
Climate Change Emails Hacked


For future reference apologies will probably be accepted.

Feb 15, 10 11:46 am  · 

Klamp-ass, i am willing to bet, whatever room you walk into, that the climate changes; from intelligent to handicapped.

Feb 15, 10 11:55 am  · 

b3tadine[sutures] if you can't win the argument, attack the arguer with profanity laced tirades instead, right? FAIL.

Ad hominems only work with the crowds who watch the Jerry SPringer show. Most of your comments are about as intelligent as that which comes from the typical audience member.

Feb 15, 10 12:52 pm  · 
drums please, Fab?

wow i really thought this fraud would go for another 10 years or so .. i can't believe this fell apart so fast. and if you're still going to call me a flat-earther and holocaust denier then i will say you believe in WMD's (weather of mass destruction) ba-dum CHING!

Feb 15, 10 1:34 pm  · 


Feb 15, 10 1:58 pm  · 
drums please, Fab?


funny how no word from Klamp-ass about the lack of snow in Vancouver, i guess after a week of snowing like a mofo - where their supposed to have snow - and Faux Gnews ejaculating all over the screen about how that was evidence of no global climate change, you hear nothing from these idiots about how no snow, for nearly a month - where it's supposed to snow - as evidence of global climate change.

hey monkey, go back into your cage, and starting flinging crap at the other monkeys.

yes !!

Feb 15, 10 2:05 pm  · 

I mean the sad thing is that you guys dont seem to have any concept at all how peer review and scientific consensus works. Its not one fucking guy with a messy desk at the IPCC. There are thousands of scientists at hundreds of universities and other organizations working on this shit, and none of their numbers or conclusions have changed. I know you guys are scratching, its good to be skeptical, but youve got to know that those are hugely misleading articles. One guys hypothesis about a potential bias at some sites of one type of data collection doesnt undermine 40 years of study.

Feb 15, 10 7:39 pm  · 

World may not be warming, say scientists:

Feb 15, 10 7:48 pm  · 

I wonder how often sharp minds curse and say f'ing...every other word like so many on this forum?

sure adds a lot of crediblity to the objectivity of such "scientific" debate...FAIL.

Feb 15, 10 7:52 pm  · 

FRaC, funny thing about how you quoted me there. you notice how you were the only one to use exclamation points? hell, i didn't even use all-caps....

Ramos and Campean are still criminals.

Feb 15, 10 10:18 pm  · 
drums please, Fab?

exclamation points? oooooohhh what a tirade!

and it's Compean you ignorant FUCK !!

(thank GOD they are free .. as they should be)

Feb 15, 10 11:07 pm  · 

tsk tsk a little angry there, criminal supporter? they might be free, but so was Orenthal James Simpson, and we all know he was a murderer...they'll get theirs, in due time.

Feb 16, 10 5:38 am  · 
drums please, Fab?

is that a threat, beta?

and i was actually going to make the same point - juries on occasion make mistakes. o.j. was so obviously guilty yet the jury screwed up and let him go. for ramos and compean the jury had to take the word of a drug-smuggling illegal alien over two border agents; there were no other witnesses. the jury made a mistake and was wrong (i'm talkin' reasonable doubt, baby!).

but like man-made global warming, i am on the correct side of this issue.

and they are free at last, free at last, THANK GOD ALMIGHTY THEY ARE FREE AT LAST !!!!!!!!!

Feb 16, 10 11:23 am  · 
Going Rogue: The Original

Hopey Changey The Factsy


Feb 16, 10 11:32 am  · 
drums please, Fab?

from Going Rogue: The Original:

Instead of rogue officers who shot a fleeing, unarmed suspect and then lied about it, they became stand-up cops who were forced to shoot an armed drug dealer and then sent to prison by a legal system run amok.


When people seek "facts" only from sources with which they agree, it's possible for demonstrable untruths to enter the narrative and remain there unchallenged.

oh, you mean 'facts' like a suspect with 700 pounds of pot who was 'unarmed'? there was no way to prove the illegal-alien drug smuggler was unarmed .. and cops nearly always get the benefit of the doubt if they even think a suspect is armed. and where did the border agents ever lie about what happened? they told their side of the story which differed from the illegal-alien drug smuggler.

also note that the supposed 'cover up' conviction was thrown out on appeal.

if you want to talk about this, beta, bump the ramos compean thread because we're here to talk about CLIMATE CHANGE !!!!!!!!!!!!!! (all caps lotsa angry, angry exclamation points!)

