
Brad Pitt, Architect....

the silent observer

Look...he's at it again!

Hmm....I guess I really did this the wrong way...should have become famous, made friends with cool architects and then get credited for making masterpieces least, that way, I wouldn't have all that college debt...

Jun 28, 06 1:10 pm
Cherith Cutestory

i think i just threw up a little in my mouth reading that article. it's really infuriating that i have to suffer through 6-7 years of hell, go into thousands and thousands of dollars in debt and when i am done i will be lucky to make in my lifetime what he makes from one film.

i think if i saw brad pitt walking down the steet i'd punch him in the face. and his hoe-bag woman too just for good measure.

Jun 28, 06 3:45 pm  · 
Dapper Napper

One film? Maybe one public appearance.

Jun 28, 06 5:42 pm  · 

Brad Pitt has the best taste that money can buy: BEHOLD HIS MODERN FURNITURE!

Jun 28, 06 6:43 pm  · 

ah don't be such a hater... who said life was fair? if he did design it, he's got some talent...

Jun 28, 06 7:37 pm  · 

You:re damn right we did this the wrong way. Look at freakin: Ando. No school for him. And he's won every award ever.

I guess Brad no longer lurks the 'nect. I see he's not on that one page any more. Too bad. Hey Brad, nice house. I'd live there. If you swing by Osaka, give me a shout out and I'll show you around Takenaka and we can go to karaoke. I'll even buy you a Bubble Rocket: Space Flavor. Come on! Let's hang out! I know you have a new kid and all, but come visit.

Jun 28, 06 9:26 pm  · 

Also, I can almost guarantee that Brad knows more about architecture than me. I don:t think I've designed a usable space yet.

Jun 28, 06 9:30 pm  · 

LOL Hasselhoff, that post about usable space was priceless.

Jun 28, 06 11:08 pm  · 

i'm no fan of brad and don't care to be, but i really don't give a damn.

Jun 29, 06 1:57 am  · 

so what if he can design..we are more goodlooking than him

Jun 29, 06 5:27 am  · 

Well he didn't design that alone, he had "architectural consultants"...

I wonder if Brad sat at his autocad workstation (or modelled it?) and detailed the whole thing? If he did, I'd give him props... Does he have a technical interest in building or does he just want to play visionary director?

Jun 29, 06 11:14 am  · 

Nice. Anyone heard the new Shiloh Song? Go Here....Freaky but sweet.

# 1 | African Girl | June 27, 2006 01:03 PM | Report Abuse
shiloh song? hmm.. interesting.

# 2 | athena | June 27, 2006 01:07 PM | Report Abuse
Yikes! Didn't mean to post that twice. Hey Jared if you read this, is it possiblt to have the song here?

# 3 | African Girl | June 27, 2006 01:08 PM | Report Abuse
he's one smart and beautiful man.

# 4 | noni | June 27, 2006 01:10 PM | Report Abuse
Morning All!

I LOVE BAMZS, but I'm not digging on the house. It looks cold, inpersonal. The Malibu house seems a lot more homey. JMO. I hope this was BEFORE the renovations. He does have a lot of talent. YOU GO BRAD!


# 5 | COLD HARD MATH | June 27, 2006 01:21 PM | Report Abuse
He's a beautiful man. Smart? Huum... definitely not. He's good at one thing alone: the art of repeating.

# 6 | Ann | June 27, 2006 01:21 PM | Report Abuse
"KEEP ON ROCKIN BAMZS!"???? Wow. That's probably the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. lol

# 7 | Ann | June 27, 2006 01:24 PM | Report Abuse
Go diddle with yourself.

I like the house. Its not my style but I can definitely appreciate the clean lines.

# 8 | Maniston | June 27, 2006 01:27 PM | Report Abuse
hurrah! hurrah! a fresh thread! thanks jared! alright! bring on the architecture discussion!

# 9 | gitane | June 27, 2006 01:28 PM | Report Abuse
# 7 | Ann
And so it BEGINS.......Brace yourselves guys, it's gonna be a bumpy ride.

# 10 | Player Hatin' | June 27, 2006 01:29 PM | Report Abuse
# 6 | Ann He's a beautiful man. Smart? Huum... definitely not. He's good at one thing alone: the art of repeating.

Wow. That's probably the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. lol

# 11 | ??????? | June 27, 2006 01:29 PM | Report Abuse
he's really good at this!
LMAO! the words of the song are hilarious! thanks for posting it African girl

# 12 | s. | June 27, 2006 01:32 PM | Report Abuse
hurrah! hurrah! a fresh thread! thanks jared! alright! bring on the architecture discussion!

