
Brad Pitt, Architect....


I think the problem lies within the profession itself.
I think it starts with our education. We are too eager to buy into the idealistic view of architecture that we forget that we have to make a living as well. Then once we leave and enter the real world, we realize just how mislead we were yet, still holding on to the notion that it's ok to be a starving artist as long as I design at will....only to realize that can't be without money.
So, obviously it only makes since to make a living doing something else before entering the profession of architecture. You can build what you want, when you want and where you want. You can experiment more without ending up half a million dollars in debt like Kahn (if you're seriously about family, quality of life, etc. this is one wants to be in debt). You could even support other architects in their endeavors. The best benefit to me....the ability to acquire choice materials without compromising....sick of stucco and fake facades).
I think a lot less people would gripe if they had their goals and finances in correct perspective. I think that alone for me is why I give Pitt props.

Jul 4, 06 3:05 pm  · 

I wonder how many women draw for Brad for less than minimum wage.

Jul 4, 06 4:10 pm  · 
Jul 4, 06 5:05 pm  · 
I guess it's official...

"Brad Pitt, 43, plans to leave Hollywood and move to Berlin to give him and his family a quieter life and to switch the focus of his career from acting to architecture....he is prepared to stop acting once his current film commitments are over because he wants to fulfill his dream of becoming a full-time architect."

As much as I heart him, it still pisses me off he doesn't have to go to school.

Aug 3, 07 1:10 pm  · 

WTD...according to the article, Pitt attended the University of Missouri-Columbia and was three credits shy of graduating. It doesn't say if it was w/ an Architectural degree...maybe he will finish his studies, maybe get his masters, work for gehry to get his IDP done...take the ARE's...and fulfill his dream of becoming a full-time's his right...I wouldn't have a problem with long as he takes it seriously, and commits himself to it, it is fine.

Good Luck, Mr. Pitt.

ps. i absolutely love that dance move, Beta3!

Aug 3, 07 1:21 pm  · 
liberty bell

I just saw Brad in Babel last night. Though the film upset me badly, I think it was well-done. And I'd be his unpaid CAD-monkey anytime.*

*Based on the type of awareness-building, socially-impactful work he's done with rebuilding New Orleans, that is. Not for high-end London condos.

Aug 3, 07 1:21 pm  · 

simples- obviously, if he did it that way, it would be awesome.

can you imagine walking into studio on the first day and this is sitting there? I'd faint.

Aug 3, 07 1:38 pm  · 

excerpt from my interview with thom mayne;

OA- Speaking of Brad Pitt, what is he like with his interest in architecture and all that?
TM- He is like... Umm.., he is a character, who seems to use his position, and the power and the access it gives him, along with resources, to do something. Actually, actors get lots of hits. If they don’t do anything, they get such a criticism of being gluttonous and when they start to do something, they are accused of being...
OA- If he were asking you for a job, would you hire him in your office?
TM- Nooo way... He is an actor for God’s sake. He is not an architect... Hell no... He is an actor and an activist... He is one of those people who wants to use his resources to change the world for the better. I think it is all right...
OA- Yeah... Well, it is not my business. I am not that much interested in him, other than he is interested in architecture.

Aug 3, 07 1:45 pm  · 

orhan...i remembered that part of your interview (i enjoyed the casual feel of your interview, BTW...interruptions and all...gave a nice sense of rhythm)...but if he finished his studies, and wanted to truly learn, and commit himself to this "calling", i don't think the fact that he was an actor (emphasis on was) should exclude him from becoming an LibertyBell mentioned, i think the social aspect of his architectural agenda (new orleans) would actually benefit from his public figure...maybe AFH/Cameron can hire him...

Aug 3, 07 2:01 pm  · 

of course it shouldn't (exclusion). i am all for he does whatever he wants to, given that he follows the steps you've mentioned. because i don't think there are, except rare cases, any other way of becoming an architect. brad pitt knows that, it takes rigorous education, training and professional testing that takes average 10-12 years to complete. i heard him saying that in oprah show. i don't think he is jumping on the board and start pumping out buildings any time with the capacity of an architect. and, he clearly knows, he can be more effective on the certain projects he is involved,such as re building new orleans, by using his fame and power and resources.
that is much more important position than doing a production job in the office.

his real calling is in hollywood. i think he is well aware of that. i think he is a great actor and totally into his work.

Aug 3, 07 2:51 pm  · 

Finally a real starchitect! I hope he sucks up all the oxygen.

"If you think you're in control of legitimacy, you're not."

Hey Brad, you'll do just fine because architecture is really all about reenacting.

Aug 3, 07 3:03 pm  · 
vado retro

hey daniel day lewis went and learned how to be a shoemaker and he din't have to go to shoemaker college to do it.

Aug 3, 07 4:58 pm  · 

i agree w/ OA. i think it would be great to have someone with that sort of name recognition who does not have to worry about making ends meet (presumably) to bring attention to areas that architecture is larger neglecting in the social realm. for the most part, architects are not solving social problems, but adding to them either through compliance with clients who do not see the need for any sort of social/building reform, or through circular theory whose purpose is to challenge intellectual thought rather than solve social ails. and i think it's quite hard to break out from either of those in many respects (though plenty of people are doing it), and having someone with a spotlight come and do it (and show how difficult it is for other architects to do it) would improve the situation immensely.

if he wants to challenge the academic structure of becoming an architect on behalf of the rest of us who see it as arcane, redundant and hegemonic, i'm all for that too.
Brad Pitt, FAIA

Aug 3, 07 5:11 pm  · 

and the scariest part of all this is... I think its a good-looking home. Gives me hope that i can pull off this design gig in Belize with only 3 years of arch school and all the practical experience is in my partner's head.

You really don't have to go through the BS to be an architect, more power to ya brad. Loved ya in Fight Club although i thought you were way too pretty to play Tyler.

Aug 3, 07 5:21 pm  · 

ya think if he's hardcore into architecture, he's lurkin around here?

yeah, you brad, i demand you leave a comment for your fellow nectors.

i have no problem with him becoming an architect, as he will be an architect in a different capacity based on his history. he may have passed out of all the door schedules and bathroom elevations, and may get to scan in mountains of crumpled trace paper into catia all day. i might be a bit jealous, but then, there are other things to be jealous of mr. pitt about.

Aug 3, 07 5:27 pm  · 
liberty bell

This thread needs more pictures:

That's Reed Kroloff on the right.

Goodness gracious.

Aug 3, 07 5:31 pm  · 

lol lb

Aug 3, 07 5:35 pm  · 

He's also a humanitarian!

Recently in India getting his hands dirty at one of Habitat for Humanity projects...

Makes you want to join some of their annual Global Village trips

Aug 3, 07 6:56 pm  · 


Aug 3, 07 6:57 pm  · 
liberty bell

oh my god

hobbitte, thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou for those.....

Aug 3, 07 9:31 pm  · 

holy shit! not sure if it's just the way it looks in the photo, but that guy handing brad the mortar is huge!!!

Aug 3, 07 9:34 pm  · 

Is that Jimmy Carter?

Aug 4, 07 11:45 am  · 
liberty bell

I don't understand what you guys are talking about - other people in the photos? I see one (astoundingly perfect) guy, everything else is just a blur...

Aug 4, 07 3:20 pm  · 

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