Archinect - Forum 2024-06-01T22:58:53-04:00 Thoughts on moving from a small firm to global firm? G4tor 2024-05-30T21:19:45-04:00 >2024-06-01T03:02:47-04:00 <p>Contemplating a move from a small firm (0-15 people) to a global corporate firm (100+ people). The job title will be the same and I'll still be working within my niche market so my work wouldn't be too different. Any thoughts on whether it's worth the headache to make the switch?</p><p>Pros: Potential growth opportunity, looks great on resume, ability to network with more people in the industry, potential higher pay&nbsp;</p><p>Cons: Might be pigeonholed, a "cog" in the machine and less "family feel', more rigidity and formality</p> Painting open stud walls snahfu 2024-05-30T16:52:00-04:00 >2024-05-31T10:38:02-04:00 <p>Hey everyone,</p> <p>I recently saw a&nbsp;<a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">photo of a painted open stud garage</a>&nbsp;and I'd like to achieve a similar look with mine. Before starting, I wanted to get some advice to make sure my plan makes sense.</p> <p>1) Some of the wood studs are very textured and splintered. Would it make sense to skim a thin layer of plaster over these pieces to smooth them out? Not looking for perfection but just wanting to make it a bit smoother.&nbsp;<a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Picture 1</a>,<a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Picture 2</a></p> <p>2) I've cleaned the wood as best as I can, but there's still a lot of grime and dirt. I found a bottle of "Old English Furniture Polish," so the previous owner may have used this oil. Do you think there will be any adhesion issues when priming and painting? I plan to use Zinsser BIN primer and Sherwin-Williams Emerald Paint.</p> <p>3) The&nbsp;<a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">original vapor barrier (waxed paper)</a>&nbsp;between the studs gets wet/moist during heavy rains. Instead of painting over it, I was thinking of cutting sheets of&nbsp;<a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Tyvek or poly material from Home Depot</a>&nbsp;and stapling them between the st...</p> Job opportunities as a US citizen with a B.arch degree from India janhaveedeosthali 2024-05-30T14:10:32-04:00 >2024-05-31T11:57:23-04:00 <p>I am a US citizen of American nationality. I have recently graduated with B.arch, a five year course from India. I also have a working experience of one year back in India. I wanted help in understanding the employment opportunities as well as jobs for me as an entry-level architectural designer.</p> What are the difficulties of returning to architecture after a career change? JCArchi 2024-05-30T08:58:09-04:00 >2024-05-31T04:46:05-04:00 <p>The short version of this post is that I've been offered a job through a friend as a PM for a structural steel fab shop. The upside is that I'll be doubling my salary, the hours are much better, I get a company truck, and there's room for growth and exploring smaller scale fabrication opportunities. The downside is that I feel like if I take this job I'm giving up on architecture and may have a hard time returning if this new role really isn't for me.</p> <p>I have become less enamored with the profession over the last few years years based on the jobs/roles that I've held, especially the work/life balance in relation to how little I'm paid. I enjoy what's at stake within the profession and have a love for design, but having worked on everything from interior renovations to high-rise design during the last 7-8 years, nothing has quite held my attention. I've had the opportunity to teach undergraduate design studios and really enjoyed that, but it has almost moved me to believe that I need ...</p> NYC Licensed Architects - Advice Needed 93lt 2024-05-29T22:14:00-04:00 >2024-05-31T19:48:02-04:00 <p>Hi all, I am a licensed architect working for a big organization in NYC, my day to day work does not really involve architectural design and there will be no conflict of interests for me to take a side job.</p> <p>I have never personally stamped drawings or done DoB permitting before. Recently an interior designer friend reached out and asked me to prepare a set of permit drawings and need to stamp them. It is a rather straightforward 3-bed condo unit renovation project on the UES, and it does not involve in any load bearing/structural alterations. However, i am contemplating whether or not to take it because of potential professional liability issues. It seems that i am able to obtain professional E&amp;O insurance as a sole proprietor, but i am still concerned about getting sued by the Condo/GC/Client since i do not know any of them, and i don't know the risks if no MEP engineer stamps the drawings. My preferred route would be to establish a PLLC in NY state but that would take ~3 months.