# 9 | gitane
Lol...If that's the case, I'm taking a back seat coz I know NOTHING about that.

# 13 | African Girl | June 27, 2006 01:32 PM | Report Abuse
I know modern design is not for everyone, but I personally like it. And don't worry about it being cold. It is the people in a house that make a house a home. Three children and parents who love each other will warm this place up really fast!

# 14 | modern design | June 27, 2006 01:35 PM | Report Abuse
Hey Guys-
Gotta go to Six Flags now! Bye!
Also saw my name on the board, apparently i was with George Clooney! Ha Ha! BBL

# 15 | Krissy | June 27, 2006 01:37 PM | Report Abuse

I like this house better than their Malibu Pad. Are these old pics or does the house still look like that? I would think that he would get more children safe fruniture. White chairs and white rugs?

# 16 | 1699 | June 27, 2006 01:37 PM | Report Abuse
Little Write up from the Singers of "The Shiloh Song" Awwww

When Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie had a baby, they gave The Fresh an idea, this kid deserves a song. Shiloh, the pressure of living up to Mom and Dad might be tough, so we’re giving you some love to stand on. Perhaps a little melody to remind you of the good times and life without Mr. and Mrs. Smith. You’re mom has taken Pro Bono to a level and we want to show our love and give you, Shiloh Nouvel.

# 17 | African Girl | June 27, 2006 01:37 PM | Report Abuse
Those are the same pics featured in W mag, Oct 2001. I have the magazine. There are more pics in W, they even showed a lot of interior shots inc the bathroom/bathtub, living room and the bedroom. Definitely before the renovations, which I think are still going on.

# 18 | fiona | June 27, 2006 01:38 PM | Report Abuse
| #6/7 Ann |
What does he keep on repeating? Thank you for reading my post.

Did Brad and Jennifer ever live in this house?


# 19 | COLD HARD MATH | June 27, 2006 01:39 PM | Report Abuse
Well, the house is still being renovated.. the kitchen isnt finished yet. And obviously it isnt fully furnished yet.. still.. I can appreciate the beauty and the aesthetics of the house. Whether it is anyone else's particular taste is irrelevant. The house is clearly an architectural gem of design or wouldnt be featured in the magazine. Brad is certainly very talented in the art of design. I find the house as intrigueing as the man himself.

# 20 | Ivy | June 27, 2006 01:40 PM | Report Abuse
What a song! Thanx AG.

# 21 | Get Real | June 27, 2006 01:41 PM | Report Abuse
Brad's gonna shit a brick the first time Mad and Z use crayons to create new "artwork" on his pristine walls. Dude...this so NOT a kid-friendly house...

# 22 | Passing Through | June 27, 2006 01:44 PM | Report Abuse
Sometime ago I read an old interview of Angie's. She talked about how she didn't have the knack or any real passion for decorating her home. How she liked antiques but didn't know what should go with what. I think she and Brad are a perfect match. He's passionate about interior design and she really couldn't care less LOL. If you remember, some of the reports out of Paris said that the Jolie-Pitts had sotheby antiques delivered. It seems like Brad takes Angie's love for antiques into consideration when furnishing their homes.

# 23 | Maniston | June 27, 2006 01:46 PM | Report Abuse
# 13 | African Girl

i know jack about architecture too. so i'm waiting for my fellow bamzs fans to educate me! bring it on!

# 24 | gitane | June 27, 2006 01:47 PM | Report Abuse
| #14 modern design|

Good point. The Jolie-Pitts will bring a lot of LOVE into this home. Especially the master bedroom!


# 25 | COLD HARD MATH | June 27, 2006 01:47 PM | Report Abuse
#23 Passing Through
why dont you do just that: pass through and take your stupid comments as well

# 26 | s. | June 27, 2006 01:49 PM | Report Abuse
"Brad's gonna shit a brick the first time Mad and Z use crayons to create new "artwork" on his pristine walls. "|

Somehow, I really don't think he will. As much as he loves his art pieces, he loves those kids more. I am pretty sure he and Angie have figured a way to make the house more "kid friendly".

# 27 | Ivy | June 27, 2006 01:50 PM | Report Abuse
My god, how many sheep did they kill and how many forests did they cut down to make and furnish this house?? And he claims to be supporting "green" architecture. I see nothing environmental about this...

# 28 | environmental? | June 27, 2006 01:50 PM | Report Abuse
This house looks like it would be a calm oasis for the whole family, peaceful and stressfree. I remember reading quite awhile ago that the grounds were absolutely beautiful, a lot of mature landscaping and trees. I also remember reading about the swimming pool renovation where Brad had added a huge waterfall to it. :) Didn't X hate this house and refuse to live in it? Sheesh.

# 29 | Lynn Campbell | June 27, 2006 01:53 PM | Report Abuse
Thanks j@red for this new thread and scans!

I hope this was BEFORE the renovations. He does have a lot of talent. YOU GO BRAD!


