Mark J. Terra-Salomão

Mark J. Terra-Salomão

Boston, MA, US



Hi, I’m Mark J. Terra-Salomão. I’m currently a fifth-year architecture student at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, pursuing a Bachelor of Architecture degree. I also have minors in architectural history and philosophy. I was born and raised in Massachusetts.

As hackneyed as it sounds, I’ve wanted to be an architect as long as I can remember. This sentiment only increased after entering architecture school and working for architecture firms and in the field. I firmly believe architecture and design should strive always and everywhere for public engagement, and hope to devote my career to making that a reality.

I’m currently one of the editors for the student architecture journal (and discussion group) inter·punct. I’ve worked for Oudens Ello Architecture in Boston, Massachusetts, and Albert Costa Architects in Waltham, Massachusetts.

I’m an avid – some might say obsessive – reader. I’m fluent in Portuguese (in addition to English), have a working proficiency in Spanish, and usually manage to order food and beers in German and Danish. I’ve traveled to 34 U.S. states and 22 countries, with many more on my wishlist. In the fall of 2016 I studied abroad in Copenhagen, Denmark. My interests outside of architecture include art, literature, film, languages, traveling, good food, humor, tennis, hockey, and Winston Churchill. I plan to pursue my architect’s license, and am considering graduate studies in landscape architecture.


Oudens Ello Architecture, Boston, MA, US, Architectural Intern

Prepared and delivered responses to requests for designer qualifications (RFQs) for public libraries in Massachusetts. Produced digital models, renders, and client presentation drawings for public library, museum, hospitality, and residential projects. Completed 100% SD sets for residential projects.

Jul 2015 - Aug 2016

Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, US, Teaching Assistant (TA)

Modern Architecture Survey II: Graded weekly reports and exams for 50+ students. Assisted students one-on-one in preparation for reports and exams. Designed and maintained course website. First-Year Seminar I + II: Developed class lessons, graded assignments, logged attendance, and served as a peer mentor to 60+ first-year architecture students.

Aug 2014 - May 2016

Albert Costa Architects, Waltham, MA, US, Architectural Intern

Completed presentation and construction drawing sets for educational (K-12), residential, and commercial projects. Collaborated on residential design layouts with clients. Performed site visits and measurements.

May 2014 - Jul 2014


Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, US, BArch, Architecture

Minor in Architectural History
Minor in Philosophy

Aug 2012 - current


Louis F. Valentour Traveling Scholarship, Scholarship

Fourth-Year Design Awards Competition | Spring 2016 | Used funds for study trip to Cape Verde


Areas of Specialization 
