
do anyone model some famous architect's works?


I am trying to model Eisenman's Nunotani Headquarter's office building these days. The reference books I used includes Blurred Zonese by peter Eisenman. But I must admit this is a book showing Eisenman is a bitch. For each project he listed, I believe he purposely didn't show all his models, plan or other drawings there. Many be that is "Blurred" mean? He properly want to hide part of his design info. so that no one can figure out how he did. On the contrary, I found Gehry and morphosis are different, They detailed their design and building very thoroughly, so that you can really follow their design.

I believe the reason to have these difference between these archtiects are: Gehry/Morphosis have mutual design theory to develop their design, Eisenman not.

What do you guys say?

Nov 29, 04 3:25 pm  · 

COme on guys, no one is interested in Eisenman? Or you think he is just talk the talk, walk the walk?

Nov 30, 04 6:33 pm  · 

I did Scarpa's Banco de Populare as a directed studies. That's all i did all term, did more work on that project all term and learned a ton. Surprising but if the right project is selected its an intense insight into the craft and skill of puttting a project together. A buddy did Castlevecchio? at the same time.

All in cardstock and foam core ( I'am old though)

Nov 30, 04 6:41 pm  · 

whistler: I can't find Scarpa's Banco building picture online. If you can post sth in this forum. That would be great to exchange the ideas.

Jay : Did you just model the mass and exterior or you also did the interior?

Dec 1, 04 4:14 pm  · 

Can I ask a question. Where do you guys get the drawings for all these buildings? I am interested in modeling a Mies, or a FLW, or maybe a modern Liebeskind - and I want to do it is card rather than on the computer (and I am not even old).

This may seem like a dumb question but where can I get old of this kind of drawing. Is there an online resource i don't know about?

Any help welcome.

Dec 1, 04 8:48 pm  · 


I got the drawings mainly from the books published in the past 10 years. I also got some pictures and a few drawings( not clear) from online discussion forum. EL Croquis magazine is a good source to get those things in one busket. For Mies and FLW, it is rather easy. If you are in USA, you can goto Bookstore "Borders" to get some books about Mies and FLW. If you are in Chicago, you can goto IIT to ask for the material, they would be glad to help you out. If you are, how about call The colleage of architecture of IIT for some advice?

Hope these helpful.

Dec 2, 04 1:10 am  · 

jlx - thanks very much for the advice. I am not in the States but I can find a bookshop.

El Croquis is a good tip - thanks for that.

This thread has really inspired me to make a model of some kind, not I just have to decide what it will be and what I want to learn from doing this.

Thanks again.

Dec 2, 04 7:18 pm  · 


You are welcome! As to "not I just have to decide what it will be and what I want to learn from doing this", I believe you want to say " now I just have to ...".


Dec 3, 04 12:31 am  · 

I finally finished a cardboard model for the NUNOTANI Headquarter building. It is the most difficult building I ever modeled. As usual, the info. is limited. I don't have enough plans. The drawings I have is in rather small scale. I bought "Blurred Zones" by eisenman, and you know, he likes to confuse everyone in almost everyone of his books. He just did the exactly same in this book--- the drawings and his cardboard model didn't match, and he didn't list the name for each drawing and model. The models with different view are put together. This is nothing wrong. But if you found out these models are not based on same plan, each models different a little. You will feel blow out totally. Well, Eisenman just did like that.

But finally, I finished it. Now I believe his strategy for designing the building make sense.

Dec 4, 04 1:59 pm  · 

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