


Just got the sexy printed-on-100%-recycled-post-consumer-paper-soy-ink brochure for Chicago-to-the-rescue, GreenBuild 2007.

So who's going?
whatcha wanna see?
where are you staying?
how are you getting there?
who's paying?

Aug 19, 07 1:59 pm

Trying to induce my firm to send me again- it was a done deal until it was moved from LA to Chicago. Now Ii'm going to have to burn carbon all the way to the midwest to hone my sustainable architecture skillz. Chances are if I do go I'll be couch surfing in the loftominium of one of my financially successful (read: non-architect) friends.

Aug 19, 07 6:29 pm  · 

I would be there if my prof's design studio timeline does not mess with mine. :P :(

Aug 19, 07 6:54 pm  · 

well, seeing as I live in Chicago, about 3 miles from McCormick Place....umm, DUH!! It never did make much sense to have a green building convention in the car center of the universe. Glad they changed that.

Aug 22, 07 1:04 am  · 

they changed it due to a scheduling conflict, not for environmental reasons. in fact, they were hoping that by moving it to LA they would make it a truly international conference and thus attact twice as many attendees as last year in Denver. Lofty aspirations and with 25,000 people flying in from all around the world would be a true environmental disaster that would have been.

my firm will most likely send me again this year. i was a content reviewer/grader for the education sessions for the first time this year. i can't say i'm all that excited about going. i'm more excited about the prospect of getting away from the office for a few days and seeing chicago than i am about the convention itself.

Aug 22, 07 7:59 am  · 


press release 8/28/2007

Keynote Opening Plenary Speaker Announced for Greenbuild 2007
... former President Bill Clinton will be giving the keynote speech at the opening plenary.

“This is an unprecedented opportunity for our green building community to hear from one of the greatest philanthropic and environmental leaders of this century,” said USGBC President and CEO Rick Fedrizzi. “The William J. Clinton Foundation is facilitating a series of global action plans that are addressing some of the most intractable problems of our times -- AIDS, economic sustainability as a way to eradicate poverty, the elimination of childhood obesity. His framework has shown the power that groups of individuals have to effect real change.”

“Reducing the C02 emissions that lead to climate change is another key area of focus, and it’s being addressed by the Clinton Climate Initiative, with green building as a cornerstone of that effort,” Fedrizzi noted. “We are making a difference, and President Clinton’s unique ability to inspire individual action will add incredible momentum to this important work.”

Clinton’s keynote will kick off what is expected to be the largest Greenbuild ever! More than 20,000 people from all over the world are expected to take part in three days of dynamic speakers and educational sessions; LEED® workshops and hands-on training; local green building tours; design charrettes and networking events; and a bustling exhibit hall. Greenbuild’s exhibit hall sold out nearly a year in advance: its 800 booths will display the newest green building technologies, products, and services.

if you've read this far, I know you're probably going. let's have an Archinect meet up in Chicago- anybody able to host/plan where/when???

Aug 30, 07 9:49 pm  · 

This is a good idea treekiller. I look forward to it.

Aug 30, 07 10:32 pm  · 

I'm having a hard time finding an inexpensive hotel. Anyone know of any hotels/areas of the city that are transit accessible to the convention site and less expensive than the approx. $249 a night the official convention hotels are charging?

Aug 31, 07 7:48 am  · 

tk & the mrs. needs a hotel too- don't mind being outside the loop as long as I'm on a public transit route. Maybe we can get an archinect group rate if enough archinecteurs are in this situation too.

Aug 31, 07 10:06 am  · 

look near the airports... you can take the cta in to the loop...

travelodge on the south end of the loop i hear is affordable the convention site though might be a bit trickier... i'm sure there are buses and shuttles... perhaps there's some info in the packets or on the greenbuild website...

anyways, an archinect meet-up would be cool. and lletdownl and i will try and get the Google Map a little more put together.

hmmm, perhaps i should convince my boss to send me down there....

Aug 31, 07 10:07 am  · 

also, i'm young in my firm, and we're definately not pushing green at our firm (other than dollars)... but i'm thinkin bout convincing them to pay for me to go.

any tips and tricks?

Aug 31, 07 10:35 am  · 

Sometimes you can find better deals through the "vacation rentals" section of Chicago's Craigslist Check VRBO too.