AG- thanks for the myspace link--the lyrics are fab [only me]

# 30 | angelah | June 27, 2006 01:53 PM | Report Abuse
i don`t agree with you #23. i think he adores his kids and will probably even take photos of their work and afterwards frame it. lol

# 31 | nikka | June 27, 2006 01:54 PM | Report Abuse
Is this the same Hollywood Hills home that we hear about which is in the East Hollywood Hills that is being renovated for the family to move in? I thought that one sat on a huge lot, and it wasn't a modern piece like this one!!

# 32 | Tijen | June 27, 2006 01:55 PM | Report Abuse
# 29 | environmental?My god, how many sheep did they kill and how many forests did they cut down to make and furnish this house?? |

That is a pretty ignorant statement, but I sense it was written out of hate and not merely a lack of knowledge so I won't waste my time in enlightening you.

# 33 | Ivy | June 27, 2006 01:55 PM | Report Abuse
the house is still being renovated thats why they have not moved in yet, so I'm sure its quite a bit different now.

# 34 | julia | June 27, 2006 01:58 PM | Report Abuse
He lives in Malibu with the kids and he has made that kid's friendly. This is the Hollywood Hills home.

# 35 | thetruth | June 27, 2006 02:00 PM | Report Abuse
In the 6th scan is that a toy car on the top of that wall?

# 36 | Pug | June 27, 2006 02:00 PM | Report Abuse
If you cared about the forests being cut down and all the animal cruelty to make all those rugs and leather chairs to decorate all those houses maybe it wouldn't sound so ignorant to you.
I love Brad Pitt, but just like J. Lo, and Beyonce - I do not respect their choice of materials to decorate themselves and their homes.

# 37 | environmental? | June 27, 2006 02:01 PM | Report Abuse
This is the Hollywood Hills home.

# 36 | thetruth |
Yes, and this is the home they will be moving into when it is fully renovated.

# 38 | Ivy | June 27, 2006 02:02 PM | Report Abuse
Hi Ya BAMZSers!

Got a quick break. Just checking in....... Yea! new thread. Thanks
JJ. I like the house. All homes look impersonal until you move all
the "stuff" in. The structure is beautiful.

l African Girl

Love the song! Yea Reggae!

# 39 | Moi Jade | June 27, 2006 02:02 PM | Report Abuse
OH. that picture of that face so beautiful senual..great house I am sure he has renovated it to suit his new family.. what a talent definelty not a one dimentional person..what lively conversations he and AJ must have. the world is at their feet.. by the way a shout out to Ms. Gitane .How are you ? I am going to ther libray to check out some books you mentioned ..hope all is well with you.. where I live we are having torential rains and there is a possiblity of flooding..scary.. your friend "M"

# 40 | I"m new | June 27, 2006 02:05 PM | Report Abuse
sorry my keyuboard sticks

# 41 | I"m new | June 27, 2006 02:06 PM | Report Abuse
Thanks JJ for the new Thread and the Pics. That is a beautiful house. Love the picture of Brad.

Hey Guys, I left something for you all on the last thread

# 42 | Alexanderina | June 27, 2006 02:13 PM | Report Abuse
i can't post from this computer anymore! it sucks! can't wait to get home!

anyway such nitpicking about whether or not their house is environmentally friendly is completely ridiculous. if brad pitt scratched his ass on camera you'd question why he used his left hand instead of his right. forgive him if he's more concerned about the welfare of human beings than of sheep.

# 43 | gitane | June 27, 2006 02:16 PM | Report Abuse
Cold. Very cold and very uninviting. Brad needs to keep a lower profile--the ego is grasping at straws now. The more I know about him....the less I like him.

# 44 | former fan | June 27, 2006 02:16 PM | Report Abuse
I'm here.

# 45 | MICKEY BRETT SAYS | June 27, 2006 02:17 PM | Report Abuse
# 14 | modern design
I agree 100 percent, I think there are going to be a lot of warm, fun and loving times in that home.

# 46 | lookwhaticando | June 27, 2006 02:19 PM | Report Abuse
Interesting house, wish I could get better detail on my computer. I like looking at different decorations

# 47 | Natalia | June 27, 2006 02:19 PM | Report Abuse
And so it BEGINS.......Brace yourselves guys, it's gonna be a bumpy ride.

# 10 | Player Hatin' |

You hit it! Yes..hang on. And I just love those who claim to be former fans. IF they were fans, then they were only superficial ones at best. Good riddance I say.

