
Getting Banned


I got censored by Orhan after he inferred I was racist and I got mad and insulted him for being old and rude with his comment to a previous posting. How many people get banded from Archinect a year? I was trying to have a discussion on how he always posts controversial things and then leaves snarky commetns for people who don't agree. I then said I liked his interview style and I wish could stick to that. I thought he wrote a rude response and he should apologize to a person from an earlier post.

He said
"apologize for what? do you want me to park your car as well?"

I said "I wouldn't let you touch my car. Not because of what you look like but more your age and reflex ability would scare me."

I guess I should be banned

Dec 31, 09 2:54 pm

I think maybe 2 people have been banned in the last year, both for continued, pretty blatant racist and/or homophobic comments. I wouldnt worry too much about it.

.. always posts controversial things and then leaves snarky commetns for people who don't agree.

Man, who does this sound like? *rolls-eyes-at-self*

I hope we can all chill a bit. Sometimes people are playing devils advocate or just trying to stir things up a bit to cut the boredom. All in all things have gotten a little sour around here, I dont mind admitting my share in the blame. A little bit of heat can be fun, but hopefully we can keep things on the level as best we can and not take it all too personally.

Dec 31, 09 3:35 pm  · 
won and done williams

sour? i haven't noticed anything lately. remember all of our obama/hillary threads? now those were sour. good times, good times. :)

Dec 31, 09 3:54 pm  · 
liberty bell

Yale blows.

Dec 31, 09 3:55 pm  · 

I would like to unregister all 5 of my archinect member accounts, and thereby also have all my posts within the discussion forum, school blogs and news items deleted.

Please let me know the above can be done.

Dec 31, 09 3:58 pm  · 

Please let me know how the above can be done.

Dec 31, 09 3:59 pm  · 
remember all of our obama/hillary threads? now those were sour.

Tru. dat. Maybe its just me ;)

Dec 31, 09 4:00 pm  · 
vado retro

archinect pie...

Dec 31, 09 5:18 pm  · 
chatter of clouds

I was banned once. I admired one of the archinect demigods' penis. The way I imagined it. Anyway, the concept of a discussion forum is proving itself to be more like an agora for the narcissistic pronounciation of opinion.the good of this forum is when its the equivalent of yahoo answers for things architectural. Ie when its least discussion like.

Dec 31, 09 11:18 pm  · 

btw, the person was not banned. i just closed the commentary section of this news item in order not to give this pair anymore platform and stealing to subject in order to attack me personally.
i am not interested everyone agreeing with what i put down as a news item nor i expect to have the only opinion on anything.
i will leave it to your judgement to decide if some of these comments about me were merited.
as a writer i am interested in what i am interested in. it is not up for negotiation for me to think or choose a subject to write about.
i reserve full right to do my writing and choose my subject matters as i see them fit without discriminating the others.

since the complainer who started this thread did not bother to put down where, what happened and how it happened, i am linking to the said news and comments which i left intact instead of deleting.

Dec 31, 09 11:49 pm  · 

This is so typical ; you ban two sorts in this fora ; those who insult the moderator, something that deal with Ego's. And you ban those being the wictim for social harasment, not the one harassing others but the wictim, this deal with underdog attitude.

Jan 1, 10 1:29 pm  · 

Did you read the post right before you?

Jan 1, 10 4:23 pm  · 

Lauf! Don't go!

Jan 1, 10 4:35 pm  · 

The way this site learned me to hate academics you all know.

Jan 1, 10 6:34 pm  · 
The way this site learned me to hate academics you all know.

Oh man. I love it! You all are lucky I can't ban people, I would do it for poor grammar and sentence structure. I would probably issue warnings for misuse of the word "your/you're" too.

Jan 1, 10 11:22 pm  · 
net dude

Well your prob also a total cunt so it makes it makes sense

Jan 2, 10 12:47 am  · 

Classy! Very very classy, net dude. You've just broken unspoken rule #1 of anonymous internet forums: "don't come on to a thread as a newbie and start insulting veterans, especially without any sense of context or humor".

