Chloe DeMarco

Chloe DeMarco

New York, NY, US

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KSS Architects, New York, NY, US, Architecture Intern

Assisted the architectural team with completing the schematic design and design development phase for a charter school in the Bronx. Visited the site to present and communicate with the client about design updates. Helped conduct and complete site studies for various locations. Modeled exterior and interior building spaces and produced renderings for the office and clients. Drew informational diagrams, specifications, and assisted with redlining. Worked in Adobe Creative Suite, Revit, AutoCAD, Enscape, and Rhino. Worked full time in person over summer and continue working remotely into the school year.

Jul 2022 - current

KSS Architects, Princeton, NJ, US, Architecture Intern

Assisted the architectural team with the designing and completion of construction documents for a 300,000 sq. ft. shipping & distribution center. Helped another design team with an art installation project. Worked in-person.

Jul 2021 - Aug 2021

The Rock Brook Consulting Group, Monroe, NJ, US, Revit & Design Intern

Assisted the engineering team with Revit design, including making details, annotations, and families for the Mechanical, Plumbing, and Electrical disciplines. Set up, updated, and uploaded Revit models, corresponded with various architectural firms. Worked remotely.

Jul 2021 - Aug 2021

OKS architetti, Florence, IT, Architecture Intern

Assisted the office team with their research and studio designs. Worked on a design competition for satellite schools in the towns of Hiddi and Dillu, Ethiopia. Assisted in the schematic design and development for the project, completing diagrams, modeling the site, rendering, and writing. Worked in-person in Florence.

Mar 2021 - May 2021


Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY, US, BArch, Architecture

Aug 2018 - current

Syracuse University, London Program, London, GB, BArch, Architecture

Aug 2021 - Dec 2021

Syracuse University, Florence Program, Florence, IT, BArch, Architecture

Jan 2021 - May 2021


King & Kind Comp Studio, Nomination


Top Student, Honorable Mention



Areas of Specialization 
