Casey Butler

Casey Butler

Billings, MT, US



Grew up in New England before going to Montana State University in Bozeman, Montana where I received my B.A. in Environmental Design and my Masters in Architecture.  Currently Living in Billings, Montana.


Eggart Engineering and Construction, Billings, MT, US, Architect In Training

Worked as an architect in training, where I followed current building codes and city ordinances. Started to understand project proposal, bidding, programing, schematic design, construction documents, construction administration, as builds, and material selection while assisting my fellow workers.

May 2013 - Aug 2013

Montana State University, Facilities, Planning, Design, and Constrcution, Bozeman, MT, US, Drafting Assistant

Constructed 3-D plans from original plans of campus buildings.
Made measurements of campus buildings not previously documented and made computer models for insurance records.

May 2012 - Aug 2012

Montana State University, School of Architecture, Community Design Center, Bozeman, MT, US, Student Architect

Based on conceptual work from previous semester, produced buildings and master plans the will be used for fund raising campaign.
Responsible for developing a schedule and managing the team, through the semester.
Lead collaboration and organization of nine person team to arrange meeting times with clients and outside consultants.
Follow office protocol.

Jan 2012 - May 2012

Montana State University, Facilities, Planning, Design, and Constrcution, Bozeman, MT, US, Drafting Assistant

Calculated the square footage's of each building on campus for planning purposes.
Assisted Supervisor to verify discrepancies in drawings.

May 2011 - Aug 2011


Montana State University, Bozeman, MT, US, MArch, Architecture

Went through a Masters of Architect curriculum, which included parametric design, understanding traditional quadrangles and apply it to complete a current quadrangle, creating a new way of teaching to design a building around, understanding how to design a sustainable building, understand the scientific compounds of building materials to find better ways to utilize that material, and computer and hand graphics.

May 2012 - May 2013

Montana State University, Bozeman, MT, US, Bachelors, Environmental Design

Undergraduate Architecture curriculum from basic abstract thinking of architecture to complex building design, while understanding, building codes, construction documents, sustainability, graphic presentation, structures, and building components. My design option studio was to work with the Community Design Center of the School of Architecture, where I and a group designed a sustainable educational campus for small Montana logging community.

Aug 2008 - May 2012


Apha Rho Chi Medal, 1st Place

The Alpha Rho Chi Medal is awarded to a graduating student who has shown an ability for leadership, performed willing service for the school, and gives promise of real, professional merit through his attitude and personality. The purpose of the award is to encourage recognize and promote professional qualities in the student which do not necessarily pertain to scholarship.

Taken from award description that came with my certificate.


Areas of Specialization 