By all means, please, insult me some more. Let's see if we can get you banned too!

Jan 2, 10 2:57 am  · 

hey net dude, seeing as how you were bitching about changing to a new career, why are you still here asshat? you sound like a whiny little infant. o, my brother makes more than me, i am recently licensed and only make 44k, whaaaaaaaa. what's wrong, mommies nipple hard to break off from the suckling? i mean ten years in the profession and only 44k? hell, even when i was giving zaha hummers i was getting 60k.

Jan 2, 10 7:22 am  · 

this thread was doomed from the outset.

Jan 2, 10 8:46 am  · 
liberty bell

The use of "cunt" reminds me of one of my first posts on the old Archinect, when someone who disagreed with my critique of a house told me if I wanted to keep talking he had something I could put in my mouth. Nice. Who says we live in a post-gender society?

We've mostly managed to move beyond that level, but not completely, obviously. net dude, grow a sense of humor, please.

Jan 2, 10 11:15 am  · 

I hereby ban Archinect itself...........oh wait, I have no way of doing that.

Jan 2, 10 11:40 am  · 
Silent Disapproval Robot
Jan 2, 10 11:58 am  · 

To the Dudes...

I believe strongly in the freedom of religion and well buildings have always been associated with specific reigion. So if we toss all that away and just build glass boxes for everyone, you would be cool with that. I wouldn't and have spent the last two years contesting govenment intrevention in religious design. It is not that anyone is trying to thrust anything onto your narrow minded empty thoughts. They just want to have a place of worship in keeping with their relegion. Be they Muslims, Jews, Catholics, Born Again Christians, for that matter Buddist. So this one I can say, Bugger off Dudes. It is sad when and educated world can not see beyond their uplifted noses.

Jan 2, 10 12:05 pm  · 
wonder k-
Oh man. I love it! You all are lucky I can't ban people, I would do it for poor grammar and sentence structure. I would probably issue warnings for misuse of the word "your/you're" too.

yesed! goodest comment!

ppl whose first language not english has no right to post here^^

Jan 3, 10 2:52 am  · 
Distant Unicorn

I can usually tell who is "foreign" and who is a native English speaker (who writes like an idiot or not) pretty easily.

Non-native English speakers will never approach the kind of ridiculous tenses found in both common and "Queen's" English.

I'm talking about the mindfuck bananas phrases like "I will have had" or "i have not yet had" or "i am willing to have done that" or "I would have not"...

Even better when you get into non-standard contractions--i'dv'n't (I would have not) i'll'n't've (i will not have) or even you'dn't've (you would not have). Even ain't (am not).

Jan 3, 10 3:05 am  · 

"I can usually tell who is "foreign" and who is a native English speaker (who writes like an idiot or not) pretty easily."

English is my second language but I can differentiate broken English from English as second language too. I think it is very clear.I was actually debating that in a forum on another site where a person was using words like: b4, any1, wut da hellz you talking 'bout etc.. and when I criticized her for using poor grammar everybody jumped my back saying English was her second language and that I should have been more forgiving! Ugh!

Anyway..That was a post deviated from the main topic.Back to the main topic.

Jan 3, 10 4:49 am  · 
chatter of clouds

tortuous grammar need not be symptomatic of "foreignness". it depends on the individual concerned. its a subject that interests me as a non-native English speaker/writer.

orhan, for instance, uses quite simple grammar. however, one can tell that his involvement with the english language is not '..aboriginal..' due to the deliberateness that encircles (like an ocean around an island) his usage of very slang-endemic catchwords/phrases (be their academic, poetic or street slang). these are the wave crests, half clumsy half cute, that spike the gentle lull of his humble (and i mean that in a good sense) english.

