
Baseball Fans Unite!


hi. my name is mightylittle, and i'm a baseball fan. i am completely aware of how un-cool that can be in some circles, but i don't mind.

bats, balls, a can of corn. i love the game.

this thread can serve as a sort of clearinghouse for baseball related discussions. we've had them before, and we'll have them again. don't like baseball? wtf? seriously, wtf?

bring on the fantasy discussions too.

(i know mdler and tumbles will be all over that...)

pujols off to a slow start? reigning world series champs looking a little off the mark so far.

rolling the dice on dice-k? is it going to pay off for the bosox? sox pound the mariners for 14 runs!

yankees rotation sustained another hit with mussina's hamstring injury yesterday...who's next to hit the DL for the bombers?

a-rod putting up some power numbers already, but will it last?

what are your thoughts and predictions? any?

that guy in the other thread seems to think that baseball is boring. obviously doesn't know what he's talking about. loser.


and one other thing...any bay area archinecters looking for a couple of tix for saturday's contest between the a's and the yanks? field level seats, 18th row. let me know if you're interested. i'm tired of dealing with craigslist.

Apr 12, 07 4:41 pm

I played high-level competitive ball for about 10 years, back in the day, and had a couple of tryouts with the Jays and Tigers. Many of my teammates went on to get drafted. I used to be obsessed with baseball, but I don't think I've ever watched a game on TV. I've been to many games, but otherwise I just don't follow the happenings.

So I can't comment on the stuff you're putting out there, but just letting you know that you aren't alone. Baseball's great stuff.

Apr 12, 07 4:54 pm  · 

Hi, my name is WonderK and I'm a baseball fan.

Hi, WonderK.

In case you guys missed it, my Reds made me very proud on Opening Day....not only by winning but also because they went carbon neutral.

Apr 12, 07 5:01 pm  · 
vado retro

does that mean the players don't drive their escalades, hummers and ferrari's to the ballpark on green days???

Apr 12, 07 5:04 pm  · 

it irritates the hell out of me that the angels are called "the los angeles angels, of anaheim." so retarded.

Apr 12, 07 5:07 pm  · 

dubk - i saw that link. great stuff. a freind of mine here works for the Alameda County Waste Mgmt. Authority which covers Oakland, Berkely, and some other not so well-know places.

Their recent accomplishment (among others, they're a great agency) was to get the folks at McAffee Coliseum which hosts the Oakland A's to start using biodegradable and compostable beer cups.

not exactly carbon neutral, but cool this saturday whilst enjoying my decidedly non-carbon-neutral budweiser, i will feel sustainable in the compostability of my beer cup.

the A's have unfortunately also decided to leave oakland for the suburban climes of Fremont and have partnered with networking giant Cisco to build a new stadium.

five miles to public transit, some 9000 parking spaces, and what will presumably be a highly technologically advanced stadium. some good choices including free wi-fi stadium wide, in-seat controls for voting and crowd participation and all manner of other technical gadgetry.

however, an abysmal site choice and the overall zoning from what i've seen is atrocious.

the current stadium is great in that it's a five minute walk from a train station. can't beat that with a bat.

go yanks.

Apr 12, 07 5:07 pm  · 

Cris - the A's will soon be the Oakland Athletic's of Fremont, and the 49ers will soon become the Santa Clara 49ers of San Francisco or some other such garbage.

Apr 12, 07 5:08 pm  · 
Mulholland Drive

My name is bryden, and...I am a Dodger fan.

Apr 12, 07 5:10 pm  · 

that is just horrible!

Apr 12, 07 5:10 pm  · 

not you bryden, i was responding to mightylittle's last post.

go blue!!!

Apr 12, 07 5:11 pm  · 

my name is smithlab and Im a Mariners fan....
nice job by Felix last night.... sorry Icharo....