Aug 31, 07 10:52 am  · 


i say this a lot, especially to other young people in the profession...

by the time most of us hit the peak of our careers, i have no doubt that many building techniques and materials looked upon today as green will be completely mainstream. the strategies necessary to obtain LEED certification today will eventually be absorbed into building codes and we will all be required to incorporate them into our buildings whether we like it or not. it will become one of the costs of constructing a building, just like fire staris and wheelchair ramps. this is already happening to some extent and there's no reason to think it will stop.

if your firm's clients aren't demanding green now, it's only a matter of time before they will be or before circumstances force them to. when this date arrives, the firm with prior knowledge will be better off than the firm who must play catch up.

i think this argument could work if your bosses seem open minded and not completely driven by the here and now.

a few other tips:
- offer to give everyone at your office an overview of all you learned at the conference.
- make sure to let your boss know that breakfast and lunch are included, which helps to cut down on extra expenses.
-after next friday it will cost more.

Aug 31, 07 11:16 am  · 


Tk is going to greenbuild! So what should I see, listen to, taste, or feel while there?

Sep 25, 07 9:17 pm  · 

so, i'm working on getting my way to greenbuild. i talked to my boss (the vp) and he said it could be a possibility. luckily i'm an enrolled student and 25, so it's cheap in that sense.

but being down in fla, it's not like it's close or anything. i do expect to pay for part of it myself.

do you think that maybe asking for that time being paid leave (instead of pto) might be a good solution? i'd then pay for my own hotel and flight and food and be able to bring back a ton of good information.

i really would like to go - i don't want to seem too greedy, but i don't want to be paying my own way since i know this can benefit our company.

any suggestions? ideas? anything?

Sep 27, 07 2:34 pm  · 

Does Greenbuild have anything to do with 3dh? Is 3dh Green in any respect?

Sep 27, 07 2:58 pm  · 

I'll be there to, TK!

Are you going to the Pier Party?

Sep 27, 07 3:32 pm  · 

I'd like to go, but alas I don't think my company will pay. Especially since I've been slacking on getting down to business and taking the test. The book is sitting on the floor of my bedroom. Sadly it's hasn't been opened since I got back from vacation :-(

Sep 27, 07 4:29 pm  · 

pier party for $70 or an archinect meetup for LE$$?

Sep 27, 07 4:57 pm  · 

Id do the meet up - the one last year was fun

Sep 27, 07 5:01 pm  · 

I am up in the air about the Pier Party. Tickets are already sold out but one of my coworkers may give me his ticket.

I am all about an LE$$ meet up.

Sep 27, 07 7:23 pm  · 
a LE$$

not an LE$$

I need an edit option.

Sep 27, 07 7:24 pm  · 

hehe.. cool. The thread name is green!

Oct 6, 07 3:23 am  · 

the color code is [color = ____] [/ color] without the spaces. fill in the blank with a primary color, chartreuse and mauve don't work, green, blue, yellow and red do. Just don't follow this threads precedent and color the title- paul doesn't like that!

I'm definitely going to chicago, but need to find ways of trimming the expenses till I find out if my boss with foot the bill. So £€$$ is more.

Oct 6, 07 11:40 am  · 

yay! my boss just approved for me to head up to chicago for greenbuild as well. so i'll be seeing you guys there! any more specific plans for a meet up? i'd be all for it.

Oct 16, 07 4:29 pm  · 

who wants to pick a date for getting it on?

I'll be in chicago from late monday night till friday afternoon.

As reported on green thread central, there will be an official Archinect spy reporting from Greenbuild...

Oct 16, 07 5:59 pm  · 

be sure to make a 'chicago archinect meet up' post when you decide so those of us who arent gonna be there can meet up too!

Oct 16, 07 6:02 pm  · 

I'll be at the "green Builder" booth; look 4 me

Oct 16, 07 6:10 pm  · 

What about Wednesday night?

Oct 17, 07 8:33 am  · 

Ok- where and when? what do the locals recommend?

that night is competing with the sold out Party on the Pier that runs 7 - 10 pm. I am not going, and I think we discussed that others are not going either.

I'd vote for 8pm so we can all attend:

Emerging Green Builders Forum

The green building movement thrives on the energy and passion of students and young professionals. All Greenbuild attendees are welcome at this forum, which focuses on our next generation of leaders.

