
Late Night Thread


you say it like he's dead

love live Dave Chappelle

May 1, 07 12:35 am  · 

I just don't see him around much anymore. I hear he's doing some stand-up here and there though.

May 1, 07 12:45 am  · 

any of you people see block party? has this been discussed?

if not, you should.

great hip-hop, great chappelle...and michel gondry? whoa. i didn't see that coming.

but great stuff. really.

May 2, 07 2:47 am  · 

have i seen block party he says...

I loved that doc. Wish i could've been in bed-sty for the show. Dead Prez is the shit.

May 2, 07 3:06 am  · 

i don't know...i just ask, you know? i assume nothing...esp. about bed-stuy.

turns out, little did i know prior to watching for the first time, one of my old college roomates worked on that shyte.

love the little stand-up pieces between sets, with chappelle and the band in rehearsal. some funny shit.

May 2, 07 3:35 am  · 


where my late night peeps at?

don't tell me i'm the only loser still working...that hurts.


effing' stainless steel details! up to my eye teeth!

May 3, 07 3:08 am  · 

i'll just sprinkle some crack on myself and call the cops.

May 3, 07 3:19 am  · 

I just finished reading The Fountainhead.


Please don't think less of me, but I felt it was a tad disappointing. Metaphorically speaking, Ayn nailed her objectivism on the head. But, at times, I felt the plot was a tad too contrived and predictable. I had figured out the last 100 pages of storyline about half way through. And, quite honestly, it made me feel like I have sold my architecture soul.

I suppose maybe this is my fault too. I had my hopes up too high from all the rave review my peers have given it.

I was going to try to do a double Ayn Rand-athon but I have decided against reading Atlast Shrugged for the time being. Reading Ayn is like eating a big slice of cheesecake. At first it feels so good, and then you realize how dense it is a how much of it still remains.

Next book: Architecture of Happiness written by Alain de Botton

May 6, 07 11:38 pm  · 

she sounds like a bitch, i'm still gonna try to read her books though..

My God, i wanna sleep forever.

May 6, 07 11:41 pm  · 

I liked the Fountainhead, yet have zero desire to read anything else by her. I guess I just feel like Rand's a bit of a one-trick-pony; if I've read one, why bother with the others?

May 7, 07 12:08 am  · 
liberty bell

I totally agree, rationalist. I also enjoyed Anthem when I was a teenager listening to Rush in my smoky bedroom, but come on.

May 7, 07 12:10 am  · 

Hmmm, I never actually enjoyed Rush for their music. I just listened to them because this guy I really liked was obsessed with their drummer. Pretty stupid, huh?

May 7, 07 12:20 am  · 

I am saving fountainhead for when I retire. Never read it before. And as we know architects never retire, only die - I'm prepared to take it as carry-on in the after life, whatever happens next.

May 7, 07 12:21 am  · 

I just called one of my pals on the phone and we started chatting about Ayn Rand.

She informed me that when her grandmother died last year, she had requested that she be buried with a bottle of Jack Daniel's whiskey and a copy of Atlas Shrugged. Humorous, quite humorous.

May 7, 07 12:21 am  · 

or is it like water and not allowed on the journey?

May 7, 07 12:22 am  · 

n_, I wanted to read that. Please let us know how it is. In the meantime, I have started rereading "A Brief History of Time", inspired by a special yesterday on Stephen Hawking on the Discovery Channel. Did you know he's been in a wheelchair since the 70's? Crazy.

May 7, 07 12:33 am  · 

WonderK - I had to wait all day to respond to you so that I was responding in the correct, allotted timeframe for this thread.

I am a hundred plus pages into the book. Lots of pictures. It's kind of like a glorified, adult coloring book. I don't love it nor hate it yet. It's just kind of interesting.

Alain de Botton wrote a book a few years ago entitled 'The Art of Travel.' Probably one of the best damn books I have ever read. I was hoping de Botton would provide the same spark in this one but I haven't fully reached it. Perhaps, I need to get a little further into it.

'A Brief History of Time' is somewhere up there on my 'read-this-now' list. Let me know how that one works out for you.

May 7, 07 10:34 pm  · 

Oooh 'The Art of Travel', huh? I will have to look that one up. Also, isn't it fun to try to say "Alain de Botton" with a funny accent?

May 7, 07 10:42 pm  · 

Speaking of a tiny used book store in Philly I found a book of old stamps from all over the world. It is supposed to be a catalogue of sorts, but whoever owned it had stuck stamps in the book so that when I opened it, hundreds of stamps fell out. What a great day that was. That was the day a vacant apartment on the 13th floor of my apt building caught on fire and I was living right on top of it. To loosely tie this random post back to architecture, do y'all skip the 13th floor when doing high-rises and call it 14th floor? Now that I think about it, I think this only happens on elevators... Are there any superstitious "habits" in architecture in other parts of the world?