# 48 | Ivy | June 27, 2006 02:20 PM | Report Abuse
# 45 | former fan
He won't miss you and neither will we. Bye

# 49 | Maniston | June 27, 2006 02:26 PM | Report Abuse
I think it's a beautiful home. But if others don't like it please don't chastise them for it. Everyone has different tastes :)

# 50 | SANDI | June 27, 2006 02:28 PM | Report Abuse
But if others don't like it please don't chastise them for it. Everyone has different tastes :)

# 51 | SANDI |

I agree, but I dont think anyone has been chastised for merely not liking it.. it is the OTHER comments that are being responded to.

# 51 | Ivy | June 27, 2006 02:30 PM | Report Abuse
In the 6th scan is that a toy car on the top of that wall?

# 37 | Pug |

Looks like one to me.

# 52 | Ivy | June 27, 2006 02:32 PM | Report Abuse
If the same set of pics were used in the W magazine 2001, aren't we talking about so many years ago? Why do you think the comments justify what the house looks like now.

# 53 | thetruth | June 27, 2006 02:32 PM | Report Abuse
I hate the house.

# 54 | Too Cold | June 27, 2006 02:33 PM | Report Abuse
# 27 | s.

Ooh...yet another anonymous hater. Pucker up cuz you know what you can kiss.

# 55 | Passing Through | June 27, 2006 02:34 PM | Report Abuse
# 38 | environmental?

Well hmmm...

do ya give a damn about human lives? Just thought I'd ask because I see nothing humanitarian-like about your posts?

# 56 | Good Grief!!! | June 27, 2006 02:35 PM | Report Abuse
# 53 | Ivy

You're right. I just hope this thread doesn't go out of control like the previous ones. Sometimes it's not even worth posting because you just get lost....oh well

# 57 | SANDI | June 27, 2006 02:36 PM | Report Abuse
White chairs and white rugs?

# 16 | 1699
Don't worry they can more than afford to keep them clean, or even just go out and buy new ones.

# 58 | lookwhaticando | June 27, 2006 02:36 PM | Report Abuse
Despite my earlier crayon joke, I've come to the conclusion that this is NOT the Los Feliz house that they're supposed to be moving into later. IIRC I read that BP owns 3 houses in the LA area - Malibu, Los Feliz, and Hollywood Hills. I bet the folks at or would know for sure.

# 59 | Passing Through | June 27, 2006 02:37 PM | Report Abuse
Former fan,

Quite the opposite for me. I used to not like him at all when he was with Jennifer, the whole thing just seemed superficial but finally I came to the light and saw that it was JA that made me dislike both of them. Now I can see that that relationship was parasitical and he got the raw end of the deal. When he met his match, Angie the world came into focus for him and his dreams were realized.

The more I learn about him, the MORE I LOVE HIM AND HIS SWEET FAMILY.

New Fan

# 60 | annea | June 27, 2006 02:38 PM | Report Abuse
My god, how many sheep did they kill and how many forests did they cut down to make and furnish this house?? And he claims to be supporting "green" architecture. I see nothing environmental about this...

# 29 | environmental?
What????? is he suppose to live out on the lawn in a vacant lot, and sleep in sleeping bags, and roast winnies on a open fire.. Pleeease, Would you go watch FRIENDS, and get off your mommies computer..

# 61 | lookwhaticando | June 27, 2006 02:43 PM | Report Abuse
#60 - Passing Through

I agree with you. This is not the house that they are waiting to move in. The house they are waiting to move in looked much more rustic, a huge complex from the pics on

# 62 | Tijen | June 27, 2006 02:47 PM | Report Abuse
**********YING & YANG************

Angelina loves luxe antiques style (like I do) and Brad is a modern afficionado. There can be a happy medium. Trust me, I know. If there is a compromise in styles, they will have a fabulous home. If it's all Brad's then it will look like a bachelor's pad.

I'm all for kitchen & bathrooms being modern. with the latest modern gadgets & design. I love the whole bathroom sink bowl on top of the counter. Fabulous! Bathrooms that are copies of Japanese gardens, etc....Landscaping can be modern as well as backyards and entertainment centers. Master suites should be as luxe as possible. That's how I would blend the two styles.
Can you tell i watch HGTV?

I don't count artwork, plants, flowers and bric o brac picked up from travels because they can fit in any style of home.

I'm sure they will be very happy in any home and may need a bigger one with as many as they plan to have.

# 63 | Frenchy | June 27, 2006 02:48 PM | Report Abuse
This seems more like his former bachelor's pad before he got married and he kept the house since. I guess they are showcasing the quality of materials used for the design. It does have a lot of light coming in so it's bright.

# 64 | architect | June 27, 2006 02:49 PM | Report Abuse
Nice piece of work!

When the six children arrive and put their finger paintings on the wall, then it will be a complete home.

