
No More Romney


those are merely assumptions athiest can not believe yet still protect others right to believe. I think most athiests, speaking as one myself, are more interested in their own belief, not in trying to prove others wrong or to tell them they are wrong in their own faith.

just my 2 cents.

Feb 10, 08 5:13 pm  · 

agreed. But even if that were the truth for a particular person, they would spend their entire time in office trying to prove it... I think the advantage of being agnostic would be an advantage of image at least as much as an advantage of actual position. I've teetered between the two positions most of my life, and find that people get offended when I identify myself as an athiest, whereas they react much more neutrally when I identify as an agnostic.

Feb 10, 08 5:29 pm  · 
Living in Gin

1. George Washington - Episcopalian
2. John Adams - Congregationalist (raised); Unitarian
3. Thomas Jefferson - raised Episcopalian; later no specific denomination; held Christian, Deist, Unitarian beliefs
4. James Madison - Episcopalian (deist?)
5. James Monroe - Episcopalian (deist?)
6. John Quincy Adams - Unitarian
7. Andrew Jackson - Presbyterian
8. Martin Van Buren - Dutch Reformed
9. William Henry Harrison - Episcopalian
10. John Tyler - Episcopalian (deist)
11. James Knox Polk - Presbyterian; Methodist
12. Zachary Taylor - Episcopalian
13. Millard Fillmore - Unitarian
14. Franklin Pierce - Episcopalian
15. James Buchanan - Presbyterian
16. Abraham Lincoln - raised Baptist; later no specific denomination (deist)
17. Andrew Johnson - Christian (no specific denomination)
18. Ulysses S Grant - Presbyterian; Methodist
19. Rutherford B. Hayes - Presbyterian; Methodist (?)
20. James A. Garfield - Disciples of Christ
21. Chester A. Arthur - Episcopalian
22. Grover Cleveland - Presbyterian
23. Benjamin Harrison - Presbyterian
24. Grover Cleveland - Presbyterian
25. William McKinley - Methodist
26. Theodore Roosevelt - Dutch Reformed; Episcopalian
27. William Howard Taft - Unitarian
28. Woodrow Wilson - Presbyterian
29. Warren G. Harding - Baptist
30. Calvin Coolidge - Congregationalist
31. Herbert Hoover - Quaker
32. Franklin Delano Roosevelt - Episcopalian
33. Harry S. Truman - Southern Baptist
34. Dwight D. Eisenhower - River Brethren; Jehovah's Witnesses; Presbyterian
35. John F. Kennedy - Roman Catholic
36. Lyndon B. Johnson - Disciples of Christ
37. Richard M. Nixon - Quaker
38. Gerald Ford - Episcopalian
39. Jimmy Carter - Baptist (former Southern Baptist)
40. Ronald Reagan - Disciples of Christ; Presbyterian
41. George H. W. Bush - Episcopalian
42. William Jefferson Clinton - Baptist
43. George W. Bush - Methodist (former Episcopalian)

Barack Obama - United Church of Christ
Hillary Clinton - Methodist
John Edwards - Methodist
Dennis Kucinich - Roman Catholic

John McCain - Baptist
Mitt Romney - Mormon
Mike Huckabee - Baptist
Ron Paul - Baptist

Feb 10, 08 5:43 pm  · 
el jeffe

time for a deist or atheist.

Feb 10, 08 5:51 pm  · 

or an adiest.

LiG, thanks for the list!!!!

can the following assumptions be verified?

Presbyterian=Scottish (ie haggis eaters)
Unitarian= peace love and understanding
Methodist= rich Southerner
Baptist= poor Southerner

Feb 10, 08 6:02 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Episcopalians (and Presbyterians to a lesser extent) are stereotyped as blue-blooded WASPS, but there isn't as much truth to that as there may have been 50 years ago. Although both denominations contain socially conservative "old money" elements, they tend to be very liberal nowadays. You may recall that the Episcopal Church consecrated its first openly gay bishop a few years ago.

Episcopalians, being the American offshoot of the Church of England, tend to be found in the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic regions, while Presbyterians (the American offshoot of the Church of Scotland) are more common in the South and Midwest.

Congregationalists are the remnants of the old Puritans, at least those that didn't eventually become part of the United Church of Christ (which is a union of various Congregationalist and Lutheran denominations).

The old joke I've often heard in the South is "Methodists are Baptists who can read."

Interestingly, our two Quaker presidents were Warren Harding and Richard Nixon. Not exactly a stellar track record for a denomination that's about as mellow as they come.

Feb 10, 08 6:30 pm  · 
brian buchalski

What denomination is vladimer putin? After all this election campaign (still 9 months to go!?!) i'm practically wishing bush would pull a putin and simply refuse to leave office. stabilty is good for the economy after all.

Feb 10, 08 6:58 pm  · 
Living in Gin

According to Wikipedia, Putin is a practicing member of the Russian Orthodox Church.

Feb 10, 08 7:25 pm  · 

I think we could use an animist. Final Fantasy Gaia level the future we are.

Feb 10, 08 8:25 pm  · 

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