
An "I told you so" for the ages

I found this very interesting. The people directly culpable for the collapse are put back into power, and the voice of dissent (this time correct) is shut out. Add in issues of power, politics and gender, and it makes for a very compelling story. It also baffles me that there is still no regulation on otc-derivatives. Libertarians take heed.

Feb 21, 10 1:53 pm
Cherith Cutestory

Sure doesn't inspire a lot of faith that we will see a significant improvement in the economy anytime in the near future.

Feb 21, 10 5:29 pm  · 

it's their country. we just live in it.

Feb 21, 10 5:33 pm  · 

viva la revolution.

My dad is a financial consultant, even he is disgusted w/ our fearless leaders.

Feb 24, 10 2:01 pm  · 

Yea, I saw that when it aired. The more I learn about this stuff, the more of a "rigged game" it appears to be.

Feb 25, 10 10:46 am  · 

It is all sad. All ya can do is try to get your piece of the pie and find a corner to enjoy it in.

Has it always been like this? Do we just have more media and news now? Human's have greed and a lust for power, that will never change (at least not in my lifetime, my kid's lifetime or their grand kids).

Feb 25, 10 1:58 pm  · 
Cherith Cutestory

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