</p> <p>An...</p> nusantara / university engagement c 2024-05-29T14:27:18-04:00 >2024-05-29T14:27:18-04:00 <p>Curious if folks know of any English speaking architecture schools engaging with the Nusantara project in Indonesia ?&nbsp;Visits, studios, lectures, anything ?&nbsp;</p><p>any insight appreciated<br></p> Are these actual ruins? Suzieq22 2024-05-29T12:24:00-04:00 >2024-05-31T13:55:47-04:00 <p>These ruins appear in an old painting. Are they real? If so, where? Or are they imaginary?</p> <figure><p><a href=";enlarge=true&amp;w=1028" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"><img src=";enlarge=true&amp;w=514"></a></p></figure> Residential Starchitecture - Does it matter if you understand it? chris-chitect 2024-05-28T18:45:09-04:00 >2024-05-30T10:03:58-04:00 <p>I'll start by saying I&nbsp;am not a very deep person in some ways and I don't always get or care much about symbolism. I'm definitely someone that appreciates materials, details and aesthetic form. It was one of the struggles I&nbsp;had in architecture school.</p><p>With that out of the way, I always wonder if residents, or visitors/guests appreciate or care about a deeper meaning in the layout of a private residence, and if it's really making a difference.</p><p>One example is the Tula house. I&nbsp;actually like it. I like the materials, the drama, the details. However without reading a thing about it, I&nbsp;knew there would be some sort of story or background to the form, but it wasn't obvious to me as to what drove it. The angles aren't serving any obvious purpose to me.</p><p>It wasn't until I went looking for it on google earth that it came together for me. The coast line on the island is littered with scattered logs, tossed haphazardly by violent storms. In plan it's not too hard to see this, but we don't really e...</p> CFP: International Archive of Women in Architecture Milka Bliznakov Research Prize zizi 2024-05-28T12:50:06-04:00 >2024-05-28T12:50:06-04:00 <p>The IAWA Center invites architects, scholars, professionals, students, and researchers to honor IAWA&nbsp;founder Professor Milka T. Bliznakov through research on women in architecture and related design<br>fields. This research, in concert with the preservation efforts of the IAWA, is intended to help fill the&nbsp;current void in historical knowledge about women&rsquo;s professional achievements. The prize is designed to facilitate in-person research in the IAWA archive and produce scholarship related to the work of women who shaped the designed environment, thus preserving for posterity a record of their achievements.</p> <p>The Board of Advisors of the International Archive of Women in Architecture Center (IAWA) presents this Annual Prize of&nbsp;$5000. The prize is awarded in two stages. After proposals are submitted and evaluated, a Milka Bliznakov Research Prize Residency Candidate will be named and awarded $2500 to facilitate travel to the Archive in Blacksburg, VA. After the Candidate has completed resear...</p> RCA MA Architecture benedictsiow 2024-05-28T11:45:00-04:00 >2024-05-28T11:45:18-04:00 <p>Hey guys, I hope you can provide me with some advice. I am a Part One Architect and just got accepted into RCA for their MA Architecture course. I was a bit late for application so I only applied to a very few school, hoping someone can let me know how the MA Architecture course is in RCA. If you have been a student there that&rsquo;s even better!</p> <p>I did my undergraduate in the Bartlett and although I really enjoy the creativity side of it, my main concern is if the RCA goes way over the board on that. In the end, I still want something quite architectural. The Bartlett in my opinion has a quite a nice balance on that, I am worried the RCA might be too &ldquo;artsy&rdquo;.</p> <p>So I am currently working, the main dilemma is whether I should accept the offer or just wait for another and reapply for more options? Would really appreciate if I could hear from you guys! Thanks.</p> Masters in Architecture, coming from Theatre Design florisprins 2024-05-28T11:30:00-04:00 >2024-05-29T09:46:52-04:00 <p>Greetings Many, i wanted to ask this question on reddit which im far more active on but so far i have received no responses on r/architecture :| but it seems this forum is far more focussed on better advice.&nbsp;</p> <p>So quickly introducing myself, i am a Dutch citizen, studied 2 years public planning in Breda and decided to study theatre design in the UK later on. After my degree sadly the strikes hit, decided to return home and found i could not for the life of me find work where i could put my set design draughting skills to use. Simply said, they do not have the budget for the job i studied for. But after some discussion with my peers, family. They discussed that i could perhaps do a Masters in Architecture, as my skillset would translate well.