Christopher Madej

Christopher Madej

Woodside, NY, US

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My name is Christopher Madej and I am a CUNY Graduate.


medusa group, Warsaw, PL, Trainee

Hired as a Summer Trainee, we collaborated with Chartier Dalix to develop schematic design for a 1920 Post Office in Warsaw. I was tasked with several task and jobs at the office. I developed window designs and setup window schedule workflow. Prepared parking plans for multi-tenants on single floor. Researched super market and automated parking garage for client presentation. Designed parking spaces and egress solutions to maximize efficiency and capacity.

Aug 2023 - Sep 2023

MSC, New York, NY, US, Intership

Prepared quality control for administrative services pertaining to a worldwide logistics company. Assisted project manager with management of timesheets and memos from clients. Trained new hire to understand job responsibilities before going back to university.

Jun 2018 - Aug 2018


City College of New York (CCNY), New York, NY, US, BArch, Architecure

Starting in 2016, I have always pursed architecture as my main Major. Over time I also pursued a Concentration in Architectural History and Theory and a Minor in Creative English. I have a total credit of 173.00 overall.

Aug 2016 - Jun 2023

Areas of Specialization 
