Ana Linares

Ana Linares

Philadelphia, PA, US

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I’m a hard-worker recent graduate from Temple University with a BS. Arch passionate about mixed-use, civic, and residential design. I am looking to work for at least a year to develop my skills in the field and then do my master's to finally get a license and start growing as an architect. 

Check my work on my website



Metcalfe Architecture & Design, Philadelphia, PA, US, Intern

I work with architects and designers in a professional workspace. I have been involved in renovation projects, in developing proposals and marketing strategies, making digital models, plans and elevations, helping with construction documents, and attending meetings with clients and contractors.

Jan 2018 - Jul 2018


Temple University, Philadelphia, PA, US, Bachelors, B.S. in Architecture

Aug 2014 - May 2018

Areas of Specialization 