&nbsp;</p> <p><br></p> <p>Now i would like to ask, what does this forum think?&nbsp;</p> <p>One thing to note though, please dont assume that i only choose architecture as a form of employment only, its something i have always had a deep interest in. The reason for me studying stage...</p> Extreme dysfunction at AIA national bureauspacecraft 2024-05-23T12:45:44-04:00 >2024-05-30T07:17:25-04:00 <p>There has been a lot of chatter this year about seemingly serious issues with AIA national, but these issues (apart from the "typical" AIA issues) don't seem to have come up on Archinect yet. See threads below, which are hearsay but seem legit:</p> <p><a href="" title="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a></p> <p><a href=";sort.ascending=false&amp;filter.iso3Language=eng" title=";sort.ascending=false&amp;filter.iso3language=eng" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">;sort.ascending=false&amp;filter.iso3Language=eng</a></p> <p>Is the collapse of the AIA inevitable (or possibly welcome?) Can members do anything to help right the ship or is it worth the effort at this point?</p> Value of Licensure? asweat2024 2024-05-23T11:43:00-04:00 >2024-05-27T15:00:56-04:00 <p>What is the true value of an architectural license, monetarily speaking, compared to other license types like engineering, PMP certification, or a contractor's license? Many grants require a contractor's license, and it's common for designers to seek an engineer's sign-off on documents to reduce liability. This is a broad question, but I'm struggling to find a good metric for comparing the value of a license versus other types. </p> <p>My current goal is to use a license for personal development projects like multifamily, but I'm unsure if I should pursue a PMP certificate instead for my 9-5pm job. I don't have high-end clients to afford architectural billing, and that's not the business I want to be in. My ten-year plan involves developing small multifamily properties and working in the energy sector from 9-5. The architecture career path doesn't seem viable for a reasonable quality of life; I've worked in two excellent firms but was paid significantly less compared to other industries,...</p> Seeking Feedback on My Dream Home Renovation in Google SketchUp jon.xc9 2024-05-21T01:21:00-04:00 >2024-05-30T11:33:38-04:00 <p>I'd love to get your feedback on my home re-design. I've created a detailed replica of my house using Google SketchUp and have virtually renovated it. While I didn't stick to a budget, I made sure not to modify any exterior walls except for extending bedroom #5 past the fireplace to enlarge the laundry room.</p> <p>Though this renovation is beyond my financial reach, it's been a fun project to dream about. I'd appreciate any thoughts or suggestions you might have on how I can further improve my design.</p> <p><a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a></p> <figure><p><a href=";enlarge=true&amp;w=1028" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"><img src=";enlarge=true&amp;w=514"></a></p></figure><p><br></p> Seeking Advice: TU Delft Graduates Taking the ARE in the US kellylai 2024-05-20T22:07:00-04:00 >2024-05-20T22:07:32-04:00 <p>Has anyone graduated from TU Delft and taken the ARE in New York City or another state in the US?<br></p> <p>I would love to hear about your experience with the process and the approximate timeline for completing the entire licensing procedure.</p> The Shepherd opening Detroit 18 May 2024 Donna Sink 2024-05-20T16:43:00-04:00 >2024-05-23T14:54:35-04:00 <figure><p><a href=";enlarge=true&amp;w=1028" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"><img src=";enlarge=true&amp;w=514"></a></p></figure><p>Went to the opening on Saturday and it was glorious. There are sop many interesting and cool things happening in Detroit. And I can say this: of all the Midwestern cities I go to regularly Detroiters are *definitely* the most stylish dressers.&nbsp;</p> <p>My husband's company Ignition Arts designed, fabricated, and installed the Charles McGee sculptures. Charles approved them shortly before his passing and the McGee family *wants* them to be played on, so please touch!&nbsp;</p> <p>I'll put pics in this thread.</p> Are these details correct and complete? julesporrez 2024-05-20T11:49:00-04:00 >2024-05-24T13:45:54-04:00 <p>It is a building with a wood skeleton structure. It is for my final and I don't know if im doing it good or where my faults are or how i need to fix them? It would mean the world if someone could help.