Archinect - News 2024-06-02T17:02:15-04:00 The glory days of fast food architecture may be gone forever Josh Niland 2023-02-21T19:10:00-05:00 >2024-01-23T19:16:08-05:00 <img src="" border="0" /><em><p>Goodbye bright colors and unusual shapes. Today, the design is minimal and sleek. Most fast-food restaurants are built to maximize efficiency, not catch motorists&rsquo; attention. One critic has called this trend &ldquo;faux five-star restaurants&rdquo; intended to make customers forget they are eating greasy fries and burgers. The chains now sport nearly identical looks. Call it the gentrification of fast-food design.</p></em><br /><br /><p>The <a href="" target="_blank">psychologically manipulative</a> color schemes may remain, but fast food&rsquo;s once-iconic <a href="" target="_blank">Googie</a> and mid-century modern designs are quickly being swapped out for more monolith structures. Changes caused by the pandemic and technology are the <a href="" target="_blank">largest factors</a>, along with the <a href="" target="_blank">rise in popularity</a> of drive-thru-only chains.&nbsp;</p> <p>If it goes on unabated, the America your children grow up in could become one vast dystopic warren of <a href="" target="_blank">bland 5-over-1s</a>, converted <a href="" target="_blank">strip malls</a>, Amazon <a href="" target="_blank">fulfillment centers</a>, these unhealthy slat facade Wendy&rsquo;s stores, and the occasional <a href="" target="_blank">mass timber</a> luxury tower attainable exclusively to the very rich and well-connected.&nbsp;</p> L.A. City Council Officially Votes Norms Restaurant as "Historic and Cultural Landmark" Julia Ingalls 2015-05-21T13:43:00-04:00 >2015-06-01T22:02:43-04:00 <img src="" border="0" /><em><p>The effort to save Norms comes at a time when historic preservationists say postwar buildings &mdash; especially on a smaller scale &mdash; face an increased threat from development pressure.</p></em><br /><br /><p>Anyone who has ever grabbed a post-Largo meal or 2 a.m. existential coffee at Los Angeles&nbsp;restaurant&nbsp;<a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Norms</a> will be delighted to hear that The Los Angeles City Council has deemed the Googie-style building a cultural and historic landmark. Although this demarcation doesn't guarantee that it will never be knocked down, the move does require the Council to review proposed demolition to the site.</p><p><img title="" alt="" src=""></p><p>As the Times notes, "Googie is an exuberant, postwar Southern California style of sharp angles and sweeping curves meant to grab the attention of passing drivers." Located on a vibrant stretch of La Cienega Boulevard that is home to the benign monolith of the Beverly Center, the recently revamped Largo at the Coronet, and a handful of Vegan restaurants, antiques dealers and vintage dive bars, Norms architecture is arguably reflective of a wilder time in Los Angeles's urban development. Demarcating the building tangibly preserves elements of an era that will likely become only rarer as Los Angeles...</p>