Archinect - Pratt Institute (Anthony) 2024-06-05T06:45:11-04:00 launch Pratt Institute (Anthony) 2006-09-25T00:36:54-04:00 >2011-09-23T13:01:07-04:00 <p>H<br><br> I've done all types of hello world exercises with new software, but this is my first blog. I'll admit to being a little intimidated, but I love the notion that the blog project is an open resource for architecture students to exchange ideas and gain exposure. I'm a little late getting to my first post, but here it is. I plan to log entries on topics of varying resolution, while also attempting to use this blog as a typology mapping project of my thoughts and experiences over the school year. Each post will get a heading - 'H' for example, which is for Head and will be where for my own observations. Zooming out the headings will be Pratt (studio, theory, fabrication) Brooklyn (living. community,) NYC (lectures, buildings, only in new york stories, ?) and World (research, travel, history, Architecture.) I was inspired to try and construct an experiment in the vain of Georges Perec and the Eames 'Powers of Ten.' I'll give it a shot, and see how the headings evolve, also try t...</p>