</p> Urban Planning vs Private Equity proto 2024-05-20T11:05:20-04:00 >2024-05-23T16:25:08-04:00 <p>Are we kidding ourselves that there are humanist goals in Urban Planning? Is it a long slow slide towards business (or the hyperwealthy) controlling public space and how it is used/planned?</p><p>We&rsquo;ve seen Amazon rake cities over the coals for the best financial packages to site their HQ2. I came across this article about the microcosm of ski towns no longer being livable towns accessible to anyone but the 1%.</p><p><a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a><br></p><p>Are cities democratic spaces? Or just conveniences molded by money? And have they always been this way?</p> UW-Milwaukee vs UIUC vs Clemson M.Arch (2 Year) AP.arch 2024-05-18T13:06:00-04:00 >2024-05-20T10:47:26-04:00 <p>I am confused between these three universities. Though Clemson and UWM, gave me funding, UIUC gave me none, I am international Student so I was not expecting full ride. UIUC though was a university I was looking forward too but I have heard the UWM program is also great. The total tuition for UIUC is 60000 USD but for UWM - I shall only pay 18000 USD for two years(still expensive for international students but this is my best bet) . Clemson on the other hand gave me 50% off my tuition which equals to in-state and also a stipend of 900 USD, UWM has said, I can get assistantship later and get my full tuition waived as well, (This option is not available for Clemson ) as 24000usd for tution still has to be paid. In terms of finance, I know UW-milwaukee is the best choice but I wanted to know other people opinion on Clemson program as well.</p> 3rd yr architecture student seeking guidance Arch116 2024-05-17T11:11:00-04:00 >2024-05-20T13:48:39-04:00 <p>I am a 3rd year architecture student studying in India. Apparently, my university was ordered closure and we need to be transferred to another university.</p> <p>What troubles me is my anxiety which keeps on telling me that I won't be able to survive architecture college further. There is a constant self - doubt that I won't be able to pass. I won't be able to match the level of the students over there.<br></p> <p>Honestly, I love architecture and it's alll I wanna do for the rest of my life, but this all comes alongside a baggage of self doubt and lack of confidence which is mentally disturbing. I have no strength left to even motivate myself.</p> NCARB - RIBA UK Reciprocity bureauspacecraft 2024-05-17T11:10:00-04:00 >2024-05-17T19:45:20-04:00 <p>How useful is getting the reciprocal RIBA license for UK practice utilizing the relatively new NCARB-RIBA reciprocity path? It's not cheap; besides the required NCARB certificate, there's a 450 USD record transmittal fee, and 2950 GBP UK adaptation assessment fee.&nbsp;</p> <p>If I'm, hypothetically, an architect licensed in the US with 10 years of experience, how likely is it that I could get the reciprocal RIBA license and just get a job anywhere in the UK? Slim to none? Is this only for people in very specific situations?&nbsp;</p> Where to go for M.Arch - UW, UBC, Carleton? antoniocastillo 2024-05-16T15:32:00-04:00 >2024-05-30T13:15:58-04:00 <p>I am currently headed into my 4th year of my undergraduate degree in architecture at Washington State University and considering graduate schools for my M.Arch. The schools I am considering applying to are the University of Washington in Seattle, the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, and Carleton University in Ottawa (I've already done my research on NCARB / CACB education requirements, don't worry).&nbsp;</p> <p>I am both a Washington state resident and a Canadian citizen, so I would be paying pretty reasonable tuition at all of these schools, with UBC being the lowest and UW the highest. My family is in the Seattle area, so I would be able to save money on housing at UW, whereas I would have to deal with the Canadian housing crisis when finding housing at the other two schools.</p> <p>In terms of academics, I feel like UBC aligns the most with my interests, as they have a pretty big focus on the politics of architecture and housing, I really like some of their faculty, and they have reall...</p> Enscape vs twinmotion vs Lumion vs D5 axonapoplectic 2024-05-13T15:32:14-04:00 >2024-05-16T22:05:26-04:00 <p>what real time rendering addons are people using these days? I&rsquo;ve used Enscape and it seems pretty idiot proof, but not super robust. Twin motion is free for revit but seems to require a bit more set up. I haven&rsquo;t tried Lumion or D5 yet.&nbsp;<br></p><p>Pricing - enscape floating license is $80/month and can be used across all programs, lumion is $125/month, and twin motion is free for revit and free for sketchup (if your company generates under $1m annually). &nbsp;D5 is $30/month for a single user.