Archinect - News 2024-06-02T19:01:47-04:00 NYC announces $7 billion design and construction contracts for two borough-based jails Josh Niland 2024-05-21T15:54:00-04:00 >2024-05-22T13:24:54-04:00 <img src="" border="0" /><p>The <a href="" target="_blank">New York City Department of Design and Construction</a> has issued two new contracts for what will become the first two facilities in the city's progressive <a href="" target="_blank">borough-based jails</a> system. The bids from Leon D. DeMatteis Construction Corp. for the $3.9 billion new Queens jail and Transformative Reform Group for the $2.9 billion Bronx project were announced along with an intention to use a design-build approach to "speed up" construction along an accelerated track.</p> <p>The completion of the jails is expected in 2031. In the Bronx, the jail is scheduled for delivery at 745 E. 141st St. in Mott Haven. In Queens, where <a href="" target="_blank">activists</a> have led a local fight that mirrors <a href="" target="_blank">the effort to halt</a> the new 'superjail' in Chinatown/Lower Manhattan, the new facility will take shape at 26-02 82nd Avenue in Kew Gardens, requiring a preliminary demolition. The total cost of replacing <a href="" target="_blank">Rikers Island</a>, which has turned into a <a href="" target="_blank">human rights</a> eyesore, is estimated at under $15.5 billion. Its mandated shutdown still looms f...</p> The crisis at Rikers Island could spark a radical shift in the way architects approach prison design Josh Niland 2021-09-28T09:00:00-04:00 >2022-05-24T07:09:05-04:00 <img src="" border="0" /><em><p>The question of how to remake the city&rsquo;s jails has sharply divided city officials, who are intent on maintaining lockups, advocates for prison rights and even architects. As the city pushes for new designs that might make its jails feel more humane, many activists and some city officials are pushing for the city to invest more in social services in underserved communities, which could keep people out of prison to begin with.</p></em><br /><br /><p>A total of <a href="" target="_blank">twelve people</a> have died at Rikers this year alone. Unsanitary conditions, overcrowding, and a staffing shortage have only added to the <a href="" target="_blank">growing chorus of voices</a> calling to shut down the 400-acre prison, which the city has announced <a href="" target="_blank">plans to do by 2027</a>.&nbsp;</p> <p>The nearly <a href="" target="_blank">$9 billion replacement</a>&nbsp;initiative would add a borough-based jail system using updated <a href="" target="_blank">guidelines</a> that were crafted last year through a <a href="" target="_blank">coalition</a> of planners, community activists, and city agencies, although some architects continue to view prison reform as essentially a <a href="" target="_blank">moral issue</a>&nbsp;and not one that can necessarily be erased by better or more humane design techniques. The AIA&nbsp;<a href="" target="_blank">officially updated</a> its Code of Ethics in December to reflect some of the ascendent thinking surrounding the issue.&nbsp;</p> <p>&ldquo;You cannot make an unjust space more just by creating more natural light,&rdquo; NOMA president <a href="" target="_blank">Pascale Sablan</a> said. The <em>Times</em> has more on the movement toward progressive prison design in New York City <a href="" target="_blank">here</a>.</p>... Michael Kimmelman lobbies AIA to bar architects from working on solitary confinement facilities Antonio Pacheco 2020-06-15T13:01:00-04:00 >2020-06-19T15:37:05-04:00 <img src="" border="0" /><em><p>But death chambers and many solitary confinement cells &mdash; they&rsquo;re officially called segregation units, not incidentally &mdash; are extreme cases. Architects should not contribute their expertise to the most egregious aspects of a system that commits exceptional violence against African-Americans and other minorities. The least the American Institute of Architects can do now is agree.</p></em><br /><br /><p><em>The New York Times</em> architecture critic <a href="" target="_blank">Michael Kimmelman</a> has penned a column highlighting the moral implications of having architects design solitary confinement and execution facilities. In the article, Kimmelman explores the American Institute of Architect's reluctance to take a positive stand against having architects design these facilities.</p> Freezing prisons: intentional design or unfortunate oversight? Katherine Guimapang 2019-12-27T18:21:00-05:00 >2019-12-27T18:26:55-05:00 <img src="" border="0" /><p>In a recent&nbsp;<a href="" target="_blank">Vox&nbsp;report</a>, writer Roxanna Asagarian&nbsp;delves into the troubling phenomenon of&nbsp;incarcerated individuals struggling to stay warm in their cells as temperatures drop throughout the winter season. Reaction from the public over the issue seems to be split with regards to how this inmate comfort should be handled.