May 8, 07 1:52 am  · 

bumping the late night thread, well it is for me!

Shanghai representin', puttin' all ya'll archinects on notice that Apu is temporarily reppin' the far east coast. Are there any other far east archinects? I know we have a few in Japan, anybody in China?

May 29, 07 1:21 pm  · 

it resurrects! 00:42 over here - on a friday night at home. Just sent a proposal to a client and its now time for some shut eye. Great to see the late night thread is still alive.

Jun 1, 07 11:43 pm  · 

Before I head to sleep I'm going to look at the moon. Its soooooo bright over the sea and waves.

Jun 1, 07 11:43 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Must resist urge to read Archinect instead of completing 20-page final paper for school that's due tomorrow.... must.... resist.....

feeling...... faint...............................................

Jun 5, 07 12:35 am  · 

not much action on ye olde late night thread, eh?


i just watched the sopranos from two weeks ago. all i need now is to watch last week's (which i have on dvd) and i'll be all set for tomorrow's final finale.

i can't help it. i just love that friggin' show.

maybe it's 'cuz i'm from jersey, and half the guys i went to high school with looked and talked exactly like christopher moltisanti.

nonetheless, i say whatevs. it's too late to get anything productive done, and i've decided to put it all off until sunday anyway. i take my day of rest on saturday this weekend.

what up late night thread!

(btw - please don't spoil anything from last week's sopranos!!!!!!)

Jun 10, 07 2:06 am  · 


well, that which i put off last night saddles me this evening.

am i the only one who makes the weather and then stands outside complaining about the rain?!?

i'm getting the distinct impression that y'all are either lazy, more efficient than me, recovering from last night's LA meetup, or in posession of some other reason for not being up late (on the west coast anyway) working.

i'm up to my eye teeth in equipment schedules this evening, and for most of tomorrow too, me thinks.

Jun 11, 07 2:50 am  · 

anybody out there?

I'm still tethered to the computer, doing portfolio work.

Jun 30, 07 12:57 am  · 

I am not doin ga ny kind of work whatsoever, but I am WASTED.....soo....

hi RATIONALIST! i should probably stop before i say something stupid huh.

Jun 30, 07 1:35 am  · 

so its Sunday night the breeze is blowing, its quite nice.

I've spent much of the day, rewriting my resume for a job I'm applying for. I'm taking a step further towards development and project management (if only for the dough). Its all part of my 2 year plan to head back into private practice

Jul 1, 07 10:39 pm  · 

..working on a personal website project and enjoying the PDX breeze and a libation...

Jul 1, 07 11:48 pm  · 

stuck doing someone else's redlines again

"Hey you have an hour or so today to help us out?"


5 hours later....

I'm still at the office eating ramen noodles finishing redlines. This can't be healthy right?

Jul 2, 07 9:25 pm  · 

I can't go to sleep right now because I am thinking of all the odds and ends I need to finish before I plot the final set tomorrow.

My project architect fed me steak (medium, rare) with a loaded baked potato for dinner because he felt bad I had worked a 16 hour day by 8 pm. What a champ.

Jul 3, 07 1:20 am  · 

wow, n_, they are really working you there, aren't they!?

@ least you got a hearty meal out of it.

i'm currently bored and looking up guitar tabs!

Jul 3, 07 2:23 am  · 

i just polished off franszikaner numero dos, and cleaned the kitchen after making dinner (broccoli, corn and rice) and a pile of stuffed manicotti for the rest of the week.

it's freaking hot in my house right now.

trying to go over in my mind what i need to bring to this site visit tomorrow, and can't concentrate becaue i want to go and watch the second half of star wars iii which i started last night at about this hour.

what are you playin' cris?

Jul 3, 07 2:47 am  · 

dude, it was freakin' hot down here as well!

so, are you like really a chef that posts in an architecture forum because architecture's a hobby? [only half serioius!]

your menus and those images of your bake off entries always make my mouth water!

well, i'm a beginning guitar player. took a class @ my local community college this past semester (february-june). i still need much practice!

i'm looking up johnny cash songs. his cover of nin's "hurt", i think i've got down ok. and i've got "i walk the line" down alright too (although, i love to sing, i still am not good @ singing while playing). i'm playin' 'em on my yamaha classical. do you swing an axe as well?

Jul 3, 07 2:54 am  · 

nice. johnny cash is fun stuff. so's willie nelson for tab.

i've been known to swing an axe once in a while. used to play in a bunch of bands back in college and for a couple of years afterwards. bluegrass, rock n' roll. still play somewhat regularly though...and i still suck.

i don't mind. i play for the enjoyment of it, not to be good.

i tell people these days i'm a designer chef. they seem to like it, even if they don't know what i mean, which is fine because i'm not sure what i mean either. i'm not an architect, though i've been working in the trades since leaving the kitchen some years back. i spent a couple of years working in arch firms though, so, there's my main point of reference for these parts. now i'm mostly a sub; commercial kitchens is our niche. and big ones at that.

gotta sleep now, big site visit manana - take 'er easy dude.

