Archinect - Features 2024-06-02T16:15:59-04:00 The Cooper Union Promotes Russian Architecture. Why? Peder Anker 2023-01-21T08:00:00-05:00 >2023-04-19T14:57:07-04:00 <img src="" border="0" /><p>This month, the <a href="" target="_blank">School of Architecture at The Cooper Union</a> in New York City is scheduled to open an extensive exhibition on Russian architecture. <em>Vkhutemas: Laboratory of the Avant-Garde, 1920&ndash;1930</em> is the title of a show presenting what is loosely known as the "Soviet Bauhaus." Undoubtedly, it's an essential part of the Russian architectural legacy worthy of attention. But not now. I would have been first in line ten years ago to see the exhibit, but not today. To support Russian architecture now is simply tone-deaf. I believe the Cooper Union should terminate this exhibition and put a pause on its courses on Soviet and Russian architecture. Here is why.</p> Voices from Ukraine: Architects, designers, and academics share personal insights with Archinect Katherine Guimapang 2022-03-04T07:25:00-05:00 >2022-03-14T03:06:21-04:00 <img src="" border="0" /><p>As the world continues to hear and see reports of terror and destruction following <a href="" target="_blank">Russia's invasion of its neighbor</a>, it's easy to forget about the individual voices of Ukrainian people. The public has grown to recognize the voice of the nation's president, Volodymyr Zelensky, as one of steadfast loyalty to his people and country. Beyond the accounts from journalists and news teams on the ground, what do the architects, designers, and academic institutions of Ukraine have to say?&nbsp;</p> <p>To amplify individual experiences, commentary, and calls for peace, we are sharing some of the stories that Ukrainine's design community has sent us.</p>