust and transparency is created; the type of relationship where the bank’s main efforts are all geared towards the client’s wellbeing. 

With these ideas in mind, the main goal of the design approach was to honor this well-built relationship, while still maintaining a sense of humanity and understanding. 

The offices are located in the Torre de Las Américas and they serve as the daily work space of over 200 employees. Together the spaces spread over a total of 2200 square meters which are then separated into two stories. The design of the first floor caters to a faster-paced, more versatile environment that’s illuminated from above by a hovering skylight. This space is quite flexible in its function and it’s been used for a myriad of trainings, brainstorming meetings, and group assignments. Due to the centralized nature of the skylight, the spaces are distributed in a central and concentric manner; with offices in the center reserved for gatherings and ones in the perimeter accommodating an open floor plan of desks. 

The cafeteria arguably has one of the best views in the office. This cozy, welcoming nook is thought as the heart of the office, one that offers a quiet space to rest and socialize during the quieter times of the work day, and a more animated celebratory space during events. On the executive level we are met with a fish-bowl-like design for the treasurers. The visual connection between the entrance and the “bowl” tends to spike the visitor’s interest into the boisterous world of the stock market. In the presidential wing we find the private offices and the principals’s meeting rooms. These rooms all share a glorious view towards the ocean. 

In terms of colors, the office dons a combination of blues and oranges which are framed by a light wood cladding. The distinctive Nordic aesthetic is celebrated in the use of Danish and German furniture; with some of the pieces having been designed over 60 years. The elegant pastel shades drape over the white carpet like a series of brushstrokes over a white canvas. Greenery was introduced throughout the office as a way of bringing in the outdoors and of visually breaking up the larger spaces. In order to create the most comfortable work environment possible, sound absorbing and reflecting materials were used throughout the majority of the interiors. These allowed us to create a versatile environment that was pleasant for the employees, the operations, and the clients.  

The main premise of  functionality, singularity, and an enriching space were all considered from the earliest days of the project until the very last day of construction in order to successfully cater to the well-being of the employees and the security of the clients.

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Status: Built
Location: Panama City, PA
Firm Role: Design and Development
Additional Credits: Photographer: Fernando Alda
E-mail: [email protected]

Architect in Charge: Carmen Brewer (Directora)
Design Team: Joaquín Salvador Candela (Diseñador, Carina Lima (Coordinadora), Luis Miguel Puleio, Andrea Matías, Diana Milord.
Clients: Mercantil Banco /
Ingeniería: GGD Consulting
Landscape Design: El Tigre Verde /
Collaborators: IHO Espacios, Florencia Tiles.