Jul 3, 07 3:51 am  · 

designer chef, ey!?

orale, i like it!

i briefly entertained the idea of studying the culinary arts.

how was your sit visit?

is anyone else out there dreading going to work in the morning?

i'm faded and watching hangin' with the homeboys starring doug e. doug, and john leguizamo.

good times! =D

Jul 5, 07 5:09 am  · 

greetings from china cris, I'm about to get off work myself.

Jul 5, 07 5:20 am  · 

daaaamn, china!? wow!

greetings from temple city (los angeles area), california!

what do you do in china?

and what time is it there!?

Jul 5, 07 5:23 am  · 

ohh, its 5:48 in the P.M., my boss has not left yet so i havent and i've spent all day staring at rhino so now im staring at archinect making sure people have new responses to post to when they get on.

Im interning for Tom Pen Architect in shanghai doing design development on a commerical plaza/square in Jinan.

Jul 5, 07 5:50 am  · 

helloooooo? anybody else still out there??

putting together work samples. Feel pretty good about it, better than expected actually. It's the first time that my WORK work samples are making up the bulk of the submission.

Jul 24, 07 1:56 am  · 

hi rationalist.

i'm here too. working on custom fabrication details with my foot on ice.

i was working outside in my little studio and stubbed my toe so bad while walking towards the house in the dark...nearly broke a toe and mostly tore off one of my's hanging on by 20% i estimate.

still working...but i'm really procrastinating the inevitable task which lay ahead of me.

should i tear it off the rest of the way? fuck. i don't think i have the cojones for that tonight. think i'll take some vicodin and work till i pass out on the computer.

so much for my site visit tomorrow. FUCK!!!!! i hate this.

Jul 24, 07 2:15 am  · 

btw - it sure feels great when the portoflio gets thicker with work/built samples. nice job!

Jul 24, 07 2:15 am  · 

im here!!! I need to go switch my laundry, but the ghetto bird is flying around overhead with its light on. What if the person they are looking for is hiding out in my laundry room!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If I dont come back, call the cops

Jul 24, 07 2:25 am  · 

I'd just take some nail scissors and cut it down far enough that there's no flap of partially-attached toenail to catch on things. Hate when that happens.

er, yeah, not many built samples yet still... the two pages of built stuff is actually the least directly related to the job opening, but they show that I can detail like nobody's business! That makes up a third of the samples, then another third is not-built-YET work, then a third is school stuff.

Jul 24, 07 2:26 am  · 

mdler - i thought you lived in pasadena?!? what's with the choppers?

r - can't trim the nail down. it didn't actually break or came off nearly en masse. way to painful to consider bringing clippers near it. thanks for the advice though...right now i'm freezing away the pain with ice packs and beer.

Jul 24, 07 2:31 am  · 

ML- the nail thing makes me cringe...ick...ouch.,...oh.
hi r- it's great your getting that ready to send off! Don't you feel like a proper grown-up with real work in your portfolio?

big news here- I just found I don't have to worry about money because I not only won the British International Lottery, valued at 2.5 million pounds, but a Nigerian investor also contacted me to be a potential business partner. Just when I thought my luck couldn't get any better, I won a Tiffany necklace and an XBox. All this without leaving my computer. What an amazing evening.

Jul 24, 07 2:37 am  · 

btw ML, I'd bandage that shit up so tight the nail couldn't move and leave it like that until it naturally fell off. The thought of cutting or pulling it...ahhh..gave me the shivers.

Jul 24, 07 2:39 am  · 

i cut the tip of one of my fingers off working in a kitchen in paris...shit took like three weeks to heal just to the point where acidic stuff like tomatoes and lemons no longer burned like hell.

i agree that the thought of going all george clooney on myself isn't pleasant. i hope i got it cleaned out enough under the nail to avoid gangrene.

i'd hate to lose the whole foot!

congrats on the lottery, the nigerian business opportunity and the xbox.

i had a business opportunity earlier myself, apparently some stock was about to go through the roof and i was one of the select few people to hear about it. lucky for me! i put my life savings on that shyte!

Jul 24, 07 2:51 am  · 

Is it ok that I start the late night thread half an hour early? I drank a lot in the middle of the day, so it feels pretty late already. Anyone else out there?

Oct 27, 07 11:30 pm  · 

Yeah, hopefully about to go to a party in the E. village

Oct 27, 07 11:58 pm  · 

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