&nbsp;</p> <p>Considering that prisons are often designed with the intention to deprive personal comfort in any sense, the issue of individuals being deprived of warmth isn&rsquo;t unexpected.&nbsp;</p> <p>Asagarian reports, "Because the US system of prisons and jails is so vast &mdash; including 50 state prison systems, the federal prison system, and&nbsp;<a href="" target="_blank">nearly 3,000 jurisdictions</a>&nbsp;that include cities, counties, and Indian reservations &mdash; and because there are no federally mandated laws on temperature control, American prisoners are exposed to a wide range of conditions. Even at the state and local levels, there are few laws around this, leaving incarcerated people at the mercy of the courts to implement prot...</p> Private prisons, including ICE detention centers, are now illegal in California Antonio Pacheco 2019-09-17T12:33:00-04:00 >2019-09-17T12:33:44-04:00 <img src="" border="0" /><p>The recently passed <a href="" target="_blank">AB-32</a> bill in California prevents the state from "entering into or renewing&nbsp;a contract with a <a href="" target="_blank">private, for-profit prison</a> to incarcerate state prison inmates, but would not prohibit the department from renewing or extending a contract to house state prison inmates in order to comply with any court-ordered population cap," according to the legislative text.&nbsp;</p> <p>Under the bill, the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitations will phase-out the department's existing contracts by 2028.The bill, once signed by California Governor Gavin Newson, is set to go into effect on January 1, 2020.&nbsp;</p> <p><em>The Guardian&nbsp;</em><a href="" target="_blank">reports</a> that move would close all four of the state's Immigrations and Customs Enforcement (ICE) detention centers, which are run by private prison company GEO Group. The news comes as debate within the architectural profession intensifies regarding the moral and ethical implications of designing such facilities. The <a href="" target="_blank">private prison business is booming under Pres...</a></p> Los Angeles County cancels contract for $1.7 billion jail Antonio Pacheco 2019-08-15T07:00:00-04:00 >2019-08-15T01:55:37-04:00 <img src="" border="0" /><em><p>In a 4-1 vote, the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors agreed today to cancel a $1.7 billion design and build contract with McCarthy Builders that it had approved in February. &ldquo;The contract with McCarthy Builders for a custody facility does not fit this board&rsquo;s vision of a care-first model,&rdquo; said Supervisor Hilda Solis.</p></em><br /><br /><!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html><head><meta></head></html> American Institute of Architects denounces "misuse" of detention center buildings Antonio Pacheco 2019-07-22T16:41:00-04:00 >2019-07-24T18:57:49-04:00 <img src="" border="0" /><p>The American Institute of Architect (<a href="" target="_blank">AIA</a>) has issued a <a href="" target="_blank">statement</a> denouncing the inhumane conditions that have been discovered over recent weeks across the country at the <a href="" target="_blank">detention centers</a> where undocumented <a href="" target="_blank">immigrants</a> and asylum-seekers are being detained.</p> <p><em>The conditions as described by numerous media reports and congressional fact-finding missions to detention facilities make clear that these buildings are not designed to handle the sheer numbers of people in them nor do they sustain the health, safety, and welfare of their occupants, many of whom are women and children. Above all, the misuse of these buildings and the impact on occupants in them are contrary to our values as architects and as Americans.</em></p> <p>Pointing to the organization's <a href="" target="_blank">Code of Ethics</a>, AIA urges that "the built environment promotes and preserves the health, safety, and welfare of every individual, and fosters universal respect for human dignity."</p> <p>In addition, AIA argues that architects are well-prepared to "promote t...</p> Under Trump, the private prison business is booming Antonio Pacheco 2019-07-15T15:55:00-04:00 >2019-07-15T17:43:09-04:00 <img src="" border="0" /><em><p>In the 2018 fiscal year that ended Sept. 30, 396,448 people were booked into an ICE detention facility, up 22.5% from a year earlier, according to the Department of Homeland Security. Between October and January, apprehensions along the southwest border rose to 201,497, up a third from the same period a year ago.</p></em><br /><br /><p>According to&nbsp;<em>The Wall Street Journal,</em> the private prison business is booming as a result of the hardline immigration policies of President Donald Trump.