Wednesday, Nov. 7, 4:30 pm-6:00 pm

Oct 17, 07 9:52 am  · 

8pm sounds good to me, but i have no suggestions as to where...

Oct 17, 07 9:57 am  · 

What if we meet up after the end of that forum and grabbed dinner? That way we can walk around and find something appetizing.

Oct 17, 07 10:05 am  · 

good idea- i need food to function...

Can somebody to wear an 'architecture sucks' or £€$$ shirt for everybody to rally round. Volunteers?

Oct 17, 07 10:45 am  · 

may I suggest heading up to 18th street and grabbing some good mexican cooking. Nuevo Leon, best restaurant in the city.

Oct 19, 07 1:06 pm  · 

Lao Sze Chuan is somewhat close by and would not dissapoint. (Never been to Nuevo Leon) Skylark's is further down the Cermak, but it may be geared toward a younger crowd. (And it will be tough to find a cab after we stumble out) Otherwise, perhaps you guys are planning to cab to another nieghborhood? I believe the last Archinect meet-up was at Rodan in Wicker Park.

Oct 19, 07 3:03 pm  · 

Thom Mayne will be at UIC on Wednesday night

Oct 19, 07 3:51 pm  · 

I'm in but know nothing about Chicago.

Oct 19, 07 4:49 pm  · 

I will be speaking as the Emerging Green Builders Keynote from 4-6 on Nov. 7th. Will be flying in on the 6th and leaving late night on the 7th

Can't do dinner afterwards.


Oct 29, 07 1:59 am  · 

I get to see you speak too! I promise I won't throw tomatoes on stage.

Oct 29, 07 9:39 am  · 


Cool! It will be good to see/hear you again. We'll have an archinect cheering section for you.

(I can bring tomatoes - got lots of green ones left from my garden;-)

Oct 29, 07 9:49 am  · 

I'm ending the 'design like you give a damn' talk at the AIAS forum in Wisc. on December 30 so this will be my 2nd to last version of this talk in the US.

(I'm doing private confabs and Canada in November)

Oct 29, 07 12:37 pm  · 

How many times are you going to give "DLYGAD" for the last time? I seem to remember you saying that some time last year . . . : )

Doesn't look like my employer is going to let me go to Greenbuild. I'm too new, having started last week. Oh, and I work at the USGBC now.

Oct 29, 07 12:56 pm  · 

well it is actually called 'When being sustainable is a matter of survival' but i have closed talks with the dlygad moniker for 2 years now...

/archtopus could you get them to make LEED accessible for low income communities. the fees usually cost more than our buildings. We wanted to make the chocolate co-operative in Ecuador LEED gold but I'd rather spend the money on the building....

won't you think of the children ;)

Oct 29, 07 1:01 pm  · 

archtopus - you are now our insider at the usgbc, better spill all the juicy gossip.

where can i find the usgbc's finalcial info? i want to see where all the membership and certification fees go. They seem flush these days, so finding a few a few $$$ for low income projects should be possible.

Oct 29, 07 2:20 pm  · 

the exhibitors' floor plan
Oct 30, 07 10:54 am  · 

As for a meet up, theres a bar in the ground floor of the Madodnock building, a seemingly appropriate location for a bunch of architects to meet up at in a central location.

Oct 30, 07 10:56 am  · 

I just found this out:

Chicago's world-famous Art Institute offers free admission every Thursday night from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m.

Oct 30, 07 11:03 am  · 

Is anyone else getting a tons of postcards and emails from vendors? Yesterday I received 4 postcards and 6 emails.

Oct 30, 07 11:15 am  · 

yes. and it will only get worse after the conference. so much for being green.

Oct 30, 07 11:22 am  · 

I'll second the Madodnock Bldg Bar as destination for the meetup. (and it is an old school sustainable building with high thermal mass, daylighting, and natural ventilation!!!!)

Oct 30, 07 12:19 pm  · 

whats nice is theres a dining room on one side, old bar on the other so if you need to eat you can go on over. Now its not funky like Rodan, in Wicker Park last year, but it is the Madodnok bldg. The name of the place is Cavanaughs.

Oct 30, 07 12:32 pm  · 

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