
Michael Jackson


actually, he's dead, and at this moment the coroner is busy documenting his body and all of the surgeries, and the Elvis-like cause of death.

Jun 26, 09 1:25 pm  · 
Dapper Napper

I kind of agree with WK, he crossed a line with his "friends" but it didn't register with him as something wrong. He always struck me as not having the mind of an adult, like he mentally developed only up to age 10 or 11. And everyone around him denied it and kept pushing him forward. The exotic animals, giant amusement park, living his life in costume, etc. all things a pre-adolescent boy would enjoy.

Jun 26, 09 2:35 pm  · 

I like how all the examples of screwed up people that have been ostracized for the crimes that they committed are all black.

Inherent racism!

Jun 26, 09 2:40 pm  · 


. Adolph Hitler
. Saddam Hussein
. Jeffrey Dahmer
. Ted Kaczynski
. Timothy McVeigh

.... need I go on ... ?

Jun 26, 09 3:22 pm  · 


cue Moses.

Jun 26, 09 3:28 pm  · 

FP, these two aspects:

1. He was a legend and will be missed dearly.
2. He was a pedophile pervert...

can if fact exist in the same person, in fact, it's well documented that many ultra-creative and famous people are sometimes dicks or perverts, but they still make great art, and their art will stand long after the particulars of their lives are forgotten. I mean, who now cares that Sinatra was a vicious, overbearing, mafia loving, woman abusing asshole? His songs are still great.

Jun 26, 09 3:35 pm  · 

Hey, have you guys heard of (I hope I'm spelling this right) Le Corbusier?

Jun 26, 09 3:36 pm  · 

i only point him out because you don't even have to look as far as sinatra.

the modernist master we all love/hate/study/regard/disregard was quite the piece of shit.

Jun 26, 09 3:38 pm  · 
liberty bell

I don't question that Michael Jackson had a huge influence on pop music; I just never felt strongly one way or another about him. Thriller was HUGE at my high school, and I wondered what all the fuss was about. Mind, I was into Zeppelin then, so...

I also don't doubt he had bizarre relationships with children, but agree with other posters - and other media outlets - that he had an utterly bizarre childhood and really had an innocently different grasp of reality than most of the world.

All that said, I feel terribly sad for his children, who are young-ish (single digit ages? Maybe tweens?). They not only won't have a father figure, but will no doubt now be swept into a maelstrom of custody, money grasping, and general greedy fuck-upedness, fully wrought by the so-called adults in their lives. This is sad and continues an awful cycle.

Jun 27, 09 12:05 am  · 

lb, is it our age that has us both agreeing and seeing the same thing?

Jun 27, 09 6:13 am  · 

I think some people hate it that one man shaped their entire culture.

as far as i can see his the best artist in history.

Jun 27, 09 7:03 am  · 

are you STILL here, gordon? what are you, 12?

Jun 27, 09 7:47 am  · 

i take it my opinion hit a nerve. .. cant believe you're asking me for my age.

Jun 27, 09 8:09 am  · 

nerve, no, it hit my gag reflex, and i upchucked all over my rhinestone glove.

Jun 27, 09 11:25 am  · 
vado retro

roman polanski is black? learn something new everyday...

Jun 27, 09 12:11 pm  · 

a gag reflex derives from a nerve, you .. *insert words that belittle an old-perverted man* .. i hit a nerve, you can't take it ... go finger yourself.

sidenote: you don't own the forum you wrinkly old fart.

Jun 27, 09 12:25 pm  · 

and even in a thread about a dead man, keepin it classy . . .

Jun 27, 09 12:26 pm  · 

gordon, gordon, have me gobsmacked! listen turd muffin, i don't sweat racist, child diddlers like you. why not send me another email and see if i respond.

Jun 27, 09 12:27 pm  · 

"another" i have never sent you an email ... you're a weirdo.

please don't talk to me or acknowledge any of my comments.

can you stop deviating from the topic, please:

R.I.P Michael Jackson.

Jun 27, 09 12:39 pm  · 
"I think some people hate it that one man shaped their entire culture.

as far as i can see his the best artist in history."

ha ha ha ha ha ha!

come on moses. that statement is so hyperbolic it should be graphed on my TI-83.

Jun 27, 09 12:42 pm  · 

you might want to underline the word "some" in that quote unless it applies to your concious. end of

Jun 27, 09 12:52 pm  · 

RIP MJ. An original and amazing talent.

Jun 27, 09 1:01 pm  · 
Rock With You

, 1980 (22yrs old)

Jun 27, 09 1:15 pm  · 
They Don't Care About Us
Jun 27, 09 1:18 pm  · 
vado retro

another great songwriter from where??? indianastan.
cole porter
hoagy carmichael
michael jackson

Jun 27, 09 1:20 pm  · 

Wow, what a talented musician. My vinyl collection would be incomplete
without the likes of Bad, Thriller and Off the Wall.

I present to this thread my favorite MJ song. Everytime I hear it, a ridiculous smiles comes across my face. And it served loyally as my cell phone ringer for roughly 2 years. Don't Stop 'Til You Get Enough

Jun 27, 09 8:27 pm  · 

Vado, I was talking about the OJ and Mike Tyson comparisons... neither of which were entertainers (originally) or child stars.

