Jennifer Vachon

Jennifer Vachon

Syracuse, NY, US



Born and raised outside of Boston, I am currently a 5th year Architecture thesis student at Syracuse University. I currently seek employment in Boston, New York, or wherever architecture will lead me upon graduation in May 2012.

[email protected]


Isgenuity, LLC, Boston, MA, US, Intern

Dec 2011 - Jan 2012

Isgenuity, LLC, Boston, MA, US, Intern

May 2011 - Aug 2011


Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY, US, BArch, Architecture

Thesis: Shrinking City Growing Stronger | Baltimore, MD
International Study:
Florence, Italy: INNOV_ACTION competion; Italian language, culture, travel sketching
London, UK: Xavier DeKestelier and Jethro Hon, Foster + Partners, Visiting Critics

Aug 2007 - current

Areas of Specialization 
