
Seattle roomate?

sweet. I'll let you know. It sure would be nice not to have to pay for a hotel room. Your housemates wouldn't think you were a wierdo for having someone you've never met stay over a few days?

Apr 17, 07 7:07 pm  · 

oh shit dont pay for a hotel. we have random people staying at our house every damn week. some are close friends, some are random people looking for a place to stay

we're not too close to the university, but we are close to downtown
i'll send you a pm with my contact info, sometimes i forget about archinect for months

Apr 18, 07 12:45 am  · 

Thanks. I'll probably email you when it gets closer to the actual date.

w3- out of curiosity, did your financial aid (from the office of financial aid, not department) include anything other than loans? I found a page on the UW site saying that the state offers an average of $5200/year to each graduate non-resident student (friggen $14,000/year for residents!), so I've been wondering about that.

Apr 20, 07 3:04 pm  · 

UW (through the financial aid office) offered me about 22k in loans. It included 8000 subsidized, 12000 non-subsidized and the graduate plust loan for the rest which has a higher interest rate. I wasn't offered anything else. However, I am going to fill out the change in financial situation form (they said it takes 4-6 weeks to process that) so we'll see if that changes their offerering. I'm not counting on it - but hopeful for work study of some sort so I can easily work within the department.

have you been able to set up your MyUW account yet? if not, i would try again. you can accept/decline financial aid through it.

Apr 20, 07 3:14 pm  · 

nah, maybe I'll try calling financial aid...

Apr 20, 07 3:16 pm  · 

yeah, you obviously just got on the phone with the right person, as I have been unable to duplicate your success. I got told "you should be recieving your financial aid award through the mail in the next few days" so there was no reason for me to pursue the online thing. *rolls eyes* Well I'll be watching the mail for the next few days, we'll see what happens...

Apr 20, 07 3:24 pm  · 

so frustrating. i feel like there are a lot of reasons other than financial aid to have your online account set up. You need it to sign up for graduate student housing, among other things - that might be the main one though. anyway - sorry you don't have that info yet. but as this process goes...what would life be like w/o that desperate, distracting need to check the mailbox?

Apr 20, 07 3:35 pm  · 

My life would be utterly empty without that, of course! Seriously, I still check the mailbox with a certain degree of hope, despite knowing that there's nothing left to hope for... silly, huh?

I'm sending in my deposit tomorrow, so hopefully I'll get all the stuff to set up my account soon afterwards.

Apr 20, 07 5:11 pm  · 

damn, listings are juuuust starting to be posted for fall, and the U District is so temptingly cheap. Wallingford, Fremont, Greenlake, no undergrads, PCC market and fun bars sounds like the life for me, but $360/month rent is a hell of a hard thing to pass up...

May 1, 07 1:21 pm  · 

$360 eh? not bad - the cheapest i've found is more than that (studio)...but it had communal kitchens on each floor. hmmm...

May 2, 07 12:05 pm  · 

Yeah, but that's the difference between being married and needing your own place, and being single and looking for a room in a sharehouse. After looking at the listings, it seems like (for me) renting a room in a group house is the best option: not only is it cheaper, but it's a great opportunity to meet people. Also, while I'm dedicated to denser living, I miss some of the comforts of a house like being able to have pets and do a little gardening when I'm stressed, so a house crammed full of young people seems like a nice balance to me between city living and having some space.

Finally got access to MyUW a couple days ago, no good rental listings there!

May 2, 07 12:15 pm  · 

Rationalist - you'll find that there's an increasing lack of good rentals in Seattle as more and more buildings are converting to insanely overpriced condos to hop on the crazy real estate bandwagon.

The building in Queen Anne that my wife and I live in was recently sold. The new owners let everyone's leases expire, then jacked the rent up over 30% per month for those that want to keep renting (no rent control in Seattle). Since then, there's been at least 4 Uhauls in front of my building every weekend for people making the mass exodus. Once the renters have moved out, the building is being converted to condos. It sucks.

Reason #347 why my wife and I are getting the hell out of Seattle this summer.

May 2, 07 12:30 pm  · 

R-- i will say though that my wife and i are not against living w/ a group of people - for lots of reasons even beyond financial advantage. we're actually sharing our house w/ another couple until we move to seattle at the end of august (we did the same thing w/ another couple last year and everyone cringed and told us that we were worked out great). i also think we'd be very open to the idea of living w/ a group of people...both married and not. we love the community, sharing, etc.. . personally, i feel like given the right house there is still plenty of opportunity for privacy when needed - meaning it doesn't have to be akward w/ married couples around. i guess we're just a little unwilling to do that w/ people we haven't had a chance to get to know first - it prob. needs to be a pretty specific group of people to work well. which means we wouldn't really consider it until we're in the city for a while. ...being single definitely leaves more room to jump into a group house w/o previously knowing people.

good to hear you finally got into your myUW - the registrar just sent me basic registration info...meaning they got my deposit...meaning that was the last piece confirming that indeed i'm going to UW. it's good to have that officially taken care of - i always worry about dumb stuff like that not going through and screwing things up...

May 2, 07 1:52 pm  · 

That's what I had to wait for to even get into MyUW! I keep feeling like I should be able to find more stuff through there, but I can't figure it out.... I really, really hate UW's website. The information is just far too decentralized, things that should be together don't seem to be, like financial aid and tuition costs, or course offerings and degree credit requirements.

