Archinect - News 2024-06-02T03:54:50-04:00 Here are the five teams competing to building LAX's future people-mover Nicholas Korody 2016-08-18T13:27:00-04:00 >2017-10-22T12:46:04-04:00 <img src="" border="0" /><p>The long-awaited people-moving system at Los Angeles International Airport&nbsp;is actually on its way and it's enough to make any Angele&ntilde;o misty-eyed. LAX, the second busiest airport in the US, is desperately lacking an adequate public transit connection. Currently, visitors must rely on shuttles that come every 20 minutes to connect to the nearest Metro line, grab an (expensive) cab, or find a saintly friend with a car willing to deal with a congested and confusing pick-up situation.</p><p>Five teams are competing for the commission:</p><ul><li>Gateway Connectors: Kiewit Infrastructure with Skanska USA, Meridiam; design by Mott MacDonald and Gannett Fleming</li><li>LA ConnextPartners: Ferrovial Agroman, Bechtel, Cintra, John Laing and Bombardier; design by Bechtel</li><li>LAX Connecting Alliance: OHL USA, Acciona Infraestructuras and Charles Pankow Builders; design by Arup</li><li>LINXS, led by Fluor Enterprises with Balfour Beatty, Flatiron West, Hochtief, ACS and Dragados USA; design by HDR Engineering and HNTB Corporation</li><li>PWA, l...</li></ul>