E4H Environments for Health Architecture

E4H Environments for Health Architecture

New York, NY

Glickman Lauder Center of Excellence in Autism and Developmental Disorders in South Portland, ME
Glickman Lauder Center of Excellence in Autism and Developmental Disorders in South Portland, ME
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Glickman Lauder Center of Excellence in Autism and Developmental Disorders

Working closely with Dr. Mathew Siegel and Maine Behavioral Healthcare (MBH), E4H designed the award winning Glickman Lauder Center of Excellence in Autism and Developmental Disorders. This 28,000SF transformative regional center provides evidence-based behavioral healthcare for the full lifespan of those with developmental disorders, developing innovative models of care for unmet needs, and recruiting faculty to expand their expertise, accelerate their novel research program, and train the next generation of providers. The Center of Excellence in Autism and Developmental Disorders includes three programs. The Early Childhood Program contains four classrooms for children ages kindergarten through grade 12, four preschool classrooms (the first in the state of Maine), and a fully equipped “Autism Classroom of the Future” that features wearable biosensors, on-site computing and display capabilities to support MBH’s studies of physiology, emotion and behavior. This classroom serves as a living laboratory, building on the pilot work they have already performed in their specialized school and inpatient settings. The Research and Training Program extends MBH’s solid position in autism research into becoming a nationally recognized autism research hub with multiple investigators successfully competing for federal research awards and breaking new ground in divergent areas of inquiry. The Adult Program brings Maine Behavioral Healthcare’s uniquely multi-disciplinary approach to meet the needs of the adult developmental disorders population in Maine – a woefully underserved group. This program includes an Adult Clinic, Adult IOP (Intensive Outpatient Program) and Child IOP services.

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Status: Built
Location: Portland, ME, US
Firm Role: Architecture Firm
Additional Credits: Acentech, Langford & Low, Stantec, Foley Buhl Roberts & Associates Inc., Barry J. Hosmer

Glickman Lauder Center of Excellence in Autism and Developmental Disorders in South Portland, ME
Glickman Lauder Center of Excellence in Autism and Developmental Disorders in South Portland, ME
Glickman Lauder Center of Excellence in Autism and Developmental Disorders in South Portland, ME
Glickman Lauder Center of Excellence in Autism and Developmental Disorders in South Portland, ME
Glickman Lauder Center of Excellence in Autism and Developmental Disorders in South Portland, ME
Glickman Lauder Center of Excellence in Autism and Developmental Disorders in South Portland, ME