
studio^RISE Diversity Badge

Black, Female owned

New Orleans, LA

Photography by per.spective photography
Photography by per.spective photography
11 more images  ↓

Early Partners ELC

After a successful pilot program year in a temporary space, it became
paramount that Early Partners find a permanent home to establish their
future. studio^RISE assisted the executive director in reviewing
possible locations before the Annunciation Firehouse was selected. The
Firehouse is the oldest firehouse in the city of New Orleans and has
been adapted from an event space into a dynamic learning environment for
students aged 1-5 years old. Flexible areas, such as the large indoor
playroom, allow for students to experience different learning
environments. As a non-profit, Early Partners had a limited budget for
the project and studio^RISE worked with the team to bring in contractors
early to provide preliminary budgets and make an early selection on the
contractor to allow for budget input and release of long lead items to
allow for timely construction.

The also led a volunteer day where parents and community members were asked to assist in building playground/interactive learning elements for the children. Pieces designed and constructed by studio^RISE include: a play pen with planters and integrated benches, planter boxes and trike storage shed.

Photographer: per.spective photography

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Status: Built
Location: New Orleans, LA, US
Firm Role: Architect
Additional Credits: Photographer: per.spective photography
Contractor: Reeves Construction Group
MEP Engineer: WDG | Architects Engineers
Playground: Hahn Enterprises

Photography by per.spective photography
Photography by per.spective photography
Photography by per.spective photography
Photography by per.spective photography
Photography by per.spective photography
Photography by per.spective photography
Photography by per.spective photography
Photography by per.spective photography
Photography by per.spective photography
Photography by per.spective photography
Photography by per.spective photography
Photography by per.spective photography
Photography by per.spective photography
Photography by per.spective photography
Photography by per.spective photography
Photography by per.spective photography
Photography by per.spective photography
Photography by per.spective photography
Photography by per.spective photography
Photography by per.spective photography
Photography by per.spective photography
Photography by per.spective photography