Apr 12, 07 5:16 pm  · 

and im a ridiculous "holly mother f*cking sh*t i sometimes have to take weeks off for the good of my own heart" white sox fan

i would just like to inform you all that just as was the case in 2005, the nay sayers nayed and said, The white sox are the 3rd, maybe 4th best team in their own division.

to those naysayers i say this...

HARK! 5 straight quality starts since the 0-2 start. Bullpen super solid. One of the deepest benches in the AL, one of the most stacked middle of the lineup in baseball... who wants to face this lineup...

Scotty "2 hotty" Pods
Darin "too new for a nickname" Erstad
Jim "Mr. Incredible" Thome
Jermaine "Diggity" Dye (hit a biggity bomb)
Joe "Motha F*ckin" Crede (lots of swearing in white sox baseball)
A.J "The AJ" Pierzinski
Tadahito "Guch" Iguchi ( i say tada... you say hito... TADA!...)
Juan "Hit a big Juan" Uribe

Look out for the sox...
youve been warned


Apr 12, 07 5:18 pm  · 

lol my name is CMU and im a Yankee fan....hopefully I won't catch a lot of shit for that here, haha, b/c i get it from everywhere's tough being a fan of one of the best teams year in and year out

Apr 12, 07 5:19 pm  · 

so few stadiums remain untarnished by the corporate sponsorship.

in local parlance, the SF Giants play at what used to be Pac Bell park. Then Pac Bell got bought by SBC so the stdium became SBC Park. SBC then got bought by the New AT&T so it's no known locally simply as Phone Company Park.

who else remains?

yankee stadium
camden yards
jacob's field

there are obviously more that i can't think of now.

next year is the last year my beloved bombers will play in the house that ruth built. now that's the end of an era.

Apr 12, 07 5:20 pm  · 

i hate the yankees

Apr 12, 07 5:22 pm  · 

though cmu, i can cut you slack if your ACTUALLY from new york... otherwise... no excuses

Apr 12, 07 5:22 pm  · 
vado retro

my friend married a billionaires daughter. well she is a billionaire as her dad went to billionaire heaven. i keep expecting to read that he has bought the giants or the a's or the niners. when i was a kiddo charley finley owned the a's and lived in my hometown in indianastan. he gave the high school team white spikes when his kid tried out for the team. they cut him anyway. i always hated the a's cuz this guy never invited our town's little league teams to his house even though he invited teams from other towns. i can hold a grudge.

Apr 12, 07 5:23 pm  · 


you, me, doger stadium....

Apr 12, 07 5:24 pm  · 

Ha ha, lletdownl is a fanatic.....

Weren't all of Cleveland's weekend games canceled because of the snow? Didn't they get moved to the Brewer's stadium?

Apr 12, 07 5:25 pm  · 

lol, everyone hates the yankees except for yankee fans

mightylittle- Yankee Stadium may be off that list once they build the new stadium, they havent commercialized the name yet, but i know they have a name for it once they do, i'll have to try and find it

Apr 12, 07 5:26 pm  · 

yeah, i think they played their home opener i milwaukee

Apr 12, 07 5:26 pm  · 

yeah for 10 dollars a ticket

Apr 12, 07 5:26 pm  · 

whoa now - i'm from jersey and was born a yankees fan. both my parents are brooklyners and my dad stopped watching or caring about the sport when they pulled the plug on ebbets and sent the dogers packing to LaLaLand.

i loved the yankees through the eighties when they sucked.

i loved them when donny baseball was THE MAN who should have but never got his ring.

his career was bookended by yankees world series appearances. a tragedy. maybe now as a hitting coach he's got a chance again with the bombers.

and i try to be a nice yankee fan and not player hate.

i love the rivalries, but except for the blowsox, the braves and the indians, whom i hate...i love all teams equally

i just love the yankees a whole lot more!

and yes, my name is mightylittle, and i'm a baseball fan.

Apr 12, 07 5:27 pm  · 

and i am ACTUALLY from new york

Apr 12, 07 5:27 pm  · 

oh and i'm rocking TWO fantasy squads this year.