&nbsp;</p> <p>Despite the growing controversies surrounding the government's treatment of <a href="" target="_blank">detained migrants</a> in increasingly makeshift and <a href="http://Archinect%20News%20Articles%20tagged%20%22prison%20architecture%22%20" target="_blank">inadequate facilities</a>, the industry's growth is expected to continue.&nbsp;</p> <p>According to <em>WSJ, </em>in a recent research note surveying the business dealings of private prison companies CoreCivic and GEO Group,&nbsp;investment bank SunTust Robinson Humphrey&nbsp;writes, "We expect criminal alien populations housed by the private sector to increase due to heightened enforcement and increased border apprehensions.&rdquo; </p> <p><em>WSJ&nbsp;</em>also writes that&nbsp;over the last year, with new facilities going up from&nbsp;California to Mississippi, private prison companies have fared better financially than many other industries, even amid an overall market rally.&nbsp;<br></p> Former Internment Camp becomes Immigrant Shelter Antonio Pacheco 2019-06-12T14:11:00-04:00 >2019-06-13T11:58:31-04:00 <img src="" border="0" /><em><p>The Trump Administration has opted to use an Army base in Oklahoma to hold growing numbers of immigrant children in its custody after running out of room at government shelters. Fort Sill, an 150-year-old installation once used as an internment camp for Japanese-Americans during World War II, has been selected to detain 1,400 children until they can be given to an adult relative, according to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.</p></em><br /><br /><p>As of April 30, 2019, the department of Health and Human Services has taken 40,900 children seeking <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">asylum</a> into custody along the southern border, a 57% increase from 2018, according to <em>Time</em>.&nbsp;</p> <p>The surge in detainees has overwhelmed existing and new temporary detention facilities in southern border states, so the department has had to make use of a variety of improvised facilities as it undertakes the lengthy, <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">disorganized</a>, and laborious process of reuniting these children with their family members.&nbsp;</p> <p>That includes holding children in a <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">repurposed</a> former <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Walmart</a> superstore in Brownsville, Texas, detaining asylum-seeking families in a makeshift, dirt-floored <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">outdoor camp</a> located underneath a highway overpass in El Paso, Texas, holding 1,500 migrants in a <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">private prison</a> in Louisiana known for documented cases of <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">inmate abuse</a> and medical neglect, and now, shuttling temporary detainees to Fort Sill, a military base in Oklahoma that was used during World War II as an internment camp for Ja...</p> The Architecture Lobby and ADPSR take a stand against Justice Department's zero-tolerance policy, pressuring the AIA to do the same Archinect 2018-06-20T20:33:00-04:00 >2019-07-18T16:12:47-04:00 <img src="" border="0" /><p><a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">The Architecture Lobby</a> and <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Architects/Designers/Planners for Social Responsibility</a>&nbsp;have issued a joint <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">statement</a> condemning the Justice Department's widely criticized<strong>&nbsp;</strong>zero-tolerance immigration enforcement policy that has led to the separation of thousands of children from their parents as families seek asylum at the border.</p> <p>"It is immoral and inhumane to separate children from their parents, and to use family separation to deter people seeking refuge or asylum. The United States must uphold international and U.S. laws protecting people fleeing violence and persecution," the statement reads.</p> <p>The two organizations, which work to advance architecture by advocating for social justice reform within the field, are calling on architects, designers, planners and allied professionals to boycott any design work relating to these policies. This includes, as the statement says, walls, checkpoints, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) offices, detention facilities, processing centers, and ...