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GGN Launches a New Initiative: Meadowshop

By paigelively
Oct 19, '23 1:30 PM EST

GGN has launched a new initiative: Meadowshop.

Meadowshop's goal is to more broadly promote the beauty and benefits of Pacific Northwest native plants in gardens. Our unique design strategies for smaller residential projects are based in GGN's 23 years of international experience  in creating prominent landscapes that are conceptually driven, visually inspiring, and grounded in the authentic history and ecology of their place.

We believe that everyone should be able to live immersed in authentic, local nature that tells the true story of their home. We formed Meadowshop to make this site-specific, local landscape more accessible to people who live in our home region of the Pacific Northwest. At the same time as offering all-native residential garden services, Meadowshop is a community of much-needed demonstration and testing plots across the city and region. Together, many small plots can collectively grow our region’s knowledge of best practices with these under-utilized but garden-worthy plants. ⁣

GGN is excited to work with homeowners in the Pacific Northwest who long to transform their outdoor space into an all-native garden that is exuberant and intriguing throughout the seasons, supporting local insect, bird, and wildlife populations, and richly instructive as an example of the plants that have long called this region home.⁣

Media Contacts:
Cheryl dos Remedios: [email protected]
Paige Lively: [email protected]