Jun 27, 09 9:39 pm  · 

Jesse Jackson has to get involved ? The family "isn't satisfied" and needs a second autopsy ? They're moving stuff out of his house ?

Drama. . .

Jun 27, 09 10:46 pm  · 

Jun 27, 09 10:50 pm  · 

RIP pedophile scumbag

Jun 28, 09 12:41 am  · 

you know what's really sad, trying to find a channel that doesn't have MJ on it. damn necrophiliacs; can't even wait for the body to cool before you start your MJ porn-a-rama? even worse is listening to all the has-beens and wanna-bes....

Jun 28, 09 6:29 am  · 

srsly all the good gossip sites have ground to a halt. kidding aside, it's actually interesting to see how a lot of other people are benefiting from the lopsided coverage- i.e Mark Sanford, or much to their personal-greedy-ass-dismay, not benefiting i.e. kendra wilkinson et. al.

Jun 30, 09 12:21 pm  · 

RIP Billy Maze

Jun 30, 09 12:51 pm  · 

It was kind of writer/sensationalist Halperin to predict death six months before it happened. Hasn't he heard of self-fulfilling prophesy ? Didn't he think MJ might be affected by such a pronouncement ?

Jun 30, 09 2:59 pm  · 

the worlds best yet most creepy sexual educator

lost member of the bonobo chimp clan

Jun 30, 09 3:14 pm  · 

Q: What did one Mom say to Michael Jackson at the Beach?

A: Excuse me, You're in my son.

Jun 30, 09 3:25 pm  · 
Total Entries: 6
Total Comments: 55

06/30/09 12:33

I used to get the wooden spoon on the ass as a kid when I [deserved it], so my mom may have opted for an even more painful alternate behandled naturally I'm not sure how I feel about a wooden spoon without handles. The workmanship is beautiful, however - thanks for sharing.

This explains everything.

Jun 30, 09 4:07 pm  · 

Wooden Spoons are the best for Pork Stew...or for stirring barbecue sauce, used typically on BBQ pork.

Jun 30, 09 4:15 pm  · 
Accepted Christ
Jun 30, 09 4:18 pm  · 

Hmm -- raised as a Jehovah's Witness. As Ed McMahon (who ?) used to say, "I did not KNOW that. . .!"

Jun 30, 09 4:25 pm  · 

..and then grew into a monster, a drug addicted pedophile convert to Islam.

Jun 30, 09 4:31 pm  · 
Total Entries: 6
Total Comments: 58

06/30/09 12:33

I used to get the wooden spoon on the ass as a kid when I [deserved it], so my mom may have opted for an even more painful alternate behandled naturally I'm not sure how I feel about a wooden spoon without handles. The workmanship is beautiful, however - thanks for sharing.

BanMe a.k.a Poczatek, you can run but you can't hide!

Jun 30, 09 5:11 pm  · 

I'm not running or Hiding.

Jun 30, 09 5:16 pm  · 

and regarding the Spoon Humor, do I have to explain if I am kidding or not? You either play or you don't.

Jun 30, 09 5:19 pm  · 


Jun 30, 09 5:26 pm  · 

grew into a 'monster'? you mean he had an operation which changed his skin color.

i really do not understand why so much people have so much hate. I boil it down to having a miserable upbringing. jesus christ. @BanMe - by your comments you only show what a venomous, bitter person you are.

- You don't have any proof that he was a pedofile.
- You've probably taken more drugs than he has.
- And about Islam, well he was a humaniterian, and if you're a supposed christian, than may god curse you with misery, oh wait.

ass wod.

Jun 30, 09 5:33 pm  · 

#1 Do you really think MJ was a good father figure? Other than the custody dance, little will change for those kids, and maybe for the better? Probably not since his relationship with them was so weird, they will probably be pretty messed up.

#2 In my mind MJ died 20 years ago. He rocked, but that creepy flesh experiment moonwalking around was not Michael Jackson. So His actual passing last week isn't very important to me. He's been long gone.

Jun 30, 09 9:53 pm  · 

Something written yesterday made it apparent that the children don't normally play with others their age -- which changed this week, at least temporarily.

Jun 30, 09 10:21 pm  · 

people are just so cruel, it's amazing......i hope some of you guys really succeeded in amusing yourselves writing what you thought was so witty. we're talking about a human being for crying out loud.

have you ever thought how out of HUNDREDS and THOUSANDS of kids that visited neverland, that only ONE made such a sick accusation? if all the rumors were true, wouldn't it be common sense that out of hundreds and THOUSANDS of children, some cancer stricken or equally unfortunate kids, that more than ONE kid (who was probably forced by his greddy money sucking mother) would've come forward?

whatever the truth is, pls remember that we are talking about a HUMAN BEING. i really don't think you would appreciate anyone speaking such ways of your family and friends upon their passing, at their expense.

WOW, i really can't believe such cruelty can exist on this forum, about such a tragedy, about a creative genius, whether he was relevant NOW or a decade ago, he was a human being just like all of us but i guess it makes some of you feel so good about yourselves judging someone who has just passed away so tragically and feel so brilliant in your "witty" comments that are quite sick at best.........

Jul 2, 09 12:51 am  · 

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