</p><p>Anything else out there? Which one has the best library?</p> Do years of experience count if they were abroad? finngrayson 2024-05-08T17:21:58-04:00 >2024-05-21T11:46:10-04:00 <p>Hi all!</p><p>I am an architect from Latin America living in the U.S. I have roughly 8 years of architecture experience in Latin America and I am curious whether the typical U.S. architecture firm values this experience and whether it would &ldquo;count&rdquo; toward the required years of experience for particular jobs. While I feel my experience is relevant, I recognize that my background doesn&rsquo;t offer a lot of U.S. nuance (e.g., U.S. building code). How much does the country in which I&rsquo;ve worked as an architect matter to architecture firms looking for job candidates?<br></p><p>Appreciate the feedback! Thanks.</p> Do years of experience count if they were abroad? finngrayson 2024-05-08T14:30:00-04:00 >2024-05-10T06:41:31-04:00 <p>Hi all!</p> <p>I am an architect from Latin America living in the U.S. I have roughly 8 years of architecture experience in Latin America and I am curious whether the typical U.S. architecture firm values this experience and whether it would &ldquo;count&rdquo; toward the required years of experience for particular jobs. While I feel my experience is relevant, I recognize that my background doesn&rsquo;t offer a lot of U.S. nuance (e.g., U.S. building code). How much does the country in which I&rsquo;ve worked as an architect matter to architecture firms looking for job candidates?<br></p> <p>Appreciate the feedback! Thanks.</p> Insulation Recommendation Nikolay_M 2024-05-08T11:18:00-04:00 >2024-05-11T03:21:18-04:00 <p>Hello,</p> <p>according with Insulation Recommendation for "retrofitting existing house":</p> <p><a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a></p> <p>recommended R Value for 4A zone will be:</p> <p>"If your attic is uninsulated":&nbsp;R60</p> <p>"Uninsulated wood-frame wall": R5 to R10</p> <p>So, if I&nbsp;get it right, attic insulation R value should be 6-12 times higher then for walls.&nbsp; (average ratio: 1 to 9)</p> <p>Did I&nbsp;get it right ?</p> <p>What's the optimum attic/wall insulation ratio for a 1-2 store&nbsp; wood frame house ?</p> <p>Thank you,</p> <p>Nikolay</p> Student protests at architecture schools Archinect 2024-05-07T15:20:00-04:00 >2024-05-16T15:01:08-04:00 <p>As protests against the Israel-Hamas war in Gaza continue on university campuses across the U.S., we would like to provide a space here on Archinect for architecture students, faculty, leadership, and alumni to share your thoughts.</p> <p>Share below or use <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">this submission form</a>. If you prefer to remain anonymous, we will honor that.</p> Question about Harvard GSD M.Des and M.DE ArikBelner95 2024-05-05T20:26:00-04:00 >2024-05-17T05:46:09-04:00 <p>Are these programs for architecture graduates to further studies in specific areas or are these programs less premised around architecture.&nbsp;</p> <p>What are the types of projects that would belong in an application portfolio for these programs?</p> <p>Thank you</p> help required gokilavanivarshini 2024-05-05T12:43:00-04:00 >2024-05-05T12:43:22-04:00 <p>hi professional interior designers/architects,</p> <p>I am from india and i would like to know your insight about the industry and as a really passionate design and architecture aspirant, i would like to know what are the best universities in the world for interior design.</p> <p>what is your opinion about italy? is it good for studying interior design there?</p> <p>I have a list of universities that i will apply to by the month of september/october in italy:</p> <p>Politecnico milano , ISAD , FIDI, IED, NABA, IAAD, etc</p> <p>Please give your insight on this.</p> <p>The reason that i am unable to consider the design institutes in my home countries is because of the placement scams and the unaffordable fees structure for a year. it costs around $9000-12000(i think per year)</p> When architects make architecture, is it created for the public, yourself, or other architects? justifyfairly 2024-05-04T00:47:48-04:00 >2024-05-07T10:28:19-04:00 <p>Certainly this question depends on the context, but this field feels narcissistic, sometimes disregarding the public just to create something different yet ugly for the sake of innovation, especially considering that uniqueness seems to be praised more than beauty in school. Yes, beauty is often subjective, but there are certain design choices that have been done for years that the mind registers as more satisfying than others, and beauty itself is a function&hellip;</p>