Per, as another, is a linguistic-ballistic machine preprogrammed to ""err" according to inherent synaptic cross-inferences. thus, words start in their own fasion...and then borrow their endings/middles from other words. per's language really is an child's creative assembly of amputated industrial appendages in a metal scrapeyard. if orhan's flow is placcid and in places accentuated, then Per's flow of language is a surreal stop-motion animation of a clunky boat-of-parts on a sea of bolts and rivets, sometimes dipping below the surface then miraculously resurfacing.

side note: i didn't choose the above examples because i wanted to portray them as being drollish and therefore patronize them in any way. these are just examples to counter the Orochi's monologic.
we can also analyze the language of native English archinect Mr Ward, libery bell, vado retro and others to deduce something about the idiosynchratic manner in which each different native-English speaker/writer reclines, subconsciously, into the comforting tepidness, or chill, of his/her own language.

Jan 3, 10 6:15 am  · 
chatter of clouds

correction: his usage of very slang-endemic catchwords/phrases (be it academic, poetic or street slang).

it also takes some courage for a "foreigner" to steer away from spell checks prior to posting :o/

Jan 3, 10 6:19 am  · 

i like the description of per's "language" style. it's stilted and not in a joycean way.

Jan 3, 10 6:49 am  · 
chatter of clouds

and With Reference to the Subject cited Above (now that sort of ugly language i don't fancy)... i really don't see why being banned from archinect is such a bad thing. maybe it'll have people spend less time babbling and more time playing with their kids/getting work done/going to the gym/ruminating over the imminence of death/ venture out in the 'wild', read Whitman and die from eating poisonous fungi by mistake (that movie sucked).

Archinect moderators might do some of us a favour by banning, rather than connecting (their mottologo). Also, sometimes connecting people makes more obvious their disconnectedness. For instance, i might like, and therefore be connected to, Orochi in real life but on here i find him superfluous,intellectually irresponsible and pretentious (by pretending to be subversive where, rather, s/he is merely an irresponsibly superfuous melodramatic cyber queen). of course, the way i perceive him/her here is equally my bane as his/hers. the Archinect moderators Demiurges might therefore ponder to what extent they are banning parts of their senses/understanding through banning other people. i meant only good things when i got banned for publically mentally fondling someone's private parts here. of course i have grown up a bit more now and i don't really get laid anymore.

sidenote: i'm not personally attacking Orochi; merely using the scenario for hexplication.

Jan 3, 10 7:19 am  · 
chatter of clouds

ok ok, admittedly, and superfluously, i didn't mean good things back then,though it wasn't so somber to warrant a ban. sorry Whitey!
bjorkishly: all is full of love

Jan 3, 10 7:43 am  · 


Jan 3, 10 9:49 am  · 
liberty bell

, in all seriousness: WonderK's grammar comment about Per was a joke, and not at all meant to imply that people for whom English is a second language should not post here. God, no. Please don't take it that way. People like me who only speak English tend to be embarrassed by that fact, not disdainful of those who can speak more than one language, even if imperfectly.

Fairly newish architecters don't know the whole history of Per Correll. He is much-loved FOR his idiosyncrasies and stamina by a bunch of us, and annoyed for those same tendencies by others. A joke about Per's language should be seen as good-natured ribbing, as it Per has continually proven himself strong enough to not wither under repeated on-line beatings - which is why I and a lot of people adore him.

net dude, take note: it was a joke, and calling someone a cunt in reply to a joke crosses a line for most women - not funny, and I don't think you intended it as funny anyway.

There are a lot of new people here lately, and as a long-timer I can speak for just about all of us when I say this is a REALLY GOOD THING. Please, if you haven't been here long, don't take offense to easily, as you might have just found yourself in a long-standing joke you don't understand. And just because people disagree - vehemently - on a political topic doesn't mean we can't discuss architecture civilly, and vice versa.

Jan 3, 10 10:12 am  · 

Haha, fond. Let the healing begin!

