
getting out of jury duty


you have a good book ready?

Jun 22, 07 7:52 pm  · 

Sucks to live in a democracy. Or rather, suck it up. You don't get to complain about the sorry state of the justice system AND try and get out of jury duty.

Jun 22, 07 11:36 pm  · 
drums please, Fab?

bye bye to this strategy ..

Jul 10, 07 11:18 pm  · 


“I’m frequently found to be a liar, too. I can’t really help it,” Ellis added.

“I’m sorry?” Nickerson said.

“I said I’m frequently found to be a liar,” Ellis replied.

“So, are you lying to me now?” Nickerson asked.

“Well, I don’t know. I might be,” was the response.

so awesome.

Jul 10, 07 11:50 pm  · 
A Center for Ants?

legit ways...

i rescheduled mine for last week which had the 4th smack dab in the middle. i figured that lawyers wanting vacations wouldn't schedule as many trials for this week and i'd have a lesser chance of getting pulled.

called in each evening and never was called. in LA county it's super easy to reschedule. just find a week like xmas or memorial day etc. etc.

Jul 11, 07 2:59 am  · 
drums please, Fab?

i got a jury summons today

:( :( :(

say it ain't so!

3rd time in the last 8 years or so .. blusfjdklasf

'tis my civic duty!

Apr 9, 08 10:55 pm  · 

I have served jury duty once, showed up to the courthouse in Dorchester, was called, interviewed, selected: I think anyone that wasn't wearing sweatpants and stayed awake during the trial description (about 10%) got selected. I thought I would try to lie and get out of it, but I was just honest in the questioning and got seated. It was a child molestation case, took 3 or 4 days, had to come in on Monday July 3 for it, which sucked (not as bad as for the real estate mogul who had to drive in from her holiday weekend at the cape). It was a really cool, fascinating experience. I enjoyed it thoroughly. That was a few years ago, and I have no clue what i was working on that month, but I remember nearly every detail of those 4 days.

We found him not guilty, by the way.

Apr 9, 08 11:36 pm  · 

Start an arguement with one of the lawyers while they are asking screening questions. I was being considered on a case where the defense lawyer asked if anyone would hold it against the defendant if he didn't testify. I said yes I would. The judge was saying it wasn't legal to take the lack of testimony into consideration, I said "the lawyer asked about my thought processes, how can what I think or don't think be legal or illegal?" Regardless of what the law is, he asked if it would affect my opinion, how can I answer no? I am sure the defense lawyer struck me off the list.

The case was going to be a joke. The lawyers were objecting and argueing the case even during the selection process, it was going to be like a bad TV show. The case was some kind of domestic violence issue. The defense lawyer walked down the hall with his client and his wife came running down the hall to hug her husband so we already knew she wasn't pressing the charges. The defense also said the guy was mentally handicapped, earlier in the hall when the defendant walked past us he had his pants open to tuck in his shirt in a big show of being retarded.

Is this really justice? Its all a game for lawyers with little real concern for the truth.

Apr 10, 08 12:03 am  · 


Apr 10, 08 1:45 pm  · 

you guys are such pussies. just show up for the half-day it takes for them to process you and realize that you're too smart to be on a jury. I've been called twice and excused both times by the defense council. Easy-peasy and you don't have to admit later to being a poor human for not performing a basic civic duty.

Apr 10, 08 1:59 pm  · 
le bossman

what is so wrong with performing basic civic duty anyway? jesus. my dad had to serve 8 months in vietnam. i can't imagine a couple of hours or days of jury duty would be that bad. for all the complaining about justice on archinect, jury duty is a chance to actually be involved in the judicial process.

Apr 10, 08 2:07 pm  · 
drums please, Fab?

i got picked for a jury the first time i went

i guess the defense lawyer dudn't think im a dun gots the smarts ugh

we could get rid of all this if people would just stop committing crimes

Apr 10, 08 2:30 pm  · 
liberty bell

I like bossman's point. And it's true: it's a civic duty; we should be proud and thankful to serve on a jury.