The EC Crushers and the EC Cheeseteaks.

I've got a serious problem with prioritizing my time.

Apr 12, 07 5:29 pm  · 

I, too, hate the Yankees. I liked them when they got my favorite player of all time, Paul O'Neill, but then when he retired I went back to hating them.

Apr 12, 07 5:32 pm  · 

paul o'neill is awesome

Apr 12, 07 5:33 pm  · 

you konw what i love the most about baseball...

it is such a perfectly organized system... just the right number of teams, divisions, conferences... its perfect...

Divisions work flawlessly because making the playoffs depends almost exclusively on winning it, and so every game you play within the division is magnified. When it gets to be august, a three game sox twins, or sox indians or sox detroit set gains the magnitude of life or death... especially with how tight those teams have historically been...

the AL and NL dont play alot, so when the world series comes its a complete unknown... how many people had the cardinals beating the tigers last year? Outside St Louis that is... NO ONE! and THAT is what makes it great.


you are absolutely right... i am a fanatic... but you havent met POSTAL yet... though i might have overdone it with my last post... hes more the quiet confident fanatic type, while im the "im not even joking im having an anxiety attack thinking about august-september of this baseball season" type

Apr 12, 07 5:34 pm  · 

I'm a yankees fan. And yes, it is hard to be a yankees fan sometimes. Between the grief from fans of other teams and the pain of watching so much talent (and money) get wasted for the past few years, it's not easy.

The new Yankee Stadium will not be named after a corporation. The Yankees made it clear that they will not seek corporate naming rights to the stadium when they proposed building the new stadium.

By the way, when watching the yanks game last night, I learned that when the Giant's ballpark was under construction the Giants solicited Ralph Lauren to pay for the naming rights so that it could be called the Ralph Lauren Polo Grounds...

Apr 12, 07 5:35 pm  · 

bernie williams jamming with the allman bro's at the beacon.

check it here.

unfortunately the video starts right after bernie finished up his solo. wish i could've seen that!! the place must have gone insane!

Apr 12, 07 5:35 pm  · 

I am cln1 and I am a die-hard Red Sox fan - have been all my life, ever since I was a youngin watching the games with my father.

when i was in beantown for undergrad the sox were horrible and never sold out - we were within walking distance from fenway and $10 bleacher tix... we would go to at least 3-4 games per month

and i get a secret enjoyment out of yelling for the penut guy and having him toss me a bag from 2 sections away.

Apr 12, 07 5:35 pm  · 


Apr 12, 07 5:39 pm  · 

lol, most of my friends are Met fans....somehow they convinced me to go to next fridays game against the braves

the only enjoyment i get from the mets are heckling them and their fans

Apr 12, 07 5:40 pm  · 

cin1 - let's play nice, what do you say?

we'll keep the namecalling to a respectable level.

i'll admit to being the asshole from jersey and you'll admit to being a chowderhead from beantown. cool?

alright then. good talk.

no i'm not a player hater. i have beckett on my fantasy team...and schilling last year!!

Apr 12, 07 5:43 pm  · 

cmu, therese something we have in common...

im waaaaaaaiting for the day i get invited to a cubs game and can get in there and represent for the real baseball team in chicago

Apr 12, 07 5:45 pm  · 

mariners v. redsox game was just called. postponed due to rain.

anyone actually in boston? raining like mad or something? snowing?

anaheim and cleveland tied at 1 in the eight. nice game going on there.

Apr 12, 07 5:46 pm  · 

i can't believe I haven't been on archinect all day and i missed this thread...

i don't have time to respond as much as i should, but only one comment demanded my attention...

yankee stadium, though not commercialized is the UGLIEST thing I've ever seen, sorry yankee fans. they will be a lot happier once they get the new stadium.

and wrigley is now commercialized in the worst way. you can't sit in a seat, or walk through a door that isn't owned by something, not to mention the onslaught of the tribune everywhere you go

the jake has UNBELIEVABLY TERRIBLE concessions. holy crap, pack a lunch. (and a bunch of there fans were idiots, but loved their team. respect) great stadium though, especially since we swept you toons when I visited

i can't wait to go to fenway this year. give those stocking fans a taste of some real hosiery!

kudos to felix, nice game.


