Archinect - News 2024-06-02T03:06:23-04:00 Editor's Picks #396 Nam Henderson 2014-12-05T14:37:00-05:00 >2015-01-31T12:11:05-05:00 <img src="" border="0" /><p><a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Beth Mosenthal</a>&nbsp;penned an <strong>Op-Ed:</strong> <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Response to Michael Kimmelman's Critique of 1 WTC</a>. She writes "I&nbsp;<em>can only imagine the list of priorities that 1 World Trade entailed, but am still celebratory of the feat that it was realized despite perhaps the greatest obstacles any project could possibly have&mdash;fear and memory</em>".&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;<a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Ken Koense</a>&nbsp;chose to respectfully disagree with her "<em>The building is a touchstone for the future of large scale bunker buildings in America...which will certainly preclude the kinds of mixed use that Kimmelman's real critique addressed...Thousands died, two wars waged, but we've got our post card view, our symbol, our icon, our Freedom Tower. How picturesque</em>". Similarly <strong>Krimson</strong> struggles "<em>to overlook the blatant closed off nature of the project</em>".</p><p><img title="" alt="" src=""></p><p>Plus, the latest <strong>Showcase:</strong> features <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Sparrenburg Visitor Center by Max Dudler</a>,&nbsp;a "<em>brutalist, rammed concrete</em>"&nbsp;addition to a historic castle/fortress.</p><p><img title="" alt="" src=""><br>&nbsp;</p><p><strong>News</strong></p><p><img title="" alt="" src=""><br>Paul Katz, who as president and managing principal of KPF was the mastermind of m...</p>