Feb 16, 10 12:02 pm  · 

buzz! thank you for playing the game how to assemble the facts to make them fit the truth you want.

here's the full quote, first, then the paragraph before

"With the help of reporters and activists promoting -- and embellishing -- the defense's version of the case, the two convicted agents were transformed into martyrs for the battle against illegal immigration. Instead of rogue officers who shot a fleeing, unarmed suspect and then lied about it, they became stand-up cops who were forced to shoot an armed drug dealer and then sent to prison by a legal system run amok. After they went to prison in January 2007, they even became the tragic heroes of a country song called "Ramos and Compean."

the paragraph before the above;

"For the prosecutors and the jury, the shooting of Osvaldo Aldrete-Davila near Fabens, Texas, was a clearly unlawful use of force. But the conviction of Ramos and Compean was just the beginning of the agents' story. Within months, they had become the center of a dubious political crusade that would energize the furthest reaches of the right, dominate one of CNN's most popular news programs, and persuade a quarter of the U.S. House of Representatives -- and one prominent Democratic senator -- to reject the findings of a federal court."

yep, there you are, shoot first then ask questions later. sounds a lot like the climate deniers, 54" snow in the mid-atlantic is proof of a global climate change hoax.

Feb 16, 10 12:15 pm  · 
drums please, Fab?

what does that change? i was not being disingenuous with my presentation of the facts.

this fact is undeniable: the only person who knows if the drug-smuggling illegal alien was unarmed was the drug-smuggling illegal alien.

also a fact is that if law enforcement officers feel they are in danger they are allowed to 'shoot first then ask questions later.'.

and regarding those extreme right-wingers, lou dobbs, 100 representatives, and diane feinstein who 'reject the findings of a federal court' i would ask you, beta, do you reject the findings of the los angeles county court who found o.j. not guilty?

Feb 16, 10 1:12 pm  · 
Feb 16, 10 5:32 pm  · 

Carbon Credit Fraud Ring within Deuthche Bank Subsidiary:

Traders involved in Europe's flagship climate change programme, the Emissions Trading System - some of whom work at Germany's biggest banks and energy firms - were the focus of a series of raids and arrests by British and German prosecutors in part of a massive pan-European crackdown on CO2-credit VAT fraud.

A total of 25 people were arrested amid a blitz by authorities on hundreds of company offices in the two countries, including Deutsche Bank and energy firm RWE, in a case involving the theft of an estimated €180 miillion from government coffers.

The criminal activity the raids focussed on relates to what is known as "carousel fraud." Criminals establish themselves in one EU member state and open a trading account with the national carbon credit registry. They then buy carbon credits in a different country, which makes them exempt from VAT. These are then sold to buyers in the original country, but with VAT slapped on, although the VAT then just disappears along with the trader and the money never arrives in government coffers.

May 5, 10 3:29 pm  · 
Distant Unicorn

Investigators arrest 22 in carbon credit fraud inquiry

Karin Matussek, Bloomberg News

Saturday, 1 May 2010

British officials have arrested 22 people as part of a Europe-wide investigation into carousel tax fraud related to CO2 emissions-credit trading.

Investigators detained 13 people in England and eight in Scotland, said a spokesman for HM Revenue and Customs. Another person was arrested on a European arrest warrant. On Wednesday, German prosecutors and tax investigators searched the premises of Deutsche Bank, HVB and RWE as part of raids on 230 offices and homes.

The investigation involves €180m of possible tax evasion and is targeting 150 suspects at 50 companies. Prosecutors in Frankfurt have asked colleagues in other European countries including Belgium, the Netherlands and Norway for legal assistance.

How many versions are there of the same article?! Hahaha.

May 5, 10 3:38 pm  · 

The Climate Mafia is back for a second attempt at pushing through a climate bill. Glad this study came out just in time:

"Global warming fears seen in obsessive compulsive disorder patients"

A recent study has found that global warming has impacted the nature of symptoms experienced by obsessive compulsive disorder patients.

Climate change related obsessions and/or compulsions were identified in 28% of patients presenting with obsessive compulsive disorder. Their obsessions included leaving taps on and wasting water, leaving lights on and wasting electricity, pets dying of thirst, leaving the stove on and wasting gas as well as obsessions that global warming had contributed to house floors cracking, pipes leaking, roof problems and white ants eating the house.

Compulsions in response to these obsessions included the checking of taps, light switches, pet water bowls and house structures.

"Media coverage about the possible catastrophic consequences to our planet concerning global warming is extensive and potentially anxiety provoking. We found that many obsessive compulsive disorder patients were concerned about reducing their global footprint," said study author Dr Mairwen Jones

May 9, 10 2:19 pm  · 

Youre a fucking idiot.

May 9, 10 6:53 pm  · 

Im sorry. That was rude. Let me rephrase that. Youre like a man whose car has stalled out on the train tracks, complaining that the people pushing you out of the way might get fingerprints on your paintjob.

May 9, 10 10:42 pm  · 

Funny, here I thought I was the one helping push your car off the tracks and out of the way of a massive tax hike on everything and the further control of global manufacturing by an elite group of "Carbon Kings", barreling down you like a an out of control freight train.

You realize ( prob not because your close minded ) that 30% of goods consumed in America come from China? Do you honestly think China will abide? If they do will they be honest? So for every object we can no longer produce in the first world, we will ship production and wealth creation to the 2nd and 3rd world who will not have to play? Do you not see this is global reparations writ large? Even the editors of this forum posted news articles calling for Western Nations to pay back 3rd world nations. Wake up and take control of your future and stop being a sheep.

