Anthony Lagunay

Anthony Lagunay

Los Angeles, CA, US



Accomplished metal and wood worker. Hands on design build experience with high end residential homes, TI, and furniture.

High end Revit user with a focus on parametric modeling and modeling standards.



Cuningham, Culver City, CA, US, Designer

Architectural design lead. Involved in projects from SD to on site field experience during CA.

Senior Facility Designer at Walt Disney Imagineering

Dec 2011 - current

Lagunay Design|Fabrications, Designer/Fabricator

This is a consulting business I started while at SCIarc in 2005. Since then I have been able to work with various design professionals, Oyler Wu Collab, James Turrell, to mention a few. I specialize in wood and metal fabrication for finish pieces or structural connections.

Mar 2005 - current

b|ARCH, Designer

Project lead for commercial and high end residential projects. I was fortunate enough to be given the opportunity, at a very early part of my career, to be project manager of various projects through the office. Additionally, I was lead on the digital fabrication end of the office, and have put together various proposals for unique pieces of art.

May 2009 - Mar 2011


Southern California Institute of Architecture (SCI-Arc), BArch, Undergrad

While at SCIarc, I focused my studies on "green" design. Mainly focusing on passive heating and cooling techniques through out a building and expressing that through the form. I was also involved in the SCIarc Shop for all 5 years of my training.

Oct 2005 - May 2010

Areas of Specialization 
