Archinect - News 2024-05-31T21:35:07-04:00 Ole Bouman reviews Biennales, in general, via the Venice Biennale Orhan Ayyüce 2018-11-15T15:13:00-05:00 >2022-03-16T09:10:02-04:00 <img src="" border="0" /><em><p>..And that&rsquo;s why every two years the global professional community gathers again to not just see the show, but meet each other against the backdrop of the ultimate protagonist: Venice itself.</p></em><br /><br /><p>Director of <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Design Society</a> Ole Bouman reviews Biennales in general via the Venice Biennale.<br></p> <p>"Social respect and admiration for architecture are often derived from this magnetism, and are manifested by the intensity of experiencing it. Respect for the discipline is eventually not founded on intention or on an agenda. This simple insight invokes the awkwardness of so many architectural exhibitions and publications, which cannot but represent an intention or interpretation over the real thing. And it explains why more or less all architectural exhibitions fail to prove their point to anyone outside the discourse of architecture, or to a large group of people who would rather love or hate architecture than make a lengthy effort to understand it."<br></p> China's new Design Society launches with V&A collaboration Hope Daley 2017-12-04T14:42:00-05:00 >2024-03-15T01:45:58-04:00 <img src="" border="0" /><p>The Design Society, <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">China&rsquo;s</a> first dedicated <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">cultural design hub</a>, opened its doors this weekend in Shenzhen. Established by China Merchants Shekou (CMSK), the group aims to create a platform for global collaboration and creativity giving China a center point for design and innovation. The opening also launched&nbsp;The Sea World Culture and Arts Center (SWCAC) working in tandem with the Design Society. China's new center is designed by <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Fumihiko Maki</a> and features a roof park, several public plazas, and a range of horizon views.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <figure><p><a href=";w=1028" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"><img src=";w=514"></a></p><figcaption>Design Society, Shenzhen, China. Photo: Design Society. </figcaption></figure><p>This opening is the result of a collaboration with the <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Victoria &amp; Albert Museum</a>, a partnership consisting of professional training, concept design, and the center's site-specific inaugural exhibition,&nbsp;<em>Values of Design</em>,<em>&nbsp;</em>along with two major touring V&amp;A exhibitions. In sync with this initiation, The Design Society has an open invitation for future collaborations and partnerships as part of a larger effort to pr...</p>