shagul shafiq

shagul shafiq

Cincinnati, OH, US

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I am a graduate architect, a designer and a creative seeker. I have a five year professional Bachelor’s degree in Architecture. I have comprehensive experience having designed and executed commercial and residential projects from inception up to completion. Throughout my architectural career, I have acquired skills with which I can handle not just architectural, but any design work.  My interest in the design process has an emphasis on conceptual thinking – where the ‘Why’ of a decision is located has always intrigued me. It has made me consider every design step, and made me realize that assumptions are no longer acceptable. At the same time I have always been drawn to culture and traditional architecture that is all about designing for the potential user, so to me, not only is a design to have a strong conceptual thinking, it is to serve it’s heritage.Finally, I am passionate, hardworking, self-driven, and willing to go above and beyond to design spaces that best correlates to culture and lifestyle of the place.


Synthesis Architecture+Planning+Interiors, Cincinnati, OH, US, Drafter

Preparing construction drawing set for residential project.

Jul 2017 - current

A2I Creative Design Solutions, Cincinnati, OH, US, Freelance Drafter

Redrawing plans of existing projects.

Jul 2017 - Oct 2017


University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH, US, Masters, Masters of Science in Architecture

Jan 2017 - current


Tamayouz Excellence Award, Honorable Mention


Areas of Specialization