# 65 | exactly | June 27, 2006 02:50 PM | Report Abuse
Good afternoon Ladies,
Thanks AG for the link, funny song.
# 60 | Passing Through -actually the house at the Hollywood Hills/Los Feliz is the same house, he has another one at Santa Barbara and the Malibu house.

# 66 | Estelle | June 27, 2006 02:50 PM | Report Abuse
Well the good thing for the ones who don't like it is that you don't have to live in it.

And I think it is more to be appreciated as architecture art and as less of a home. In that sense I like it. I agree, i don't think this is the Los Feliz home they are going to move into.

Everyone has different taste, as long as Brad and Angelina seem fine with it and the kids are ok with it, doesn't really matter if its cold to us.

And the people inside the a HOUSE are the ones who make it a HOME. Not the house itself.

A house just a house till someone makes it a home. I remember living in the smallest and crappiest apartment building when I was a kid and hating it when I first saw where I was going to live. And when it was time to move out, I didn't want to leave the place.

# 67 | thanks jared | June 27, 2006 02:51 PM | Report Abuse
Just wondering if JA ever lived in this house with Brad?

# 68 | CCCC | June 27, 2006 02:53 PM | Report Abuse
#60 Passing Through,You are correct.Brad does own several properties in LA,so this may not be the house they are moving into.HELLO Bamzs fan's!#61 Annea ditto!The trolls are really starting to get boring.The same thing everyday,it's been OVER A YEAR now.

# 69 | The real lou | June 27, 2006 02:54 PM | Report Abuse
um you don't have to kill sheep to get wool. The sheep herders shave off the wool, they don't kill them. In the summer, the sheep are shaved so that they don't feel hot and in the winter they are allowed to grow the hair/wool so they can keep warm.

# 70 | um | June 27, 2006 02:54 PM | Report Abuse
JA didn't like the house so she refused to live there. The one they lived in was the one they ended up selling after the divorce.

# 71 | me | June 27, 2006 02:55 PM | Report Abuse
#68 thanks jared,That was a wonderful post!!!!!

# 72 | The real lou | June 27, 2006 02:56 PM | Report Abuse
I believe he also bought the house next to this house and now he is building the connection to have both house floating together.

# 73 | Estelle | June 27, 2006 02:57 PM | Report Abuse
#68, In summary, everyone is entitled to their opinions

# 74 | Too Cold | June 27, 2006 02:57 PM | Report Abuse
Is this is the house that's in the fated community in the Hills? They showed and arial shot of what was supposed to be that house on VH1 and it looks nothing like this house. How many homes does Brad have?

# 75 | Frenchy | June 27, 2006 02:58 PM | Report Abuse
#60 - Passing Through

you may be right...

# 76 | Ivy | June 27, 2006 03:00 PM | Report Abuse
# 67 | Estelle | - hey Girl, how is the depos going?

# 77 | Alexanderina | June 27, 2006 03:01 PM | Report Abuse
It might be Zen but it's not family friendly. It's sort of morgue like. Also there are lots of of sharp edges and just wait til the kids mess it up with toys.

# 78 | JellyBelly | June 27, 2006 03:02 PM | Report Abuse

Join a new BAMZS forum.

# 79 | Kane | June 27, 2006 03:05 PM | Report Abuse
That looks like W magazine pictures. You should have seen the bathroom!!! OMG...fabulous. Also he has these chairs that goes into the walls. Anyway, it looks cold only because there aren't any furniture in it to clutter up the space. I personally thought the pictures that I saw in the W magazine a few years ago to be fantastic. It's a great great house. As they say, the house has great bones. With furniture and knick-knacks, it would be calm and cosy and very homey. It's what you bring into that makes a home, not the walls.

Frenchy, I'm a huge HGTV aficianado myself! I agree that the two styles would most definitely work. Actually I think that any style can blend with another if you know what you are doing. Also, when it comes to crayons on walls, they have cleaners to remove those things anyway. It's to be expected with children that things get messed up and broken, so you just have to have perspective about it, which I'm sure Brad has and Angelina probably has already too. People tend to think that modern and minimalist aren't homey, but it can most definitely be very inviting.

If they plan on having 6-7 children, then they have to get a bigger place...they should start hunting for a place right now and start building!

# 80 | bunch of loonies | June 27, 2006 03:05 PM | Report Abuse
I forgot to add, those pictures are from a long time ago and since he's renovated it, who knows what it looks like.

# 81 | bunch of loonies | June 27, 2006 03:06 PM | Report Abuse
As a design piece its spectacular but as a home its too harsh and cold looking - and that outside space is not child friendly at all. I hope the new changes in progress make the outside safer for the kids - I'm sure they will.

Jun 29, 06 11:18 am  · 
interesting commentary

(scroll to the bottom)

Jun 29, 06 1:17 pm  · 

honestly, if I wanted to read a mini-novel i would be doing that right now. Back to Brad...