May 10, 10 10:32 am  · 

Your ideology (as well as nascent racism) leads you to overlook the fact that China is adopting carbon reducing technologies at a faster rate (per capita) than the USA, Australia, India and Russia.

Sure, they are investing and building a large number of coal-fired power plants - but their per capita green-house gas emissions are still significantly below the USA. Wind, solar and other carbon-reducing technologies are now part of the official Chinese govt policy.

the idea that we can "trust" American corporations to honor emission limits, but we can't trust those "foreigners' is not borne out by recent facts.

when the USA, Europe and Japan were the primary producers of goods and machinery for the world, i don't remember much concern about reparations- just an insistence that these countries had "strategic rights" to mineral resources across the Middle East and Africa.

I congratulate you on your having "taken control" of your future - away from Exxon, BP, CitiBank, Goldman Sachs, BofA, Dow, Monsanto, ADM.

May 10, 10 11:04 am  · 

They seem to be doing a dam fine job with those environmental standards;

May 10, 10 11:36 am  · 

Goldman Sachs will make more money off trading Carbon and financing overseas manufacturing while then financing the shipping than you could possibly imagine. If anyone is holding Goldman's prick in their hand it is the green mafia who will mindlessly support this shitty bill. Stroke softly sheep.

May 10, 10 11:39 am  · 

Dude. Nobody is going to make more money on carbon than what they already make on fossil fuels. By a factor of probably 1000. They scrape a skim off the top to spend on paying off congress and foreign governments and misseducating nitwits like you, and that pittance is still greater than the combined profitability of cap and trade. That seems mindboggling obvious. I dont know why we even have to explain that to you. Youd actually have to be unfathomably stupid to believe otherwise.

May 10, 10 5:49 pm  · 

oe, I don't think it's any use arguing with climate change deniers. They are unmotivated by logic. They have some other reason for believing what they believe. It usually comes from a blind faith in laissez-faire free market capitalism.

In other words, these deniers act in bad faith. They oppose the idea of climate change not because they've done the research, but because believing in climate change would immediately discredit their OTHER beliefs (in this case, blind faith in capitalism.)

On the other hand, I and many other people who believe that climate change is happening approach the issue from the perspective of wanting to repair what is broken. If the planet is in trouble, we only want to make things better, to help.

Give me a climate change denier, and I guarantee that he is a right-wing free market advocate operating on bad faith.

What I don't understand is why these people don't just come out and say "I don't actually CARE whether climate change is happening. I just want to be allowed to do whatever I want: pollute, drive megacars, burn brush in my yard." This would be a much more honest approach. Instead, they try to fabricate a story about how it's not happening so that they don't have to feel guilty.

May 10, 10 6:21 pm  · 

And, by the way, I'd love for climate change to not be happening. I gain nothing from it happening—in fact, it makes my life harder. However, my understanding of the science tells me that it is in fact a danger and that we should work to fix it.

This is different from the bad faith operators and deniers who gain everything from denying climate change. (Or rather, who lose out if climate change is happening.)

May 10, 10 6:35 pm  · 

No Im sure youre right. I guess I just figured if people are going to make pinheaded disingenuous arguments we could at least make them suffer for it.

May 11, 10 5:42 pm  · 

Kerry pimps the oil spill to support his nonstarter energy bill;

"The oil spill creates urgency," Kerry said in an interview Tuesday. "In my judgment, the oil spill says: 'Get this done, folks. You've got to get to it and to change America's energy posture.' "

Yep its you the American public's fault. Not the regulators who allowed BP to drill with out the required acoustic clamping failsafe backup device nor the fact the government let them drill such a deep hole without proper environmental impact studies. Nope - its your fault.

Oh, btw BP gave more money to this administration than any other in 20 years.

May 13, 10 10:54 am  · 

Noticed this thread had quietly slipped into the back-pages while the gulf of mexico is drowning in a hundred million gallons of crude oil...

Just a couple of updates that somehow seemed to have slipped past Fox News' diligent editorial staff:

Jul 7, 10 11:11 am  · 

But still admitted to "deleting information and data" - only a fool would believe a "blue ribbon panel" of senior civil servants. Wake up and get their cock out of your mouth OE

While the oil spill has gushing lets see what else made news;

Runaway Climate Change Unrealistic,news-comment,news-politics,runaway-climate-change-theory-unrealistic-say-scientists-climategate-ipcc-global-warming

Arctic is getting colder

UN deforestation program actually fueling deforestation by insiders

People have woken up to this shit and they are going to end it soon enough one way or another.

Jul 7, 10 11:44 am  · 

Well! impressed at least with the speed that cocks-in-mouths came screaming into your mind.

Notice we still havent quite grasped the difference between local and temperatures though. Someday. Also noticing no comment on the study that your "scientists" make up 2% of the whole, filling in the paid charlatan vote.

Jul 7, 10 12:18 pm  · 

i thought since obama was president global warming went away...this is stupid

Jul 8, 10 3:24 pm  · 

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