</p> Justice in Design: redesigning NY's most notorious prison Anastasia Tokmakova 2017-07-14T19:00:00-04:00 >2017-07-14T19:18:51-04:00 <img src="" border="0" /><em><p>Today, the Independent Commission on New York City Criminal Justice and Incarceration Reform&mdash;a multi-disciplinary group of experts convened by City Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito&mdash;released Justice In Design, a report that envisions an alternative to a single, centralized jail. It details how community-based jails, dubbed &ldquo;Justice Hubs,&rdquo; might function in an urban context to replace Rikers.</p></em><br /><br /><p>The Rikers Island Correctional Facility, a&nbsp;complex of 10 jails and about 10,000 detainees located northeast of LaGuardia Airport, has been one of NYC's most debated problems for decades&mdash;widely criticized for corruption, brutal mistreatment of detainees, and inhumane conditions.</p> <p><a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Independent Commission on New York City Criminal Justice and Incarceration Reform</a>&mdash;a multi-disciplinary group of experts is proposing to shut down The Rikers and advocates for alternatives to single, centralized jails.&nbsp;The group released&nbsp;<a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Justice In Design</a>, a report that envisions an alternative to a single, centralized jail and details how community-based jails, dubbed &ldquo;Justice Hubs,&rdquo; might function in an urban context to&nbsp;replace Rikers.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <figure><p><a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"><img src=""></a></p></figure><p>"Developed in partnership with the nonprofit urban think tank Van Alen Institute, the design-based findings are a follow up to a March&nbsp;<a href=";gwh=9CFF40BAE2A874BA987FDAAE409CB506&amp;gwt=pay" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">report</a> that recommended a system of borough-based jails to replace Rikers, among other reforms to the city&rsquo;s criminal justice system."</p> <p>The d...</p> Rikers Island is an environmental (and human) catastrophe Nicholas Korody 2016-03-22T18:23:00-04:00 >2016-03-22T18:59:57-04:00 <img src="" border="0" /><em><p>Rikers is built on a landfill. The ground underneath the facilities is unstable and the decomposing garbage emits poisonous methane gas. In addition to extreme heat and poor air quality, flooding and crumbling infrastructure pose a serious threat, especially when superstorms like Hurricane Sandy strike. As the violence and human rights violations worsen, so do the environmental circumstances surrounding Rikers.</p></em><br /><br /><p>The article details flood-risk, extreme heat, a lack of air circulation and other air quality issues among other problems plaguing the prison.</p><p>For related content, check out some of these links:</p><ul><li><a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">How one California prison is betting on architecture to decrease recidivism rates</a></li><li><a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Architecture of correction: Rikers Island</a></li><li><a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">De:constructing Recidivism</a></li><li><a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">What do museums have in common with prisons? More than you might think, according to artist Andrea Fraser</a></li><li><a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">The NYT on prison architecture and ethics</a></li></ul> How one California prison is betting on architecture to decrease recidivism rates Amelia Taylor-Hochberg 2015-10-21T13:05:00-04:00 >2018-01-30T06:16:04-05:00 <img src="" border="0" /><em><p>this San Diego County jail, which houses everyone from petty criminals to accused murderers and was once known for its sickening decrepitude, is at the forefront of a new and, of course, controversial movement in prison design, one that manifests a counterintuitive idea: You could build a lockup so pleasant and thoughtfully devised that inmates would never come back. [...] Welcome to Las Colinas Women&rsquo;s Detention and Re-entry Facility.</p></em><br /><br /><p>More on prison design from Archinect:</p><ul><li><a title="Architecture of correction: Rikers Island" href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Architecture of correction: Rikers Island</a></li><li><a title="The NYT on prison architecture and ethics" href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">The NYT on prison architecture and ethics</a></li><li><a title="How Prison Architecture Can Transform Inmates' Lives" href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">How Prison Architecture Can Transform Inmates' Lives</a></li><li><a title="ADPSP and the Architecture of Incarceration" href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">ADPSP and the Architecture of Incarceration</a></li><li><a title="Prison design faces judgment" href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Prison design faces judgment</a></li></ul>