Maybe it is just me... but I am not the biggest fan of modern architecture. I think it is by far the easiest way of designing a space. I mean what is so interesting about a box on stilts or an empty room with three sides of expensive veneer and one side of windows/doors. Ya what a genius...

I also agree if he slaved away and did all the drawings himself then props to him... at least he went through the process of being an architect...

As soon as I see Brad Pitt attending classes at UCLA, then I will with hold my respect for his architectural abilities. I mean it is easy to walk the walk... Let's see if he can do the 5-6 years... Or does he only like it superficially?

Jun 29, 06 2:30 pm  · 

I have definitely heard my parents' friends among others say, 'we designed our own house,' by which they mean they hired an architect.

Jun 29, 06 7:55 pm  · 

I'd still do him though

Jun 29, 06 7:56 pm  · 

in his Eero Aarnio Ball Chair.

Jun 29, 06 7:57 pm  · 

In defense of Tyler Durdin. Why is it, that at school when we laser crap a model it's justifiably architecture, but since Mr. Fight Club may not have drawn the screws on the doorknob, he's a total hack? Plus how many starchitects make a scribble, water color a picture etc, then tell an intern to do it, only to get all the credit? I don't draw details? So many famous architects that we study in school never even build anything. So if he generated the ideas, the plans, materials, some spaces, isn:t he pretty much as much of an architect as we are? It's funny, when we're in school everyone bitches that architecture is no CDs, then when Brad is considered to have done architecture, we question if he did the CDs. STUPID. DO NOT TALK ABOUT CDs!

Jun 29, 06 8:03 pm  · 

ya but there is design in the details

Jun 29, 06 10:27 pm  · 

also there is a difference between contributing to a design and "being an architect"... there are alot of players

Jun 29, 06 10:34 pm  · 

actor, architect, photographer. what can't he do?


Jun 30, 06 1:43 am  · 

the photographs are actually pretty good

Jun 30, 06 1:45 am  · 

i fail to understand what the fucking problem is, why dont one of you criticisers go and try being an actor? Im sure Brad would not mind.

The problem with most architects, imho is that thyy think every building is rocket science, while it is actually not.

and when people like randar says "i think if i saw brad pitt walking down the steet i'd punch him in the face. and his hoe-bag woman too just for good measure." i dont know what to think - you chose this profession yourself, and there is ample room for everyone - one or two brad's wont make a difference - actually the difference that will happen will be positive.

Jun 30, 06 1:52 am  · 

doc is correct.

why be upset when someone proves to have more than one ambition/interest in life. and further shows that he even has some ability with his other interests.

way too much jealousy goin on.

but is ok, chris wren was mocked by his contemporaries too, cuz he wasn't formally trained and came to architecture through science and a heavy connection with the king. and look what he did.

Jun 30, 06 2:33 am  · 

It isn't a matter of oh my god he has to draw every detail... it is a matter of what most people have to go through in order to become an architect. I don't think that Frank Ghery skated his way to the top and to the position where he didn't have to do all the details ect.... He paid his dues just like every other non-movie star architect.

Jun 30, 06 2:38 am  · 

My only problem is the hat that he is wearing in that photo. I don't know why it's so difficult to believe that this guy can be good at many things. Because he's an actor? We all knew the guy in high school or college that could do no wrong. Brad Pitt is that guy.

Jun 30, 06 2:44 am  · 

"He paid his dues just like every other non-movie star architect."
Paying ones dues is also very very relative. Frank Gehry, for example, had another thing working for him - his dad's furniture business. So arguably he paid lesser dues than the lowest common denominator. Does that make him less architect? I dont think so.

In essense then, Tadao Ando did not also pay his dues - he did not go to architectural school too.

And above everything else, I think Brad's house is not bad at all. Sure some things could be better, but thats always the case, ain't it?

Jun 30, 06 2:54 am  · 

its just a normal nicely designed house.

tadao didn't pay his dues at schol but he sure learned the ropes on the street. it is impossible to run an office, especially a succesful international practice, without learning something.

if brad were serious about it am sure he would learn it all too. doubt that he will, cuz he would have to stop all his other stuff. But it don't make him any less of an architect.

Hell, he has already built more than half my profs back in canada. and done a better job than they would have too. so what's the beef?

Jun 30, 06 3:30 am  · 

If you read the captions in the photos he acknlowledges the help/collaboration of architects on the house.

I like how Rietveld's chair slips into the wall. Not a bad house. If I were rich, I would be doing the exact same thing as he does, spending money and experimenting by building

Jun 30, 06 4:22 am  · 

I wonder if Jolie had a hand in the design

Jun 30, 06 7:18 am  · 

i think she might have had more than a hand!

