

Seoul, KR

2f/3f - garden
2f/3f - garden
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[Youth center] Gongneung Youth Center for Cultural & Information remodeling project

Gongneung-dong, Nowon-gu, is one of the areas where residents are active in self-government activities in Seoul. Since its establishment in 2010, the Gongneung Youth Center for Cultural & Information has been providing a comfortable public space outside the school for local youth. However, the need for remodeling emerged as the building was deteriorated for 10 years, and it was unable to support the changing behavior of youth space use.

EUS+ Architects was in charge of designing and the facilitator, and held a participatory workshop with youth and residents who are users of the space, and workers who are the operator of the space. Through this, it was possible to derive problems and improvements of the existing space and points to be considered for the operator.

Through the rearrangement process of rearranging existing programs and functions, we has renewed the zoning of the center. Through this process, spaces that were underutilized and disconnected were found and turned into flexible and open spaces that can contain various programs. It became a open space where people and information can freely flow in and out.

There is a long forest road park in the village. This is a space that utilizes traces of train tracks that are not currently being used, and is a symbol of the village. This long road is connected to the vertically arranged vacant lot from the first floor to the sixth floor to have connectivity with the entire village. In order to allow the interior of the building to actively connect with the city, the exterior material was used as the main finishing material, and a tall tree was placed next to a large window connecting the two floors. In addition, efforts were made to actively introduce natural light from all over the building.

We hope that it will be a space where independence is guaranteed but not cut off, and a supportive space where youth's self-government culture can blossom more.

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Status: Built
Location: Seoul, KR
Firm Role: Architect
Additional Credits: Construction: Mat.E architects
Furniture: KEUNSAN
Photo Credits: Youngchae Park

1f- kid's library
1f- kid's library
1f- kid's library
1f- kid's library
2f - open space
2f - open space
2f - open space
2f - open space
2f - open space
2f - open space
2f/3f - garden
2f/3f - garden
2f/3f - garden
2f/3f - garden
2f/3f - garden terrace
2f/3f - garden terrace
2f/3f - garden terrace
2f/3f - garden terrace
3f - joyful space for teenager
3f - joyful space for teenager
3f - joyful space for teenager
3f - joyful space for teenager
3f - joyful space for teenager
3f - joyful space for teenager
4f - flexible conference room
4f - flexible conference room
4f - flexible conference room
4f - flexible conference room
5f - library with red bricks
5f - library with red bricks
5f - various height bookcases with the motif of skyscrapers
5f - various height bookcases with the motif of skyscrapers
6f - bookcases like a alleyway
6f - bookcases like a alleyway
6f - bookcases like a alleyway
6f - bookcases like a alleyway
6f - people can overlook the entire city
6f - people can overlook the entire city
6f - people can overlook the entire city
6f - people can overlook the entire city
Interview conducted by being selected as an excellent public architecture in 2020