May 2, 07 4:46 pm  · 

Hey, Seattle peeps: is a place located at NE 54th & Latona in a good neighborhood? It seems like it from all that I've read, but I wanted to double-check with those actually in the area... I don't know, in LA there are these random pockets where a couple of blocks of pure crap will exist in the middle of nicer stuff, or visa-versa. Is Seattle like that, too?

May 10, 07 5:57 pm  · 

That's a pretty great spot rationalist! Very close to the Latona Pub, Green Lake, and the Whole Foods on Roosevelt.

May 10, 07 6:22 pm  · 

Really? cool. Yeah, I saw from the map that it was near greenlake, which'll make for some pleasant exercise on the weekends. So is "tangletown" generally a fun place to be, then? When I searched on it, I found the Tangletown pub, a sushi place, and a fusion dessert bakery, and that was pretty much it...

May 10, 07 7:18 pm  · 

Rationalist, the sushi place in tangletown is awesome. The Tangletown Pub is owner by the Elysian Brewing Company. They also own The Elysian on Capital Hill and a recently owned place near the ballpark called Elysian Fields. Tangletown is the quieter, more family friendly atmosphere of the group. Their beers are good. Their food is mediocre at best. There is also the Diggety Dog in Tangletown. They serve hot dogs and sausages only.

May 10, 07 8:56 pm  · 

ok, but beyond food, is it a good place to be? No scary people out at night? Bike need to stay locked up even when it's in my backyard? Any thoughts beyond the edible would be appreciated... = )

May 10, 07 9:01 pm  · 

Oh yeah, you'll be fine/safe - that whole Green Lake area (as well as every other neighborhood adjacent to downtown Seattle) has been highly gentrified. With that in mind, Aurora Ave is very sketchy and has a lot of transient, drug, prostitution, and theft activity.

No matter where you live, definitely lock your stuff up! Bike, car, house/apt, etc. There is a high level of car theft in Seattle (my car's been stolen/recovered twice in my 8 years here).

May 10, 07 10:41 pm  · 

you think if they actually tried to use aurora as a major n/s light rail line, that it would drive out the pimps n hos? (forcing the trampy ho-tels to become swanky condo's?)

car theft is rampant, but it's not chop shop rampant.
friend had his accord stolen and recoverd twice in the SAME month.

May 10, 07 11:08 pm  · 

it's no joke about car thievery. my sister who lives there has had her car stolen twice as well...looks like twice may be the lucky number. good thing i'm looking forward to walking a LOT when i get there.

May 10, 07 11:26 pm  · 

Yet another point in favor of my plan of selling my car and biking it most places...

May 10, 07 11:29 pm  · 

along with car theft, there are a lot of break-ins to homes, condos, etc. i live in lower wallingford and two weeks ago there were six break-ins on one street in one night.

May 11, 07 10:25 am  · 

hmm, so renters insurance is a must then. I've been going without all these years.

May 11, 07 10:41 am  · 

renters insurance is dirt cheap. def. worth having.

May 11, 07 11:11 am  · 

Hey: I've got some more Seattle questions!! I already love the Seattle-ites, but I'll be ever so grateful to you for sharing your knowledge on the following:

*I've been seeing loads about the Seattle Bicycle Master Plan online, and have spoken with a transportation official who claims that there's going to be a major bout of sharrows and bike lane striping done this summer. Are they just blowing sunshine up my ass, or is this actually going to happen?

*Been seeing much less press about Light Rail coming to Seattle. REALLY? Are they really truly going to do it? If so, when?

Jun 20, 07 6:13 pm  · 

The new bike lanes are definitely coming - cyclists are happy; drivers are not. I personally think that the money would've been better spent fixing the god-awful pot hole ridden roads...

Light rail is under construction (they're working on the line from Sea-Tac to downtown now). Probably won't be operational for a couple more years.

BTW - I'm leaving Seattle at the end of June (moving back east).

Jun 20, 07 6:37 pm  · 

That makes me a little sad, but if you'd be happer somewhere else, then I'll be happy for you.

Screw the drivers! They've got 99% of the road as it is. Glad to hear it's all really going forward.

Jun 20, 07 7:05 pm  · 

Rationalist - see upcoming thread on the subject...

Jun 20, 07 7:31 pm  · 

Rationalist – Seattle has many good plans going on, e.g. light rail, bike lanes – all goodness but they are very slow at implementing plans. I lived in Seattle for about 5 years and I recall them talking about starting the light rail a number of years ago. Here we are 8 years later and its not started yet! Stop talking and start building!!! So don't expect much to happen if you are there short term :(

Dml – I hear you about the pot holes. I drive quite a bit from Portland to Seattle and I complain about the horrible road conditions the minute I cross the Washington state line. I've had my share of blowouts due to pot holes on I-5 and w/i the metropolitan region. Sucks!

Jun 20, 07 9:58 pm  · 
3/16 text

i miss uw and seattle..

rationalist, make sure you get a working, reliable umbrella

Oct 4, 07 11:04 pm  · 

hmmm, so far (which has been pretty damn rainy) I've done better to just always have a hooded item of clothing on. Umbrellas are pesky.

Oct 4, 07 11:24 pm  · 

yeah, and if you go downtown, only the idiots carry 'em. they'll probably whack you in the head cos their inconsiderate pricks and carry open umbrellas under an 8' wide canopy.

Oct 5, 07 1:34 am  · 

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