Jun 30, 06 10:53 am  · 
Cherith Cutestory

okay, first i think people failed to see the humor in my first comment. funny in a fight club meets dane cook kind of way. hello...anyone?? except that part about jolie, she's gross, but that's another topic completely.

this is my point though. first it's brad pitt, and everyone is like, wow he can do so many things (although i have heard he is not so good at acting... can't remember lines to save his life) and then next thing you know it's your neighborhood doctor or lawyer and before long someone is going to realize "hey wait a minute... anyone can be an architect" it's already happening when developers and contractors think they are architects. my office is working on a project where some rich guy went and bought rivet and modeled buildings and now we are stuck drafting them up and getting it built, like some sort of real-life sim city. The buildings are terrible but we have no say in changing them because he is the “architect”

already our profession has a difficult enough time convincing people the merits of our profession. i fear that wide publicity of "outsiders" for lack of a better term, will continue to degrade the little bit of prestige that is still associated with architectural design in this country. now, before i get ripped to shreds on this, don't get me wrong. i am all for community participation in design, design by the people, etc. after all, in many ways, architecture is a socialist act and ultimately belongs to the people. but always at the helm is a trained professional who can assist and guide the process and ultimately give it a cohesive vision.

Can bard pitt provide these skills? What about all of the other skills it takes to be an architect? Like effectively managing people and having the fortitude to get a project done for a deadline, even if that means sacrificing everything to do it? will he provide anything new, interesting, or thought provoking into architectural discourse? Is he willing and capable of not only understanding architecture through illustration but also through text and theory? Or will he be another example in the book known as “it’s easy to get whatever you want when you are beautiful.” These are all things that remain to be seen and I will remain skeptical until I see a little more progress on his behalf.

Jun 30, 06 11:43 am  · 

randar just chill for a bit, for one, obviously the doctor/lawyer thread was nonsense - or maybe it is true for small towns where the doctors have none or little business.

Im also sick of pimping Brad's intent, but just imagine he starts actually designing buildings. just imagine. The first thing he would need is a group of architects, not just to draw details, but also design, execute, manage etc. He might have Frank Gehry's office for that, but i suspect he will want to have his own show with his own team. Now would't that be a good thing? And seeing his taste, i also suspect most of the stuff coming out of the office will be pretty good.

Those things apart, i do find Angelina hot.

Jun 30, 06 11:55 am  · 
Cherith Cutestory

hey, well have fun working for mr. pitt then. count me out.

Jun 30, 06 12:09 pm  · 
the silent observer

randar...I posted this discussion, in part, because I feel the way you do...I think I am most bothered by how casually the work architects do is treated...which, I personally think, devalues the's a question about the relevancy of our education, and the time we invested.

Look, if Brad wants to be an Architect, awesome...but it kinda irks me that, at least the way it was portrayed in the article, with the title, "Brad Builds a House", that he was the Architect, period. Sure he says he was helped out, but the fact is, he comes across as having been the primary party responsible for the realization of the project, which is misleading. And that is why I picked up on the public perception of the article...Every project is a collaboration, between architect and client, but I don't think Brad was the one making sure everything was up to code, could be constructed, was detailed correctly, etc.

So, maybe it's just me, but I'd like to think that what we do does requires the education we had, and that, as a product of that education, we have a knowledge set and skills that make our services valuable.

But, if the ways people have mentioned - such as the thread on doctors designing houses on the side without a degree, or your experience with contractors buying revit and then making their own drawings to pass off to architects to redraft or stamp - are allowed, then, to me, our education seems unnecessary. If that is the case, our profession needs to take a long hard look at its role in society and its structure.

Jun 30, 06 3:06 pm  · 

Its almost wholly our own fault that we allow ourselves to be treated like trash .

probably only a few starchitects today can hold out their own ......but by and large , most of them too & most of us are a bunch of sissies doing the cha cha in front of clients,contractors,engineers,consultants etc etc.

that apart ..who else thinks Aniston was hotter ?

Jun 30, 06 3:46 pm  · 

in an effort to protect the value of our education and profession, maybe those of us who have been properly trained and educated should start wearing little symbols around. those with ivy league educations can have special symbols.

okay, thats unrealistic. how about just funky thicked-rimmed glasses?

elitist mentality makes me throw up in my mouth a little.

Jun 30, 06 3:55 pm  · 
Cherith Cutestory

nevermore, i will second the aniston vote

Jun 30, 06 4:04 pm  · 
R.A. Rudolph

i think graft designed the house

Jun 30, 06 4:20 pm  · 

i'm sorry i just don't get the paranoia. almost every profession/market has to deal with the issue of less knowledgeable or less educated or less able people in their market. many people think that they are knowledgeable about graphic design, including many architects. do i care? no. 99.9% are not my competition, and if you are, props to you. i judge my competition on your skills and not your title. i suspect my client do the same. and i would say a title like 'brad builds a house' makes him sound like a gc and not an architect. architects do not build buildings, contractors do.

