Natalie Goldfinger

Natalie Goldfinger

Los Angeles, CA, US



Natalie has a Bachelors of Architecture from SCI-­Arc in Los Angeles, California, and a Masters degree in Furniture Design from the Florence Institute in Florence, Italy. She is a skilled furniture designer and metal fabricator. She is dedicated to creating smart, responsible, and sustainable design.


Brad Howe Inc, Malibu, CA, US, Designer & Fabricator

creates steel sculptures and installations for domestic use, museums, and outdoor spaces,

Jul 2013 - current

Evan Villarreal, Los Angeles, CA, US, Shop Assistant

Shop Assistant at Villarreal Fabrication & Design Shop, customizing in creating custom pieces of furniture in wood and metal, developed catalogue, digital work (shop drawings and renderings), also developed and branded products for mass production

May 2011 - Aug 2012

Southern California Institute of Architecture (SCI-Arc) Fabrication Shop, Los Angeles, Woodshop employee

Temporary shop Assistant in SCI-Arc woodshop.

Jul 2012 - Jul 2012

Southern California Institute of Architecture (SCI-Arc), Los Angeles, CA, US, Teaching Assistant

Instructor Darin Johnstone “Visual Urban Systems”, organized class lectures
and notes, collected assignments, aided in instruction of drawing, diagramming, and 3D modeling techniques,

Oct 2009 - Dec 2009

Urbana Arch, Los Angeles, CA, US, Architecture Intern

drawings, diagrams, and physical mock-ups of installation to be built in public art
space, construction of new office space for the firm

Oct 2008 - Dec 2008


Florence Institute of Design International, Florence, Italy, Masters, Masters in Furniture Design

Masters Degree in Furniture Design, Florence, Italy
Will be complete May 2013.

Oct 2012 - current

Southern California Institute of Architecture (SCI-Arc), Los Angeles, BArch, Architecture

Professional 5-year Bachelors of Architecture

Oct 2006 - May 2011

McGill University, Montreal, Bachelors of Arts

Incomplete Bachelors degree in Mathematics (3 years complete)

Oct 2003 - May 2006

Areas of Specialization 