My own story, to prove I'm not a hypocrite: Got selected for a wrongful death suit when I was 7 months pregnant. So I was getting to the office at 7:30, working for two hours until I had to walk three blocks to court, running back to the office to check emails on the lunch break, then going back to the office after 5pm to work for a few more hours until I crawled home exhausted. Did I mention I was pregnant? And I did this for three weeks. My boss did a similar situation for two weeks too - and she was the principal of the firm!

Stop whining and go do your civic duty, and hope that if you are ever on trial all the smart people won't weasel out of theirs.

Apr 10, 08 2:40 pm  · 

pretend to know the defendant

Apr 10, 08 2:49 pm  · 
drums please, Fab?

call me crazy, but i wish we had professional juries simply because the smart people often singled out - both prosecution and defense lawyers are just 'doing their job' so say you have a guy who no doubt murdered someone, the defense lawyer does/says whatever they can to 'win' and fool people who aren't as rational (hey we're all different i don't expect everyone to see through lawyers' bending of Truth)

but i digress - it is something of a rush to go through the jury experience. i do feel good when it's over, just kind of a pain to mess up my schedule. i'm not pregnant though so i have that working for me (men can get pregnant now, have you heard?).

seriously though people, stop with the crimes! can't we all get along?

Apr 10, 08 2:53 pm  · 
drums please, Fab?

i postponed it 'til this week and just called and hey

report for jury duty 7:45 am


May 28, 08 10:28 pm  · 

tell them you have a drinking problem or you are a racist. works every time.

May 29, 08 10:42 am  · 

say anything everybody who says anything did not get picked in my opinion. they don't want people with conflicts or opinions

May 29, 08 11:32 am  · 

jury duty is fun thou you get to influence people outside your sphere.

May 29, 08 11:33 am  · 
drums please, Fab?

yay! i got called for one jury panel (35 people they whittle down to 12 + alternates) and then we broke for lunch and then came back and the judge said 'yo the dude settled your service isn't needed so go back up and wait' and then around 2:45 the call of the microphone and i thought 'oh no another jury' but it was just 'y'alls can go for reals we don't need you no more' so phew! i'm done for another year

duty fulfilled!

May 29, 08 6:40 pm  · 

anybody been on a really juicy case?

May 29, 08 7:29 pm  · 

really bad gas got a guy dismissed here in seattle

May 29, 08 8:54 pm  · 
drums please, Fab?

just got back from my 4th jury doody experience

read the constitution and an essay on formal diagramming in archy-tecture while not getting called for anything for 4 hours but now i'm good for 1 year minimum yee-haw!

i reiterate:  people should just stop committing crimes and then we wouldn't have to do hardly any of this.  i mean, come ON!  (hansel from the masterpiece zoolander says, 'it's all so simple!')

Aug 11, 11 6:45 pm  · 

Each of you doing anything larger than single family residential will be involved in a project going through arbitration, mediation or litigation more than once in your career. Part of the ARE requires some legal knowledge. When a project of yours is in a lawsuit  you might like to know what a jury does during deliberation particularly when considering settlement out of court. 



Aug 11, 11 8:00 pm  · 

"Your Honor, what do you call the guilty person again...?"

Aug 11, 11 8:42 pm  · 
le bossman

my car got stolen a couple weeks ago.  jury's still out on that one. 

Aug 11, 11 9:21 pm  · 

Jeez, bossman, you just can't get a frickin' break, can you?  I'm sorry.

Aug 11, 11 9:35 pm  · 

Atom: Custom residential is as problematic as commercial work.

Jaffe's First Law: The value of a service is inversly proportional to its degree of compeletion.

Jaffe's Second Law: If you need a lawyer, it's already too late.

It's in the book


Aug 11, 11 11:43 pm  · 

Complain and complain. In my country there *is* no jury. And we hang like 30 people every year. You'll *wish* there was one when it's gone. 

Aug 12, 11 1:24 am  · 

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