A joke about Per's language should be seen as good-natured ribbing, as it Per has continually proven himself strong enough to not wither under repeated on-line beatings - which is why I and a lot of people adore him.

Does this strike anyone else as gloriously american? Shed a tear and run that up a flagpole ma belle :)

Jan 3, 10 11:28 am  · 

I used to be ok at grammar. But then I read derida and decided Id never write like an ass cause I felt like it. And I formed a daniel-plainview-esque hatred for the apostrophe.


Jan 3, 10 11:41 am  · 

ooops.. "read derida and decided Id ever write like an ass cause I felt like it."

Paul if we dont get an edit post soon Im gonna email you a dead goldfish.

Jan 3, 10 11:47 am  · 

liberty> no worry, u know i like to make fun of everything... nothing personal^^

Jan 3, 10 1:04 pm  · 
Distant Unicorn

Wow fondue... two whole posts about how much you hate me? Sounds like someone is smitten!

Jan 3, 10 1:29 pm  · 
Distant Unicorn

Also, I invented a whole trussing system to just to rib per-correll.

Donb't let him steal my 5DH!

Jan 3, 10 1:39 pm  · 
chatter of clouds

I don't hate you either.

Jan 3, 10 2:01 pm  · 
chatter of clouds

From Derrida to duh-reader (brit)

Jan 3, 10 2:04 pm  · 

....ctonic, TED, the righteous fist of archinect...your name, third amigo, threads, tman, trace, (Un)edited (no longer here), urba....

Jan 3, 10 2:57 pm  · 

A relive evrtything is so plain simple, as who doubt the image of the happy guy, being able once more to declare a bit of beauty. I love that, you seen it with each note ; the world is nice, and computers will make it even nicer.

Also the Vikings had to, atleast five timet, reeducate the english into a civilised language, thatøs why danes know your language better. Having two of them, and as typical in Dk. maybe tree or four language make many contries primitive compared, as Iq has with speach to do, see thought is 100 pct. visual Allow me to display a number of beautifull paintings, --- Any good painter sjuld have a splendid architectural vision, it can only make his pictures better. Be a gurantie for sense and experience. But sorry ; This fora is to small for my pictures, naturaly, being a painter only focused on selling his arts, a site that display more than 187.5 X 74,7 pixels, id newer the right site, for beautifull arts. But as you can not blame me, for trying to save the world, with a throuout sound building method, -- sorry forgot the address for the last issue, --- and you can not blame an artist, offreing pearls on public archinect places. So I promise I will add links, like I tried. with the tread about my latest pieces.

Jan 3, 10 3:04 pm  · 

Aww ha ha. I missed you buddy :)

Jan 3, 10 3:13 pm  · 

Thank's what I realy do, is translating the paintings from Pusher Street, into a sellable good, The motivs, colors and srangement is pleasing for most, and the touch only get riitcher, with silgle pieces, beside the four assembly Pusher Street northrast.southwest These are splendid images and many get them wrong, thinkung they are just fotoshop images, -- where it is the paintings imaged, four images into one painting, gurantie for Magic and factory gurantie for the rest. What's wrong with a splendid painting, numbered and at your door Dk. for 3600 Kr..... As this time it is also about crossing the edge, everything is possible like cheap houses will bring a new production. See I am still a beliver, I trust in the need for innovation and new jobs ; worse nightmare right, that truely with a relativ small investment, 3dh are in fact paramount, for particular important uses.

Go check all sub folders, realise I am ancious to deliver any, allmost any, -- of what portraits or scenes you will find, clicking the images into the subfolders. A quality painting, canvas with acrylics, color gurantie and delivered at your door, cost only 2300 Kr. for a 120X60 Cm painting, ready to splender.

Guess maybe one day I will need a homepage, frightening right,

Jan 3, 10 3:42 pm  · 

Sorry ;

Jan 3, 10 4:00 pm  · 

verbose is verbose.

Jan 4, 10 6:16 pm  · 

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