No Dinosaurs! No Dinosaurs!

Apr 12, 07 5:51 pm  · 

don't worry postal - this thread's here to stay.

and i absolutely agree that yankee stadium is ugly from within its bowels and it's falling apart and in dire need of updating.

that being said though. i fricking' love that place.

one of my most favoritest things about going to ANY GAME is once inside the park running to the first gate available and getting a nice long look at the field.

it's so awesome seeing just a section of the white picket fence over the outfield wall framed by the opening in the concrete, or catching a glimpse of the green monster when you first get in to fenway.

man, i friking love baseball.

anybody ever been to the big o in montreal?

when i lived in vermont, i used to go up there all the time and watch the expos play the big names in the NL...great times and great hot dogs. best hot dogs in any stadium i've ever been to. hands down.

fuck the garlic fries at Phone Company Park...i'll take a montreal smoked meat sandwich any day of the week. too bad the only vestige of baseball remaining in montreal is my friend Alen who runs a couple of fantasy rosters in my league.

Apr 12, 07 5:57 pm  · 

mighty - im cool with that, until the playoffs!

but some of my closest friends are yanks fans - not fair weather yanks fans though, which are annoying

Apr 12, 07 5:58 pm  · 

hafner with a three run shot in the bottom of the 8th...indians take it 4-2.

Apr 12, 07 6:02 pm  · 

hafner? oh, you mean cro-magnon man

Apr 12, 07 6:09 pm  · 



Apr 12, 07 6:14 pm  · 
bronson, architect/assassin

cln 1
do not be ashamed of your admiration of the peanut guy and his uncanny, yes even superhuman, ability to throw a bag of peanuts to your seat. It's like catching a foul ball, only you don't need to move an inch and the peanuts don't hurt your hand. For fun you can catch 'em in your hat. For many years, I saw this as the highest human achievement possible; I wanted so bad to be the guy throwing around nut-bags and yelling 'get yah peanuts heeahhh.' Ah, those days.
Then I left New England, against my will. At least I still have relatives that can send me the promo t-shirts from lumber yards and hardware stores when the sox win the pennant.

Apr 12, 07 6:25 pm  · 

i don't think one should throw around the phrase, "throwing around nut bags"

i skip the nuts and go straight for a polish and a churro... wash it down with some PBR

Apr 12, 07 6:29 pm  · 

"And speaking of stadiums, concessionaire Aramark is cutting the trans fats out of its cooking oils at 13 baseball stadiums this season."

I wonder if that'll affect that churro.

Apr 12, 07 6:34 pm  · 

Hi everyone, my name's Ol' Buzzard Face, and I'm an aging power pitcher with a bad back who took a bunch of money from the Yankees and didn't help win shit.

But i don't player hate. Really. But while I'm at it, fuck Kevin "I punch Dugout Walls and Break Fingers" Brown too.

Apr 12, 07 6:49 pm  · 

mightylittle: yeah, its raining here all day and heavily at times, with snow forecast for late tonight/early tomorrow.

Apr 12, 07 7:08 pm  · 
Chili Davis

Apr 12, 07 7:12 pm  · 

i was watching a spring training game...Zumaya was throwing 108mph!!!

the announcers were beside themselves. nobody could believe it. zumaya had this sort of shit-eating-holy-cow-look-at-me-grin going on.


too bad he's not putting up too many fantasy points right now. but i'm going to hold on to him...see what happens.

Apr 12, 07 7:14 pm  · 

for Red Sox fans, two words; Bill Buckner

the Yankees; Best Team Money Can Buy [unless of course paying 20000000000000000 for A-Rod was a mistake?]

Apr 12, 07 9:10 pm  · 
Apr 12, 07 9:31 pm  · 

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