Jun 30, 06 4:40 pm  · 
the silent observer

silverlake...not trying to be elitist...but I think I should be able to question the point of my degree if there isn't the need for it....

Jun 30, 06 5:40 pm  · 

i understand dyee...

i think an education is a necessary formality but i commend those who can sidestep it (flw, ando, kipnis, etc...)

just up until about a year or two ago you didn't need a degree to get licensed here in cali...

Jun 30, 06 7:34 pm  · 

our respective education's are useful but not the only way to become a architect. i tend to agree with e, especially as i work with creative folks who do architect-y things all the time but are not formally trained at all...that their work tends to overlap with mine is totally cool with me, especially when they do their thang so well. better in fact than some of my architect friends from back home.

seems to me brad and graft are working in the same way. would be interesting to learn how much is brad's input and how much from graft. i somehow doubt that graft is just doing the detailing and code checks...

anyway, frank gehry doesn't seem to mind that brad is interested in it MUST be alright ;-)

Jul 1, 06 10:01 am  · 
rondo mogilskie

Angelina Jolie = Leni Riefenstahl

Jul 1, 06 6:47 pm  · 

So Brad Pitt getting credit for designing his house is a travesty, but "scripting is power" is architecture (see gallery)? So it's better for robots to make spec office towers than an actor to choose travertine and Mies chairs?

Jul 2, 06 8:42 am  · 
vado retro

leni riefenstahl wasnt a nazi.

Jul 2, 06 9:03 am  · 

I don't think the disturance is an actor's interst in architecture but his jumping the line or whatever you want to call it. Let's face it, we all know and we're all told (repeatedly) that architecture is not a quick and easy profession. There is a lot of pain & sacrifice, (long hours, low wages, lowly office work) to get that first job or work with a starchitect. There's a lot of competition that goes with it as well. So for someone, anyone, to walk in & get a "job" with a famous architect simply by his fame, and given important design projects and given an important role in the design team REALLY, REALLY BITES.

Let's face it, if your boss' teenage son, liked to draw, but had no previous skills in architecture, got a job at your company, simply because he's the son, got to work as part of the contributing design team and on a good project (not a shit position), you wouldn't be just a little bit pissed?

Jul 2, 06 11:50 am  · 

Actually, I don't have a real problem with Brad "jumping the line", its just an issue of the work itself... I think if he has the interest and talent to design thats great. Architecture is a profession that is diverse, different perspectives from different walks of life benefit the profession as a whole, plenty of good architects that didn' start out in the profession, just as there are plenty of good film makers or artists that may have started as architects.

But I agree with sanya in this comment: "If I let my client design his own space and help him doing that he is not an Architect." There's definitely more to being an architect than designing... An architect is a professional, a practitioner which Brad undoubtably can be if he invests the energy and time, or it might be just a hobby for him, not a professional interest... Either can be good...

Jul 2, 06 9:19 pm  · 
the silent observer got a very good point...t is one of the reason's I question the new wave of scripted architecture...since, at its worst, you've basically found something around on the internet, and inserted it into MAYA to see what cool shapes evolve...

but, at the same time, one might argue that it is similar to "precedent studies" look at something already done, take it apart to understand it, and then start tweaking it for yourself, in a new context, combined with new ideas...

Still, not sure how I feel, either way....

Jul 3, 06 8:45 am  · 

scripting is not architecture- it is computer programing. Damn Winka for hoodwinking everyone at Penn. Go make computer games if you want to script. You can't learn how to make good buildings by exploring the insides of maya or catia.

Architecture is about the site, it is about the use of the spaces, it is about making a place, it is about relating to people. When a script actually engages these criteria then we won't have a profession left and buildings will be designed by robots.

Sure, generative forms are cool but they are not ARCHITECTURE!!!!

Back to Brad- he's the client, not the architect. If he publicly claims to be an architect- then the state registration board will haul his ass infront of a judge so quick, he won't have time to kiss angalina bubye!

Would you trust an actor with your health, safety or welfare? There is a reason why he is an actor, not a brain surgeon- he can't do anything better.... In my six years slaving away for the studio's, none of the 'names' I worked for had any common sense or grounding in reality. Mr. Pitt is living in an ego driven delusional dream.

Jul 3, 06 3:47 pm  · 
Mc Taco

Wow, Im not going to read all this, I am not going to hate or anything but if he really designed it... props for him. It really looks like a architectural designed space. Good for him.

Jul 3, 06 9:09 pm  · 

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